
Faculty Handbook Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Year 2024
Year 2019

Membership & Reporting: Faculty Senate/Deans/CID/All Faculty Senate members who serve on the Faculty Handbook Committee conduct elections for members; Members elect Committee chair; charge to Committee given by Provost; recommendations from Committee presented to the Provost.

Committee Members

Brett Welch (Acting Provost and VP for Academic Affairs, Vice Provost for Digital Learning; Dean, Graduate Studies), Chair Ex Officio
Brian Craig (Dean, Engineering) Ex Officio
Dan French (Dean, Business) Ex Officio
Derina Holtzhausen (Dean, Fine Arts & Communication) Ex Officio
Lynn Maurer (Dean, Arts & Sciences) Ex Officio
Alberto Ruiz (Dean, Education & Human Development) Ex Officio
Cheng-Hsien Lin (President, Faculty Senate) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Jennifer Fowler (Past-President, Faculty Senate) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Garrick Harden (Faculty Senate) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Jennifer Fowler (Faculty Senate) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
James Slaydon (Faculty Senate) FALL 2021-SUM 2024
Tom Sowers (CID Representative) FALL 2023-SUM 2024
Faculty Senate Faculty Handbook Committee