
Baby video lands Íæż½ã½ã grad TyRe Alexander on the Today Show

A family video made more than 25 years ago landed Íæż½ã½ã alumni TyRe Alexander a spot on the TyRe Alexander.

On Jan. 8, Alexander appeared on ’s morning show to meet Jim McKay, a man who bought a VHS player from Goodwill and found Alexander was so dynamic, Íæż½ã½ã decided to catch up with him. Glad we did!  

Q: You were so positive and had such a great attitude on the Today Show, we wanted to know you better. Have you always been such an upbeat person?
A: Everybody has their story. Your story makes or breaks you. I decided at a young age to allow my story to make me a better person instead of break me down. My job is to spread love and spread smiles. I work with the youth and always want them to leave feeling happy. They can move on with their day with a smile on their face. That’s the goal of life to spread the good news. The good news is holding the door open, sharing a smile and doing the little things for people. You have to make sure you put the good energy out in the world because it will come back and it’s fulfilling.  There is no gain from being nice but there is fulfilment when you don’t expect anything in return. Be genuine and know that if goodness happens back, it’s a blessing. Go be a blessing.  That’s what I try to do instead of saying, “woe is me,” I keep pushing, keep smiling and that’s what you want to do. You can’t control what anyone else does, but you can control what’s on your face because what’s on your face will spread to your thought process and your actions. The only way you can go up is to be positive.

Q: You work with youth. What do you do?
A: I’m an educator for Round Rock and Leander ISD. I sub exclusively with McNiel High School Men’s Soccer or at Deerpark Middle School. I also teach an after-school program at Pleasant Hill Elementary. 

Q: So you have degree in education?
A: Yes. I’ve always thought I’d come back to Lamar and get my master’s degree in education, but I haven’t had time and college was difficult for me because I was the college kid who worked, played football and went to school. I’d work in the morning before a football game, play the game, and it was hard. But when I walked across that stage at graduation, I was the first in my family to do that. I remember that I said no matter how tired I am I’m going to walk the stage.

I did find the balance to get me through school and now can use my experience to educate other people and make it easier for them. Because, if we are not helping people to experience easier life then we’re not serving a purpose. Some don’t find their purpose but I’m blessed to know my purpose at a young age. What I put out in the world is now blessing me. I mean think about how crazy it is that I got a call from the Today Show from a baby video. My purpose to smile every day and make life easier for people is now taking me places I could never imagine. Some people aren’t blessed to understand purpose. Some are in a black hole and not able to get out. But I’m going to smile every single day and know that I made a good impact on others.

Q: Why did you attend Íæż½ã½ã?
A: I attended Íæż½ã½ã to play football. I went to West Brook High School and I was a walk on in 2014. It was just a great experience to play football at Íæż½ã½ã. I actually started out playing football in Michigan but wanted to escape the winter and came back. It was wonderful, getting back on the field and being home.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories?
A: Homecoming week was always amazing; we just had so much fun with the football team and the court, fraternities and sororities. It was like a carnival all week long. Hump Day was a great tradition. Homecoming always got people out of their dorms and brought people together. There were always organizations doing things and just a lot of student interaction is what I really take from Íæż½ã½ã. Everybody on campus would meet in front of the library. There was always something to do, always networking and plenty of organizations to join.

Q: Have some life philosophies?
A: Smile every day and let your smile be contagious and let your happiness be intoxicating. Change the narrative because you want better for yourself and those around you. Have true dominion over your life. Yeah, the phone bill is coming, the fridge is empty and you got $3 in your account, but you smile.  The next thing you know you get asked if want a donut and an extra water bottle. That’s how the world truly works.  

Control yourself because that’s what’s going to get you ahead in life.  I’m not talking about ahead in life, like success or a job, but ahead because you have your head up and not down. You can’t see what lies in front of you with your head down. You know the last time I saw my dad was when I graduated from Íæż½ã½ã. But that is a big part of the way I am. I was able to grow into the person I am and can say I’m thankful for how things worked out. Now that’s just part of me taking control of my life. I’m glad that part's over. I now know that was a wild ride that I needed to get to where I am now. I’m glad that happened so I’m here now. I didn’t just sulk, but when I get down on myself for making mistakes, I just say, “Oh man, look all this time I’ve spent being upset when I can spend time being happy.” (Alexander didn’t want to get specific about his relationship with his father.) 

In this life that we live so many times we have to find ways to separate things and put things in categories but we just need to understand.  Don’t observe things from afar seek to understand.  Understanding is embracing. Embrace the moment, the idea, the person; embrace the work ethic, embrace the journey. You can look to your future; you can’t wait to get there but enjoy where you are at.  Keep an eye on the future but embrace the journey, you’ll grow every time. Often, we’re looking to the future and it’s all we’re worried about but then we get to that next level and we’re still not satisfied. Come to find out, we were fulfilled in the idea of where we could be and not enjoying the journey and the present. Embrace your moments. I ignored moments in my life, and even fought them, but every time I embraced a moment I found myself in a better situation.

Motivate yourself by anything and everything that happens to you.

Go in with a positive attitude. If you go in with a negative attitude, then you’ll get a different outcome.

Find solutions. Don’t get defensive and argue. Resolve to find solutions.

Q: What was it like being on the Today Show?
A: It was a great experience.  is my man. (Chuckles)
Category: Student Life , General , News

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