
December 2017

Wednesday, 12/06/2017
Spindletop Room Mary and John Gray Library
Submitted By:
Judy Smith

Faculty Senate Meeting


December 6, 2017

Spindletop Room Mary and John Gray Library


Presiding: Vivek Natarajan, President Faculty Senate

Attending:  Arts and Sciences: Judy Smith, Christian Bahrim, Tom Sowers,  Sanaz Alasti, Garrick Harden, Stacey Knight, Gina Hale,  Gretchen Johnson, Pat Heinzelman, Yasuko Sato, Ozge Gunaydin-Sen, J.P. Nelson, Jennifer Daniel, Joseph Kruger, Maryam Vasefi, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Ted Mahavier; Business: Tim McCoy, James Slaydon, Purnendu Mandal, Seokyon Hwang; Education: Connie Ruiz, Anna Nguyen, Vanessa Villate, Belinda Lopez, Engineering: Nicholas Brake, John Gossage, Fine Arts and Communication: Zanthia Smith, Vinaya Manchaiah, Nicki Michalski, Cheri Acosta, Bryan Proksch, Library: Michael Saar, Mark Asteris  College Readiness: Melissa Riley, Lamar State College Port Arthur: Mavis Triebel

Absent: Arts and Sciences: Kami Makki, Lisa Donnelly, Michael Beard, George Irwin, Martha Rinker, Business: Karyn Neuhauser, Education: Ken Young, Dorothy Sisk, Janice Kimmons, Isreal Msengi, Engineering: Mien Jao,  Gleb Tcheslavski, James Curry, Xuejun Fan, Communications and Fine Arts: Nandu Radhakirshnan,Sherry Freyermuth,

Call to Order: 3:30 pm


Recognition of Past President: Sarah Tusa was recognized with a plaque for her many dedicated years to the Faculty Senate in which she assumed many roles including President from 2015-2017.


Guest Speaker:

  • James Marquart, Provost and VP Academic Affairs
    • Over the past few semesters there has been a decline in the International Student Population. The College of Engineering has experienced the greatest decrease especially in relation to Graduate Students in 2016.
    • As a result some changes have been made: the International Student Admissions office has moved from the Global Diversity and Inclusion Building to the main admissions office.
    • Two to four international recruiting agencies have been contracted with to help recruit more international students for all of the Colleges within the University.
    • Currently there is no model available to trend international student applications.
    • Also looking at developing an English as a Second Language program.
    • Currently there is a search underway for an International Coordinator of international recruitment
  • Normal Bellard, Interim Athletic Director and Assistant to the President for Community Relations.
    • Spearheads the South Park Re-development initiative which now encompasses 57 total members.
    • Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
    • Major goals include:
      • Safety and Security in the area.
      • Improving the infrastructure such as 61 of 80 structures of abandoned and unsafe housing have been demolished in the area.
      • Improve Community Engagement: Sponsoring a Day in the Park at Alice Keith Park on April 1, 2018
      • Improve Communication within the area: Íæż½ã½ã Police Department working closely with the Beaumont City Police Department
    • Have developed a Community Garden
    • Sponsors Community Clean up days
    • Have gotten street repairs approved with the City
    • Many lighting improvements are to occur
    • Entergy is downsizing the campus sub-station to improve the campus esthetics.
    • Have initiated the PJ Couch tutoring project
    • A pep rally was recently held at Pietzsch MacArthur Elementary. Dr. and Mrs. Evans donated 500 t-shirts for students in the 3rd to the 5th grade that had the words “Headed to Íæż½ã½ã” on them.
    • Contractors working on the Setzer Center have been putting together 12 Bicycles to be given away to worthy 5th grade students at Pietzsch MacArthur Elementary.
    • Also discussed various aspects of his role as the Interim Athletic Director including areas for improvement as well as areas of success.


Approval of Minutes: November 1, 2017

  • Asteris made a motion to approve the minutes as written
  • Slaydon Seconded
  • Unanimously approved.


Faculty Senate President Report

  • Kumar Das, Interim Director Office of Research and Sponsored Projects will be the guest speaker at the February 7, 2018 meeting
  • Old Business:
    • The F2.08 committee brought forth their final recommendations regarding the F2.08 process that has been in flux for many years.
    • Evans forwarded the proposal for further input from the Council of Instructional Departments (CID) and F2.08 meeting
      • A rubric has been proposed for the F2.08 to help guide Chairs in doing annual evaluations.
      • The Deans were also contacted regarding the proposed rubric for evaluations.
      • Each department is strongly encouraged to develop their own rubrics with the suggestions attached to the proposal to be voted on.
    • Prokosh moved to approve the F2.08 recommendations as written
    • Slaydon Seconded
    • Motion Approved to accept the F2.08 recommendations.



