
May 8, 2018

Tuesday, 05/08/2018
Reaud 312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

May 8, 2018
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees: James Marquart, Paul Bernazzani, Katrina Brent, Derina Holtzhausen, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Srinivas Palanki, Bob Spina, Sarah Tusa, and Henry Venta.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated April 24, 2018 were approved as written.  


Faculty Promotion and Tenure: 2018-19 Schedule

The 2018-19 schedule was reviewed and approved as written.


COOP - Planning

Dr. Nichols discussed the COOP planning presented to the Executive Committee by Gary Nash, Director of EHS and Risk Management.  There are many pieces to the COOP planning with communication being a large portion.  Dr. Nichols received the 33 page document outlining the plan and will forward it electronically to the members of the Dean’s council.  The plan is to start with Academic Affairs and go from there.  To start, the Provost Office is requesting an emergency contact list from each College.  This emergency list should be revised and sent every fall.


 Incomplete Apps

A status update on Graduate Applications as of May 8, 2018 was distributed and discussed.  Dr. Brent discussed how to get the information needed whether from Native Banner or ARGOS.  It was suggested deans take list of incomplete graduate school applications, find out what’s missing, get in touch with the student/s, and encourage him/her to turn in what’s missing.  Deans need to communicate; if a department hasn’t made a decision in a month, or they know the student doesn’t qualify for one masters, let Admissions know so they can be offered a different area. If you see an obstacle, let the Provost and others know immediately so issues can be worked out.


Data Analytics

Dr. Marquart distributed copies of admission/enrollment data, the “first iteration of data analytics at Íæż½ã½ã”.  There have been weekly meetings being held with IRR to pull this data together. The data was discussed in detail.  Beginning next week, these reports should start going to the deans directly.  An inquiry was made if the deans would be able to receive the names of all transfer students admitted with 60+ hours.  Dr. Brent will look into having these names sent.


 Academic Partnership

Another meeting was held recently with the Academic Partnership group.  Applications and enrollments are down.  Deans were asked if they have AP programs in his/her college and would like to request an audit or process evaluation, let Dr. Marquart or Dr. Nichols know. 


Dr. Nichols then brought two recommendations.  1.) The Registrar’s Office be responsible for creating 3 sections for every online course. (Dual Credit, AP, on-campus)  2.)  Only Deans can cancel classes for online sections.  Both recommendations were approved.  


Success Training

A few abridged course catalogs and brochures from the Success Training Institute were distributed.  Deans asked to take and look it over.  Is this something we should offer to our students?  


Revise/Review T&P Criteria to fit with Annual Evaluation

Dr. James Slaydon will serve as the new Faculty Senate President for 2018-19, with Dr. Jennifer Daniels as Vice President. One of the things that came up this year in Faculty Senate was Tenure & Promotion criteria as it relates to annual faculty evaluations. Dr. Marquart facilitated discussion on T&P criteria, and will follow-up with a memo asking the deans to consider: Is it up-to-date?  Does it need to be revisited in the fall? Does it need to be updated by department? An idea was also brought up to have a Tenure & Promotion workshop in March or April to help faculty who are planning or thinking about going up for T&P in the fall.    


I-20 – Recruitment “Solving Problems”

Discussion revolved around what is working and what is not.


Other/Comments from Members 


  1. Comments made regarding graduation this weekend.
  2. The Reaud Excellence in Education Award Gala is being held tonight in the Reaud Event Center.
  3. At the recommendation of Faculty Senate, the University is looking into hiring an ombudsman for the university.


  1. Handouts distributed and reviewed regarding algorithms for summer 2018. It was also suggested to make the adjunct/overload pay for the summer consistent across the colleges, at a rate of $3,000. There were no objections.
  2. A list of May Mini and Summer Drop Dates was distributed.


  1. The Íæż½ã½ã Digital Ticket Learning Technologies Conference for faculty and staff is scheduled for this Friday.  There are 160 registered to attend.



Meeting adjourned by Dr. Marquart at 3:30pm