
Undergraduate Course Inventory

Political Science Course Offerings and Descriptions

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Political Science (POLS)

Course Number: 1301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro to Political Science

Course Description:
An introductory survey of the concepts, techniques, and methods for analyzing the political behavior of individuals, groups, and nations.

Course Number: 2301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro to American Government I

Course Description:
The national and Texas constitutions; federalism; political socialization and participation; public opinion and interest groups; parties, voting and elections.

Course Number: 2302
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro/American Government II

Course Description:
The legislative, executive and judicial branches and the bureaucracy; policy formulation and implementation including civil rights and civil liberties, domestic and foreign policies.

Course Number: 2351
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Statistics for Social Science

Course Description:
Provides the basic concepts and techniques of statistics employed in social science research including descriptive statistics; measures of central tendency and dispersion; correlation and regression analysis; and inductive statistics.

Course Number: 3313
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Judicial Process

Course Description:
Examines the theory and structure of the American court system; its personnel and decision-making processes; criminal and civil law processes and procedures; and judicial politics.

Course Number: 3314
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Legislative Process

Course Description:
Examines the structure, functioning and political control of legislative bodies.

Course Number: 3317
Credit Hours: 3
Title: American Presidency

Course Description:
Explores the operation of the presidency in foreign and domestic decision-making, including political, social and economic policy areas. Analyzes the presidential nomination and election processes.

Course Number: 3320
Credit Hours: 3
Title: International Politics

Course Description:
The concepts underlying the Western State system; nationalism and imperialism; the techniques and instruments of power politics and the foreign policies of selected states.

Course Number: 3330
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro to Comparative Politics

Course Description:
Provides a general survey of the field of comparative politics.

Course Number: 3332
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Politics Western Democracies

Course Description:
Examines the political institutions, political processes, and public policies of western democracies.

Course Number: 3341
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro to Public Administration

Course Description:
Provides an introduction to American public administration with emphasis on modern problems and trends.

Course Number: 3343
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Public Policy Formulation

Course Description:
This course provides a general overview of policy making in the United States including decision making at multiple levels of government. It focuses on policy formulation - the stage at which decisions are made by policy makers. The relative success of societal groups that seek to influence policies and policy formulation will also be examined.

Course Number: 3344
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Introduction to Public Policy

Course Description:
This course provides a general overview of public policy, the process of public policy making, and the different types of public policies in the united states. The course focuses on political philosophy, ideologies, rules of institutions, behavioral economics and the various methods used to assess the impact on public policies.

Course Number: 3345
Credit Hours: 3
Title: State and Local Government

Course Description:
This course provides an overview of the political systems of the American states, including the three branches of state governments; the political actors that influence state governments and state policies; the differences and similarities of state governments in the United States; and the concept of federalism and the role of local governments.

Course Number: 3352
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Advanced Research Methods

Course Description:
Examines special problems, topics, cases, models, and theories in political science research.

Course Number: 3360
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Legal Internship I

Course Description:
Provides practical experience in law office procedure and operation with career related assignments and projects under the guidance of a faculty member.

Course Number: 3361
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Legal Internship II

Course Description:
Provides practical experience in law office procedure and operation with career related assignments and projects under the guidance of a faculty member.

Course Number: 3363
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Public Policy Internship I

Course Description:
Provides practical experience in a government or political office with career related assignments under the guidance of a faculty member.

Course Number: 4312
Credit Hours: 3
Title: American Constitutional Law and Development

Course Description:
Development of the U.S. Constitution through judicial interpretations. Emphasis given to cases dealing with federalism, separation of powers, due process, and civil rights and liberties.

Course Number: 4322
Credit Hours: 3
Title: International Law/Institutions

Course Description:
Explores the political, legal, and institutional foundations of the modern international system including the United Nations. Emphases include peaceful settlements of international disputes and global institutional systems.

Course Number: 4361
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Directed Study

Course Description:
Students may study individually with an instructor in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.

Course Number: 4362
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics in Political Science

Course Description:
Selected special topics from the subfields of political science. Course may be repeated for credit when the topic varies.

Course Number: 4461
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Directed Study

Course Description:
Students may study individually with an instructor in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.

Course Number: 4661
Credit Hours: 6
Title: Directed Study

Course Description:
Students may study individually with an instructor in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.