
December 4, 2018

Tuesday, 12/04/2018
Reaud #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

December 4, 2018
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees:  James Marquart,  Arne Almquist, Katrina Brent, Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Bob Spina, and Victor Zaloom


I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated November 6, 2018

The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated November 6, 2018, were approved as written.

II. Setzer Center Events – Cost

There are policies in place for the use of the Setzer Center conference rooms and ball room.  Details can be found on the Setzer Center webpage, outlining the reservation procedures and associated costs.   

III. Winter Mini Calendar – Joe Nordgren

Handouts distributed of the Winter Mini calendar.  Dates were reviewed and approved for sharing.  These are also published on the Academic Affairs calendar.  Late drops and non-payment purge dates were discussed. Dr. Brent shared some of the new procedures to be put in place that should help reduce the number of drops after the last drop date.  Another handout was distributed and discussed regarding small class determination information.

 IV.  Awards – Joe Nordgren

There are many awards coming up for the spring semester.  A handout outlining these awards, along with due dates, guidelines, etc. was distributed and will be emailed to the deans as well.


Everyone should have received his/her HEF allocations which were sent out prior to Thanksgiving.

VI. THECB – Academic Affairs Committee

Dr. Nichols spoke to the need for an Academic Affairs Committee to oversee and track all new course additions, changes or deletions, as well as accreditations. The question was who would make up the committee, whether it was just administrators or have a representative from each college?  The committee will be the ones to check the boxes and make sure the content is correct. The deans were asked to give this some thought on who would best serve on the committee to make sure all agenda items are submitted correctly.  

VII. Online Scheduling

Nichols will be talking to Faculty Senate this week about First Day Books which will be piloted spring 2019, possibly in Math and Counseling. This was approved by Board of Regents. On January 1, 2019 the direct links to publishers will go away as they violate our contract with Barnes and Noble

FYI, Blackboard will be shut down and off line from January 9th to January 14th for an upgrade to move to the Cloud. Faculty will not be able to upload or do anything on Blackboard during this time. There will still be a week after the 14th before classes start.  Grades that have to be put in can be put in through Banner the old way and not on Blackboard.  


VIII. Other

 Dr. Marquart

  • SACSCOC Annual Meeting is in New Orleans this weekend. Nordgren will be unable to attend, however, he gave a quick update on the number of drafts that have come in so far.
  • This is the season of festivities. Everyone encouraged to participate as you can. 

 Katrina Brent

  • Updates on staff enrollment and Íæż½ã½ãTAP will be presented to Staff Senate for discussion.
  • Enrollment day planned with Lee College January 11th with 15 students currently signed up to come. Faculty advisors need to attend.  Invitations will be forthcoming and Deans will receive details at that time.
  • Funding for Mirabeau Study Abroad scholarships used to be shared 50/50 between the specific colleges and the Provost Office. This scholarship was not put in to the college budgets this year; however, Dr. Marquart stated the funds will be found elsewhere to cover the scholarship.
  • The list of Mirabeau early offer candidates was sent out to the Deans for review. The Marketing Coordinators are involved with getting these offers out.
  • The recent requests for admission changes were all approved.


Deans gave updates and shared various upcoming holiday activities within their college.



 IX.  Adjourn  The meeting was adjourned @ 2:45pm.