
September 11, 2018

Tuesday, 09/11/2018
Reaud #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

September 11, 2018
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


 Attendees:  James Marquart,  Arne Almquist, Katrina Brent, Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Bob Spina, and Victor Zaloom.


I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated August 28, 2018

The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated August 28, 2018, were approved with one correction made.


II. GUESTS: Deidra Mayer, Exec. Director of Admissions/Recruitment

                   Nikki Contreras, Director of Admissions


English Language Proficiency Scores

Deidra reviewed the recommendation to make an adjustment to Íæż½ã½ã’s English proficiency examination scores to reflect those of our peer institutions.  Copies of the proposal were distributed. This proposal would allow the breakdown of some barriers to help get students here.  The proposal has been approved by the University’s Admission’s Committee and is now seeking approval from the Dean’s Council. 

Decision:  It was requested deans be given a few days to read over the proposal in detail and consider how it will affect his/her college.  Thoughts and comments are to be sent to Dr. Marquart.


Re-Admit Process    

If a student is out one long semester, they have to reapply for admission to Lamar.  Copies of the current readmission review process, a flow chart, and a breakdown of readmission information by Major were distributed.  The information on readmission by Major was reviewed.  There was discussion on the how to handle students with a GPA under 2.0.  Moving them to general studies is one temporary solution considered.    

What would be the lowest GPA to consider for this? 

Decision:  It was requested Deans review and think on this a few days and make a decision by next week.  Thoughts and comments are to be sent to Dr. Marquart. 


Brenda Nichols – Reminder that the Graduate Office must be notified when someone is  declined. 


III. Memo 

The Deans received a memo from the Provost addressing student performance and the importance of faculty to continue to evaluate student success with vigor and fairness. In addition, faculty who wish to update and/or improve their instructional capabilities are encouraged to reach out to the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement or any of the instructional designers for assistance.   


IV. Lab Control

Dr. Marquart spoke to the issue of quality control, lab inventory, and lab safety for labs under Academic Affairs that are fun by faculty.  He is looking in to hiring someone work on policies and procedures for lab control.  Deans asked to remind faculty that any student in their labs must be properly trained and sit through training.



Dr. Nordgren has been looking closely at QEP.  He attended a SACS summer meeting yesterday and met with Mr. Taylor, who requested that we focus down. Our  QEP will now focus on 4 math pathways. The plan is to diversify and enhance our entry level quantitative courses, starting this fall with contemporary math, and adding statistics in spring.  The plan is being reviewed.  Dr. Jeremy Alm is co-chairing with Dr. Nordgren.  They will be going around to the colleges this semester to discuss. It was also announced the Wings of Success program has been put on hold.  



 Dr. Marquart:

  • An ad will be floated internally for a Building Director for the new Science & Technology building. This position will be responsible for scheduling classes, labs, be responsible for equipment, etc.
  • Derina Holtzhausen has agreed to chair the Scheduling Committee to look at the Core courses.
  • Noel Levitz consultant was here Friday. While they have been utilized for undergrad strategies, they have been asked to now start focusing on graduate student strategies.  Built out recruitment strategies are needed for both levels.
  • Inquiry made if anyone has faculty going up for full professor this year. Three of the deans stated yes.  Reminder that materials are due October 1st.


Arne Almquist

  • Concentrating on getting processes within the library to move faster.
  • Putting together a budget.
  • Staff changes being considered.


 Vic Zaloom

  • Working hard on accreditation. First conference call to new team chair held. The date for Provost Marquart to meet with the Assistant Professors is scheduled for October 5th. The accreditation visit schedule was reviewed.
  • The Engineering Advisory Council is scheduled for September 24th. Department Chairs to be invited this time.
  • On the industry side with Emerson and Honeywell, Drs. Zaloom and Marquart need to make a plant site visit. The Dean will reach out and set up a date.


Dan French

Dean French encouraged everyone to review the issue presented by Dr. Bill Harn at the last meeting regarding comprehensive final assessments for graduate programs and make sure they are in compliance.     

Lynn Maurer

  • Working on Science & Technology proposals due on Monday.
  • The Íæż½ã½ã Academic Lecture Series will feature Kip Thorne on October 16th at 7:30pm in the University Theatre.
  • Working on various grievances within the college.
  • Tenure and Promotion schedules starting up.
  • The Center for History and Culture held a history lecture last night in the Reaud Event Center.
  • White Coat ceremony for Nursing is tonight from 6:00 – 8:00pm on the 8th


Katrina Brent

  • Attended the THECB Briefing and Convening in Austin yesterday, “2018 Advocating for Emergency Aid Programs in Higher Education Statewide Convening” and gathered some helpful information. Marquart, who also attended, shared his thoughts.
  • Meeting held this morning on enrollment.  For incoming and A/P students, our numbers are up.  By spring, specific enrollment will be given out for each college.   


Derina Holtzhausen

  • The first Research Colloquium presented by the Department of Speech and Hearing will be held September 27th at 5:00pm in the Rothwell Recital Hall.
  • A new Student Council for The College of Fine Arts and Communication is being formed. They will focus on a project each year. The first goal they will focus on is retention from a student perspective.
  • Friends of the Arts recently donated money to use for awards. Faculty Council is working on establishing the awards, such as Researcher of the Year, Artist of the Year, Professor of the Year, etc.
  • Offering an online Masters of Music degree is being discussed. The goal would be to start fall 2019. 
  • Dean Holtzhausen met with and is working with Tony Sarto on recruitment process.
  • All faculty in the COFAC will be trained on SSC this semester.
  • A request was made to the College of Arts and Sciences to offer more sessions in Space Science. Many of the students love this course and currently there is only one section.


Brenda Nichols

  • A contract extension has been signed with Blackboard. SAS will now be cloud based. Blackboard will have to be shut down for 5 days during Winter Mini.


VII. Adjourn: 3:20pm