
B.S. Industrial Engineering

Fall 2015

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Industrial Engineering

General Education Core Curriculum

Communication - 6 Hours:

ENGL 1301 - Composition I

Choose 1 from:

  • COMM 1315 - Public Speaking
  • COMM 1321 - Business and Professional Speech
  • DSDE 1371 - American Sign Language I
  • FREN 1311 - Beginning French I
  • SPAN 1311 - Beginning Spanish I

Mathematics* - 3 Hours:

MATH 2413 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I

Life and Physical Sciences* - 6 Hours:

PHYS 2425 - University Physics I

PHYS 2426 - University Physics II

Language, Philosophy and Culture - 3 Hours From:

PHIL 1370 - Philosophy of Knowledge

PHIL 2306 - Ethics

Creative Arts - 3 Hours From:

ARTS 1301 - Art Appreciation I

ARTS 1303 - Art History I

DANC 2304 - Dance Appreciation

MUSI 1306 - Music Appreciation

MUSI 1310 - History of Rock and Roll

COMM 1375 - Film Appreciation

PHIL 1330 - Arts and Ideas

THEA 1310 - Introduction to Theatre

American History - 6 Hours From:

HIST 1301 - US History I 1763-1877

HIST 1302 - US History II Since 1877

HIST 2301 - Texas History

Government/Political Science - 6 Hours:

POLS 2301 - Introduction to American Government I

POLS 2302 - Introduction to American Government II

Social and Behavioral Sciences - 3 Hours:

INEN 2373 - Engineering Economics

Component Area Options - 6 Hours:

MATH 2414 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry II

*The additional hour from MATH 2413, PHYS 2425 & 2426 are applied here

Required Courses for Major

CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Laboratory

CHEM 1311 - General Chemistry I

CHEM 1112 - General Chemistry II Laboratory

CHEM 1312 - General Chemistry II

CVEN 2301 - Statics

ELEN 2310 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

INEN 1101 - Introduction to Engineering

INEN 2360 - Computer Applications in I.E.

INEN 3320 - Probability and Statistics for Engineering

INEN 3322 - Engineering Materials and Processes

INEN 3380 - Work Design

INEN 4300 - Quality Improvement

INEN 4315 - Industrial Management

INEN 4316 - Industrial and Product Safety

INEN 4320 - Statistical Decision Making in Engineering

INEN 4323 - I.E. Systems Design

INEN 4345 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing

INEN 4350 - Production and Inventory Control

INEN 4370 - Operations Research

INEN 4375 - Simulations of I.E. Systems

INEN 4385 - I.E. Design

MATH 3301 - Ordinary Differential Equation

MATH 3328 - Linear Algebra I

MEEN 2302 - Dynamics

Elective Courses

INEN/TECH Electives - 12 Hours:

Courses must be approved by Program Advisor


Leveling Courses*:

BULW 3310 - Business Law

ECON 1301 - Pprinciples and Policies

BCON 3350 - Business Communications

MKTG 3310 - Principles of Marketing

ACCT 2301 - Introduction to Financial Accounting

*Only for students pursuing the 5-year BSIE/MBA

All STEM courses require a grade of C or better to satisfy degree plan/prerequisite requirements

