
Dr. Jim L. Jordan

Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan


General Information


  • Ph.D. Geology, Rice University, 1975
  • B.S. Geology, Íæż½ã½ã, 1971

Selected Publications

Jordan J.L., Irwin G.M., and Hoffman J.H., “A Miniature Laser Mass Spectrometer System for Planetary Studies”, AIAA 2002-0464 , American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002.

Rice E.E., Hermes P.A., Musbah O.A., and Jordan J.L.,”Carbothermal Reduction of Lunar Materials for Oxygen Production on the Moon” Fnl.Rpt.OTC-G029-FR-96-1, Orbital Technologies Corporation, 1996.

Jordan J.L., Hoffman J.H., Brooks L., Chaney R., and Hammack H. "The Development of a Quadrupole Trap Analyzer for Space Applications" Final Report to NASA on NAS9-19161, Earth and Space Resources Laboratory Rep. No. 96-01, pp.21, 1996.

Swindle T.D., Boynton W.V., Chutjian A., Hoffman J.H., Jordan J.L., Kargel J.S., McEntire R.W., and Nyquist L."Isotopic Analysis and Evolved Gases", In Planetary Surface Instruments Workshop (C. Meyer et al.,eds.), pp.21-40, LPI Tech. Rept. 95-05, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, 1995.

Jordan J.L. and Hoffman J., "Concept Description for a Laser Evolved Gas Analyzer" In Mars Surveyor Science Objectives and Measurements Requirements Workshop (D.J. McCleese et al.,eds.), pp.83, JPL Tech. Rept. D12017, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 1994.

Jordan J.L., "Cold Trapping of Gases at Planetary and Interplanetary Temperatures" Final Report to NASA on NAG9-641, Earth and Space Resources Laboratory Rep. No. 94-01, pp. 45, 1994.

Jessberger E.K., Shukolyukov Yu. A., Meshik A.P., Minh D.V., and Jordan J.L., “Chemically fractionated fission-xenon in meteorites and on the Earth” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.58, No.14, pp.3075-3092,1994.

Jessberger E.K., Jordan J.L., Shukolyukov Yu. A., Meshik A.P., and Minh D.V., "Widespread Alien Xe and its Formation" In Abstracts Twenty-third Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Vol. 2 , pp. 615 , 1992.

Jordan, J.L.,"Lunar Hydrogen and Other Volatiles" AIAA Space Technologies Conference, Huntsville, AL, pp.1-6, 1992.

Cheek, C., Currie, E., Duranleau, I., Jordan, D., and Jordan, J., "An Intelligent Voice-In-A-Box Computer Control System", Proceedings of 94th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Stephen F. Austin State University, pp. 63-66, 1991.

Jordan, J.L., "Lunar Volatiles Experiments" In Workshop on the Common Lunar Lander Concept (Steve Bailey and Alan Binder, eds.), Houston, TX, July 1991.

Jordan, J.L., "Mapping Pyroclastic Deposits and Other Lunar Features for Solar Wind Implanted Helium" In Workshop on Lunar Volcanic Glasses: Scientific and Resource Potential (J.W. Delano and G.H. Heiken, eds.), LPI Tech. Rpt. 90-02. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1990.

Jordan, J.L., "Prediction of He Distribution at the Lunar Surface", Annual Invitational Symposium on Space Mining and Manufacturing, UA/NASA Space Engineering Research Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, pp.VII-38 - VII-50, 1989.

Bogard, D., Middelfehldt, D., and Jordan, J., "39Ar-40Ar Dating of Mesosiderites: A Case for Major Parent Body Disruption Less than 4.0 GY Ago?", Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. XIX, Lunar and Planet Inst., pp.112-113, 1988.

Jordan, J.L., "Rare Gas Analysis of Size Fractions from the Fayetteville Meteorite", NASA Contractor Report, NASA-CR-171984, Vol. 2, pp.17-1--17-14,1987.

Bogard, D., Horz, F., Johnson, P., Jordan, J.L., "Further Studies on the Phenomenon of Shock-Implanted Gases", Eighteenth Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Vol. 1,pp.99-100,1987.

Jordan, J.L., Barrett, R.A., Bogard, D.D., McKay, D.S., "Rare Gas and Petrological Studies of Dissagregated Size Separates of the Fayetteville Meteorite Breccia", Eighteenth Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Vol.2, pp.472-473,1987.

Jordan, J.L.,"Extraterrestrial influence on the Earth's History", 88th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Dallas, 1985.

Jordan, J.L. and Pernicka, E., "Search for extinct 36Cl in Allende", Meteoritics, Vol. 16, 1981.

Jordan, J.L., "Chlorine correlated 36Ar in Allende inclusions", Lunar and Planet. Sci. XII, The Lunar and Planet. Instit., Houston, pp.514, 1981.

Jordan, J.L., Jessberger, E.K., Kirsten, T., El Goresy, A., "Alien xenon in Allende inclusions", Meteoritics, Vol. 15, pp.309, 1980.

