
August 28, 2018

Tuesday, 08/28/2018
Reaud Exec. Conf. Room #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

August 28, 2018
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


 Attendees:  James Marquart,  Arne Almquist, Katrina Brent, Dan French, Bill Harn, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Bob Spina, and Victor Zaloom.


I.  Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated August 14, 2018

The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated August 14, 2018, were approved as written.


II. GUEST: Bill Harn – Dean of Graduate Studies

Masters Comps – The university-wide graduate academic policy states that non-thesis students must complete a comprehensive exam at the end of his/her course work.  This policy was discussed at length.  There was a debate on whether a “final project” could be established and serve as a comprehensive exam.  Graduate Curriculum Council approval would be needed for the “project”.  Dr. Harn will put something together for the Council to review.


III. Round Table Discussion


Brenda Nichols

  • Handouts showing summer POT I and POT 2 enrollments were distributed and a few problem areas discussed.
  • The draft copy of accreditation programs within the university was distributed for everyone to review. CACREP for the College of Education was left off and will be added. If any other revisions needed, please let Dr. Nichols know before the list is finalized.


Dan French

Things are going well.  First Convocation experience last week with the College of Business.  


Arne Almquist

  • Dean Almquist is continuing to meet with numerous people and departments in his new role, including Library staff, budgeting, finance, and development people.
  • Treasure chest of equipment found stored in the Library has now been inventoried. There are some high-end equipment carrying cases available if anyone is interested.
  • Organizational structure changes being made.
  • Space utilization – looking into improving/re-creating small group study rooms.


Lynn Maurer

  • Toured the new Science and Technology building, it looks great! Dean Maurer and Dr. Paul Bernazzani are leading up the committee for the space allocation competition.
  • Dealing with faculty issues.


Victor Zaloom

The ABET Engineering accreditation is scheduled for October 14-16, 2018.  Reviewers will be coming from North Carolina State, Mexico, Bucknell University, Rice, and Georgia Tech, along with a new team chair coming from University of Central Florida. Engineering has been busy working on the schedule, invitations, as well as a lunch meeting for support areas/departments.   


Katrina Brent

  • Freshman numbers are up, but down some from 1st class day last year.  Meeting held with IRR on count year numbers.  
  • Meeting held about admission criteria. SAT scores were recalibrated again in June and Lamar is trying to match it up with the ACT.  A change in SAT requirements may result in less FTIC in summer 2019.
  • There is a course program by Degree Works where only courses that apply to your current academic program can be included to determine eligibility for financial aid.
  •  Fall 2018 retention numbers can be obtained from Katrina.


Bob Spina

  • College of Education enrollment numbers were shared. The numbers as of last Friday (the day before drop-date for non-payment) were very positive. 
  • Dean Spina took part in a tour of the old First Baptist Church building downtown Beaumont. There is a group from Houston who want to revitalize downtown and are interested in Íæż½ã½ã running a culinary school out of this old church building. 
  • There is nothing new to report on the Charter School with BISD. Dean Spina participated in another webinar yesterday.


Derina Holtzhausen

  • Family and Consumer Sciences complimented on participating in week of restaurants to raise money for scholarships.
  • College Convocation went well with the topics of student success and 4 year reviews being included.
  • In the area of community outreach, the first La Grand Bal planning meeting was held and the first Department of Art faculty exhibition for the year is scheduled this Friday, August 31st, at the Dishman Art Museum.
  • Marching Band this year has about 225 members.
  • Dean Holtzhausen met with tenure track and incoming instructors and challenged them with “What are you going to do to define Íæż½ã½ã?”
  • The College of Fine Arts and Communications has received two applications for market alignment of salaries to complete.

IV. CORE Courses – End of Semester Grades, Monitor

Student success is our focus. When it comes to drop/failure rates in core courses, we need to look at who is at the front of the classroom? Deans asked to think about these non-tenure track instructors/adjuncts and if there might be a better way to evaluate them.


V.  Fully Evaluate Promotion and Tenure, and Appointment Criteria

The differences in promotion and tenure guidelines between the colleges and college departments were discussed.


VI. Executive Session – Personnel Matter (Academic Deans Only)

A request presented to the Provost to toll the tenure clock was discussed with the academic deans.  Based on the Faculty Handbook, this request does not meet the requirements for tolling the tenure clock, and is therefore denied.  


VII. Adjourn: