
March 26, 2019

Tuesday, 03/26/2019
Reaud Conf. Room 312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

March 26, 2019
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees: James Marquart,  Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, Victor Zaloom, Bob Spina, Paul Bernazzani, and Bill Harn.


I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated February 20, 2019

       The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated February 20, 2019, were approved as written. 


 II. GUESTS: Juan Zabala & Jeff Spoeri – University Advancement

       RE: Internships and Placement Opportunities

Mr. Zabala and Mr. Spoeri have had some recent contact with donors about possible internships and placement opportunities and were not sure who to direct them to. Engineering has a designated person to contact, but there is no one designated for the other disciplines.  Deans were asked for possible solutions and several ideas were tossed around.  Having one point of contact who would then disperse requests out to the appropriate colleges would be ideal.  The possibility of someone within the department of Marketing and Communications was discussed.  No final decisions were made at this time.   


III. GUEST: Dr. Alicen Flosi – Director of Sustainability

        RE: Sustainability at Lamar

Recycle Mania is still in progress. Dr. Flosi explained the contest and then gave an overview of what Sustainability is doing. Dean received packets of flower seeds, ink pens from recycled water bottles, and coffee pods.  Earth Day 2019 events will be held in front of the dining hall. The various activities were reviewed and everyone was encouraged to attend and participate.  

  • It was suggested Dr. Flosi attend and address the CID group regarding the Earth Day events


IV.  GUEST:  Bishar Sethna - Institutional Research and Reporting

       RE: Faculty Credentials and Workload

Standard 6.2b of the SACS reaccreditation policy was discussed. The standard requires “for each of its educational programs, the institution employs a sufficient number of full-time faculty members to ensure curriculum and program quality, integrity, and review.”

Spreadsheets, separated by college, were distributed to the deans for review. (Electronic copies will be sent as well). Beshar explained how to complete the form. He requested missing data be completed, as well as listed information verified for accuracy. Spreadsheets are to be sent back to IRR for input. Bishar stated he is available for any questions


V.  GUEST: Judi Mann & Brenda Nichols 

      RE: Íæż½ã½ã Strong $

Everyone was provided with a one page summary of a grant driven program called Íæż½ã½ã Strong. This Hurricane Harvey Assistance Program involves three different grants from the United States Department of Education, the Rebuild Texas fund, and the Qatar Foundation. We have this money available to help our students and it’s important to get the word out!  August 2020 is the deadline to have the money spent. These funds can also be used as an incentive to reach out and get students to return who dropped out due to Harvey.  

In addition to getting the word out on the Íæż½ã½ã Strong program, there is a survey that needs to be taken to document the Qatar Foundation’s required Needs Assessment. The results of the survey are requested by the middle of April. Dr. Mann will email the Íæż½ã½ã Strong flyer, along with a link to the survey.


VI.  Non-Tenure Track Faculty Chairing Dissertation Committees – Bob Spina & Bill Harn

Dean Spina presented a policy change request for chairing dissertations within the Doctorate of Education degree, Ed.D. He discussed the goal of increasing enrollment while sustaining the current student faculty ratios. This would require hiring more non-tenure-track faculty and allowing them to chair dissertation committees. The current policy and proposed revision to the policy to modify the associate membership was reviewed. (See handout).

Dean Spina made a motion to change the Associate membership to include full-time faculty, and that they with the recommendation of the department chair and college dean, be allowed to serve as chair of dissertation, thesis, or graduate project committees. Dan French accepted the motion, it was seconded by Victor Zaloom, all voted in favor, and the motion carried.  The proposed change will be taken to the Grad Council on April 17th.  Dean Spina, Dr. Brian Craig, and Dr. Marquart will attend the meeting.  



Dr. Marquart

  • TALH – Leadership and operational changes are being made in TALH (Texas Academy for Leadership and Humanities) as Lamar looks for ways to grow the program. If any faculty has had a student go through the program, please notify Dr. Marquart as he would like to meet with them.
  • A salary market adjustment process was recently completed for a faculty member. The increase was approved and will be awarded effective fall 2019.  
  • The annual promotion and tenure process has been completed and will be submitted to the TSUS Board of Regents in May for approval.

Joe Nordgren

  • Good progress is being made in regards to SACS reports; only 2 standards still out.
  • Meeting held yesterday on QEP leadership changes and implementation.
  • Meetings were held with Records, Registrar’s Office, and others in order to get a better grasp of drop dates associated with the various parts of term. A handout was distributed with definitions of all the parts of terms and their drop dates. Feedback requested and welcomed.
    • An idea was presented to have a “pop-up” when a student clicks a date showing what the consequences are for dropping on that particular date.
  • University Professor and Faculty Merit Awards are scheduled for 1:00pm on April 10th and all are invited to attend.

Derina Holtzhausen

  • The current grievance policy for faculty was discussed.
  • For students (within the College of Fine Arts & Communication) being asked to help with outside activities for various events, a formal request using Form Stack will now be required.

Paul Bernazzani

  • The new Science & Technology building is almost complete; working on some AC issues. The Grand Opening is scheduled for April 3rd.
  • Working on scheduling a meeting to discuss the Maker Space.
  • Feedback given on recent trip to China.

Brenda Nichols

A new Lamar Student Service Support Center (funded by Academic Partnership) is being opened in McAllen to help increase recruitment efforts. The plan is to have someone from Lamar there 2 days a week along with AP staff, and eventually a bi-lingual person there full-time. A $10,000 scholarship grand prize will be announced at the ribbon cutting ceremony, which is scheduled for April 11th at 10:30am.


VIII.  Adjourn – 3:35pm