Pellas, P., Storzer, D., Kirsten, T., Jordan, J.L., and Richter, H., "244Pu/238U ratios in whitlockites of ordinary chondrites: a possible chronological tool", Lunar and Planet. Science X, Lunar and Planet. Inst., Houston, pp.969-970, 1979.

Jordan, J.L., Kirsten, T., and Richter, H., "129I/127I: A puzzling early solar system chronometer", Z. Naturforsch. Vol. 35a, pp.145-170, 1980.

Jordan, J.L., Kirsten, T., and Richter, H., "Degree of I-Xe correlation in ordinary chondrites of different petrological types", Meteoritics, Vol. 14, pp.434-437, 1979.

Flohs, I., Jordan, J.L., Kirsten, T., and Staudacher, T., "Joint K-Ar:Pu-Xe:I-Xe chronometry of ordinary chondrites", Meteoritics, Vol. 14, pp.397-399, 1979.

Pellas, P., Storzer, D., Kirsten, T., Jordan, J.L., and Richter, H., "U-Pu distribution and 244Pu/238U ratios in chondritic phosphates. Possible use of Pu/U ratios in ordinary chondrites as a chronometric tool", Planetes et Petits Corps du System Solaire, National Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Paris, 1978.

Jordan, J.L., Kirsten, T., and Richter, H., "More Indians join the Arapahoe tribe in I-Xe dating", Meteoritics, Vol. 13, pp.506-508, 1978.

Jordan, J.L., Kirsten, T., Richter, H., Pellas, P., and Storzer, D., "Plutonium and uranium distribution patterns in phosphates from ten ordinary chondrites", US Geol. Survey Open File Rep., 78-701, pp.215-218, 1978.

Jordan, J.L., and Kirsten, T.,"The Clayton Plot", US Geol. Survey Open File Rep., 78-701, pp.204-205, 1978.

Heymann, D., Jordan, J.L., Walker, A., Dziczkaniec, M., Ray, J., and Palma, R., "Inert gas measurements in the Apollo 16 drill core and an evaluation of the stratigraphy and depositional history of this core", Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, Vol. 2, pp.1885-1912, 1978.

Jordan, J.L. and Kirsten, T., and Richter, H., " I-Xe dating of selected ordinary chondrites", Meteoritics, Vol. 12, pp.269-270, 1977.

Kirsten, T., Jordan, J.L., Richter, H., Pellas, P., and Storzer, D., "Plutonium in phosphates from xenon and track data", Meteoritics, Vol. 12, pp.279-270, 1977.

Jordan, J.L. and Heymann, D., "40Ar intercept values and young 40K-40Ar ages of five Apollo 15 fines", Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. Vol 34, pp.159-164, 1977.

Kiko, J., Buchler, K., Jordan, J.L., Kalbitzer, S., Kirsten, T., Muller, H.W., Plieninger, T., and Warhaut, M., "Comparison of rare gas concentration profiles in Lunar and artificially implanted ilmenites measured with the gas ion probe", Meteoritics, Vol. 11, pp.309-312, 1976.

Muller, H.W., Jordan, J.L., Kalbitzer, S., Kiko, J., and Kirsten, T., "Rare gas ion probe analysis of helium profiles in individual lunar soil particles", Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf.7th, Vol. 1, pp.937-952, 1976.

Jordan, J.L., and Heymann, D., "Inert gas-stratigraphy of sections 60002 and 60004 of the Apollo 16 deep drill core", In: Lunar Science VII, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1976.

Jordan, J.L., and Heymann, D., "Inert gas systematics of fines at the Apollo 17 landing site; Localized regolith deposits at Apollo 15, 16, 17", In: Lunar Science VI, pp.448-450, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1975.

Heymann, D., Walton, J.R., Jordan, J.L., Lakatos, S., and Yaniv, A., "Light and dark soils at the Apollo 16 landing site", The Moon, Vol. 13, pp.81-110, 1975.

Jordan, J.L. and Heymann, D., "Inert gases in fines at three levels of the trench at Van Serg crater", Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th, Vol. 2, pp.2201-2218, 1975.

Jordan, J.L., "Inert gas investigations of Apollo 15 and 17 landing sites", Ph.D. Dissertation, Rice University, 1975.

Walton, J.R., Heymann, D., Jordan, J.L., and Yaniv, A. "Evidence for solar cosmic ray proton-induced neon in fines 67701 from the rim of North Ray crater", Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, Vol. 2, pp. 2045-2060, 1974.

Jordan, J.L., Heymann, D., Lakatos, S., "Inert gas patterns in the regolith at the Apollo 15 landing site", Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta, pp. 65-78, 1974.

Jordan, J.L., Lakatos, S., and Heymann, D., "Inert gases in fines from the Hadley-Appennine Region", In: The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples, Eds. J.W. Chamberlain and C. Watkins, 1974.

Jordan, J.L., Lakatos, S., and Heymann, D., "Ar-Kr-Xe systematics in Apollo 15 fines", In: Lunar Science IV,pp. 415-417, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1974.