
Location: 101 Health & Human Performance Complex A, Phone: (409) 880-2226

Chair: Charles Nix
Chair E-mail: clnix@my.lamar.edu

Degree Coordinators:

Exercise Science: Dan Chilek, (409) 880-8090, drchilek@my.lamar.edu, HHPA 106A

Health: Israel Msengi, (409) (409) 880-8716, igmsengi@my.lamar.edu, HHPA 207

Kinesiology: Lorraine Killion, (409) 880-7748, lorraine.killion@lamar.edu, HHPA 209

M.S. in Health Promotion: Barbarba Hernandez, (409) 880-7725, barbara.hernandez@lamar.edu, HHPA 218

M.S. in Kinesiology: Doug Boatwright, (409) 880-8700, jdboatwrigh@my.lamar.edu, HHPA 106D

The Department of Health and Kinesiology provides several career options for students. Two teacher education certification programs are offered: health and kinesiology.  Two programs of study in exercise science and fitness management and in community health are available for careers in public and private agencies. Undergraduate programs lead to a Bachelor of Science degree in Health or Kinesiology and the graduate programs in Health or Kinesiology lead to a Master of Science degree.
All university students are required to complete a minimum of 1 credit hour of physical education general activity (PEGA) in order to satisfy the university core curriculum requirements. Note: KINA classes will not satisfy the university physical education general activity program credit hour requirement. The physical education general activity program is designed to develop life-long activity skills, as well as enhance the general education objectives of the university.

Degrees Offered


  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Teacher Certification) – 123 hours
  • Bachelor of Science in Health (Teacher Certification) – 124 hours
  • Bachelor of Science in Health (Non-Certification Community Health) – 122 hours
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science & Fitness Management – 120 hours


  • Master of Science in Health Promotion – 30 hours (thesis option or 36-hour non-thesis option)
  • Master of Science in Kinesiology – 30 hours (thesis option or 36-hour non-thesis option)


The health program of study offers two options for a career in health education. The Health Teacher Education Program leads to certification to teach EC-12 Health plus an approved additional teaching field at the secondary level. The Community Health program is a non-teacher certification program that prepares students for a career in public, government, non-profit and private health agencies. A student must have completed the English, Math, Biology, Political Science and History General Education Requirements prior to enrolling in the 3000 and 4000 level health professional courses. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the health professional courses.  There are prerequisites for most 3000 and 4000 level health professional courses.  An internship or student teaching is required for each degree.


The kinesiology program of study prepares the student for a teaching career in kinesiology. The kinesiology teacher education program leads to EC-12 Physical Education Certification.
The course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree and teacher certification in kinesiology encompasses three areas of work:

  1. the required block of professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT) - 33 semester hours,
  2. the required block of professional development courses (PEDG) - 24 semester hours, and
  3. the required block of professional activity courses (KINA) - 18 semester hours.

A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the kinesiology professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT) and in the professional activity courses (KINA). A student must have completed the English, Math, Biology, Political Science, and History General Education Requirements prior to enrolling in the 3000 and 4000 level professional theory courses (KINT).

For teacher certification in Health and Kinesiology, the required blocks of professional development courses are READ 3326, PEDG 3310, 3320, 3380, 4340 and 4630, and PEDG 2310. A student must be admitted to the College of Education and Human Development’s teacher education program before enrolling in professional development courses (PEDG 2310 is taken prior to admission into the teacher education program).

The required blocks of professional activity courses are KINA 1370, KINA 2378, and KINA 3390.  Nine additional hours must be selected from KINA 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373.  

Exercise Science and Fitness Management (ESFM)
The exercise science and fitness management program of study prepares the student for a career in corporate or community fitness, personal training, physical therapy, exercise physiology, cardiac rehabilitation, and athletic training. The course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree encompasses several areas: (1) the required block of professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT), (2) the required block of physical activity courses (KINA 2378 and PEGA), and (3) the block of courses from a chosen emphasis area (management, laboratory sciences clinical or diet & nutrition track, community and private recreation, or athletic training.) A student must have successfully completed 45 semester credit hours to include the English, Math, and Laboratory Sciences general education requirements in addition to KINA 2378 (Applied Fitness Concepts) and KINT 2371 (Functional Anatomy and Physiology) before enrolling in the 3000- and 4000- level ESFM professional courses. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the professional theory (KINT & HLTH) and activity (KINA & PEGA) courses.

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301 and 1302 6 ENGL Literature 3
MATH 1314 3 POLS 2301 and 2302 6
MATH 1342 or PSYC 2471 3 HIST 1301 and 1302 6
BIOL 2401 or 2402 8 Social Science 3
HLTH 1370 3 COSC 1371 3
PEGA 1 KINA 2378 2
PHIL 1370 3 FCSC 1322 3
HLTH 1306 3 HLTH 2374 3
HLTH 1373 3 Fine Arts 3
30 32
Third Year Fourth Year
HLTH 3378 3 HLTH 4340 3
BIOL 1102 1 HLTH 4346 3
HLTH 3360 3 HLTH 4370 3
HLTH 3370 3 Related Minor 6
HLTH 3372 3 HLTH 4372 3
BIOL 2420 4 COMM 3
Related Minor 12 HLTH 4660 Internship 6
29 27

Entrance Requirements

  1. Entering Freshmen who meet the University’s general entrance requirements may be admitted to the Department of Health and Kinesiology.
  2. Students who wish to enter Teacher Certification programs, the Community Health program, or the Exercise Science and Fitness Management program in the Department of Health and Kinesiology must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on all work attempted.

Bachelor of Science – Kinesiology
Teacher Certification Program
EC-12 Certification – Total Min. Hours: 123

Bachelor of Science – Health
Teacher Certification Program

EC-12 Certification – Total Min. Hours: 124

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301 and 1302 6 ENGL Literature 3
MATH 1314 3 POLS 2301 and 2302 6
MATH 1342 or PSYC 2471 3 HIST 1301 and 1302 6
BIOL 2401 and 2402 8 Social Science 3
HLTH 1370 3 COSC 1371 3
PEGA 1 FCSC 1322 3
PHIL 1370 3 HLTH 2374 3
HLTH 1306 3 SPED 2310 3
HLTH 1373 3 Fine Arts 3
BIOL 1102 1
33 34
Third Year Fourth Year
Communication 3 HLTH 3360 3
HLTH 3372 3 HLTH 3378 3
PEDG 3310 3 HLTH 4340 3
PEDG 3320 3 HLTH 4372 3
PEDG 3326 3 Supplementary Teaching Area 6
HLTH 3380 3 PEDG 4340 3
HLTH 3370 3 PEDG 4630 (student teaching all levels) 6
Supplementary Teaching Area 9
30 27

Athletic Training Specialization

Licensure by the State of Texas as an Athletic Trainer is available through meeting the following requirements:

  1. Admission to the Athletic Training Internship Program at Íæż½ã½ã.
  2. Completion of a minimum of 1800 clock hours over a period of at least five academic semesters prior to graduation.
  3. Completion of an undergraduate degree in addition to certain course require-ments.
  4. Successful completion of Texas Department of State Health Services Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers licensure examination.