
October 9, 2018

Tuesday, 10/09/2018
Reaud Building, Conf. Room #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

October 9, 2018
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees: James Marquart,  Arne Almquist, Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Bob Spina, and Victor Zaloom.

I.  Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated September 11, 2018  

   The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated September 11, 2018, were approved as written.


II.  GUESTS: Srinivas Palanki, Associate Provost, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Roxanne Parks and Twila Baker

          RE : Rules Governing Research Centers at Íæż½ã½ã

Two topics for discussion were the rules governing research and the second was identifying what qualifies as a “center”. The handout “Íæż½ã½ã Procedures for Center Research Efforts” was distributed.  Roxanne Parks briefly reviewed the document contents, highlighting the sections for center-funded internal research, center-funded internal and external research, and externally-funded research.  There are federal rules governing this and how the money is dispersed. Roxanne touched on the software that is used and how it helps.  There are four recognized centers on campus that currently receive funding. Anything pertaining to research should go through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

           ACTION: The handout Rules Governing Research Centers at Íæż½ã½ã, as well as a draft administrative policy on research regarding “procedures for establishing and operating institutes and centers” will be emailed to the Dean’s Council members for review.  Both documents are to be reviewed and pros and cons sent to ORSP by October 23rd.


III.  Joe Nordgren

  • HB2223 Update/survey 
  • Dr. Nordgren gave updates from a 2018 DEPS (Developmental Education Program Survey) meeting held this morning and reviewed the math and integrated reading and writing courses and stats. The 2018 DEPS Survey is required by HB2223 and Lamar appears to be compliant with state law. Official numbers from IRR are pending.
  • David J. Beck Fellowship Update 
  • Six applicants at this time. Selection Committee names were shared. Next year they hope to add someone from the Library. Current Beck Fellows will be included in the interviews but not participate in the scoring. Recommendations will be given to Dr. Evans on November 1st.
  • Faculty Senate
    • Note: Dean Holtzhausen requested that notices of Awards and Grants, e.g. the Piper Award, be sent to not only the deans but also department chairs. .
  • Faculty Senate is now using Competition Space and the information for the Piper Professor award is now on Competition Space instead of the Academic Affairs webpage. The internal deadline for this award is October 16, 2018.
  • The Faculty Development Leave for 2019-20 internal deadline is Nov. 12, 2018. Applicants for DFL will also submit their materials Competition Space.  


 IV.  Brenda Nichols

  • HB2504 
  • The requirement of House Bill 2504 to have the syllabi and vitae available within 2 clicks will now be generated from Concourse and will eliminate the faculty and/or department admin from having to upload them each time.



Bob Spina

  • The new name for the Department of Counseling has been accepted by the Coordinating Board. Instead of Counseling and Special Populations, the department name will be Counseling.
  • We are still waiting to hear back from the Coordinating Board on acceptance of our new certificate program in Mental Health.
  • The departments of Communication and Family and Consumer Sciences are putting together a new certificate to be called Nutrition Communication. 

Arne Almquist

  • Continuing to meet individually with Deans and Department Chairs as part of his orientation.           

Lynne Maurer 

  • As part of the Academic Lecture Series, Kip Thorne will be speaking October 16th at 7:30pm in the University Theatre.
  • The proposed new Bachelor of Science degree in Cyber Security is on the agenda for the November Board of Regent’s meeting.
  • Review of the space allocation proposals for the Science and Technology building are moving along. Decisions should be ready to present to the Provost soon.
  • The search for a VP of Research and Sponsored Programs will begin soon.  

Victor Zaloom 

The ABET representatives will be arriving on campus Sunday afternoon, October 14th. Dr. Zaloom briefly reviewed the agenda, ending with the exit interview set for 2:00pm on Tuesday.    

Derina Holtzhausen

  • The following upcoming events were shared:
  • Dean Holtzhausen will be presenting at Rotary on CoFAC on October 10th.
  • Theatre and Dance will present "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" in the Studio Theatre October 11th -13th.
  • The Fall Jazz Band will be performing in the Rothwell Recital Hall on October 11th.
  • Gallery Opening at the Dishman Art Museum is scheduled for October 12th.
  • October 15th is the Friends of the Arts Board meeting.
  • Inauguration of the Southeast Texas Chapter of the Pan-American Vocology Association is October 18th in the Dishman Art Museum.
  • The Innovation and Reorganization Launch of Communication and Media will be on October 30th in Room 127A of the Communication Building.
  • In addition, Dean Holtzhausen gave an update on the Scheduling Committee and faculty members who are facilitating student focus groups.

Dan French

  • The College of Business Weinert Entrepreneurship Lecture Series presents the Walters Brothers, co-founders of Altar’d State Apparel, next week on October 17th. This is a free lecture open to the public.
  • Two advisory boards coming up, one for Construction Management and the other for Accounting.
  • An internal search will be started soon to fill the position left by Toni Mulvaney in Accounting and Business Law. Dr. Mulvaney will be the new Associate Dean for Undergrad Studies and Administration for the College of Business.

Brenda Nichols

Brenda mentioned plans to explore the formation of an interdisciplinary center for disaster recovery.


VI.  Dean’s Retreat – December – RNL 

Plans are to schedule a half-day retreat/meeting between the Dean’s Council and Ruffalo Noel Levitz (RNL) sometime in December to discuss recruiting strategies for Undergrad, Graduate, and International students.


VII.  Adjourn 2:55pm