  • Faculty Senate Committee Chair Reports:
  • Academic Issues-Melissa Riley and Nicki Michalski
    • No meeting was held in November. Plan to have an electronic meeting soon.
    • It has been brought to the committee’s attention that the policy on lost laptops needs to be reviewed and updated.
  • Budget and Compensation-Tom Sowers
    • In the process of trying to schedule a meeting to discuss the impact of lost students on the University bottom line.
    • Plans are being made to convene the committee in January.
    • Being told the Budget is not good and conservation measures have had to be taken yet concern was raised regarding the high cost of recruiting Deans and Chairs for open positions.
  • Distinguished Faculty Lecturer: Mark Asteris
    • No meeting is currently scheduled.
    • The committee will be working on trying to ensure that there is a good transition between successive committees in the future to ensure continuity and to prevent event issues from being lost, omitted, or being left till the last minute in the planning process due to committee membership changes.
    • The Dinner consisted of Chicken which was good but also steak that was not as good.
    • Discussed the option of perhaps asking Family and Consumer Science to cater the event in the future. The committee will be working with M. Dahm to see what can be worked out.
    • Also discussed the staff luncheon held each spring. Senate needs to work on raising more money to sponsor the event.
  • Faculty Issues-Jennifer Daniel and Ken Young
    • Piper Nominee will be Dr. Su from Chemical Engineering
    • Working on getting a Faculty Ombudsman position developed. The tenure of the appointment would be for three years.
    • The Senate will have to approve the final appointment of the person but Dr. Marquart would like to see the position modeled after Texas State University’s position.
    • Kevin Smith has been the liaison with the committee. With his retirement in December there will be a delay in completion.
  • Research and Development: Faculty Developmental Leave (FDL): Nicholas Brake
    • Meetings to review applicants for developmental leave were held on Wednesday November 15 and November 29, 2017. Time and place to be determined.
    • Had seven hard copy applications and five on-line applications.
    • All applicants were ranked and scored. Final tally sent to Dr. Marquart today.
    • Brake will meet with Dr. Marquart next week.
    • On-line application process went well and will be used in the future.
    • Vivek recognized N. Brake for his hard work and effort in getting the on-line application fully functional.
  • Emerging Strategic Issues Task Force- Purnendu Mandal
    • Had one meeting last month.
    • International Student recruitment has been added as a committee charge.
    • A meeting is being planned for next Monday.

New Business:

  • Kruegar requested that minutes and the agendas for meetings should be sent out at least 24 hours in advance of meetings
  • Smith informed the Senate members of the recent loss of a long term faculty member in the School of Nursing, Donna Wilsker. She will be greatly missed.


  • There being no further business
    • Sowers motioned to adjourn
    • Slaydon seconded
    • Meeting adjourned 4:40 pm.


  • Respectfully Submitted:

Dr. Judy Smith


Attachments: F 2.08 approved recommendations


Statement and Recommendations from the F2.08 Revision Task Force


Upon investigation of the current F2.08 process and its implementation, the task force has accrued the following information:

  • For the most part, the faculty feel that their work is being satisfactorily represented by the current system.
  • The faculty do not support the implementation of an additional committee at the department level for the purpose of peer review of the F2.08 document on an annual basis.
    • They believe this is the responsibility of the department chairs.
    • They note there is already an appendix attached to the document for the tenured faculty to sign off on the evaluations of untenured faculty members. There are many departments where this portion of the document is not being implemented, and that needs to be addressed rather than adding another layer to the process. Perhaps moving the signature page up with the other signatures will encourage completion of the form.
  • There is agreement that the primary issue is a lack of quantifiable criteria for evaluation. While every department is supposed to have clearly delineated guidelines, there are a significant number who either do not have criteria or have not revised them in many years.
  • Many faculty members stated that they are not made aware of the spread of the evaluations in their departments despite the fact that such information is supposed to be made available on a yearly basis. They do not want to know names in connection with scores, but the distribution of scores would help them to determine areas for improvement.
  • Although some deans were interested in adding new parts to the F2.08 form (e.g. a section wherein a faculty member assesses their impact on their discipline), the faculty did not support this suggestion.


Therefore, the task force makes the following suggestions:

  • Each department needs to draft new criteria for evaluation. We recommend a point system wherein faculty members can clearly determine how many points they have accrued during the evaluation period. Each department will establish guidelines to convert these points to the 1-5 ranking system tied to exemplary, high, adequate, marginal or unsatisfactory performance which are used for determining merit.
  • Departmental criteria should be reviewed regularly and revised as needed.
  • Department chairs should receive training in faculty evaluation.
  • Each department should distribute their criteria to all new faculty members within the first semester after hire.
  • The F2.08 form should include, at the end of the research/creative activity section, a running total of amount of research/ creative activity required for tenure and what has been accomplished. This should be based on the departmental criteria (i.e. number of publications, number of shows staged, number of conference presentations, etc.)
  • There needs to be a mechanism in place to encourage departments to actually review and revise their standards.
  • There needs to be a separate set of criteria for non-tenure track faculty. The committee recognizes that the majority of non-TT faculty are judged only on teaching, but there are some departments where they also do service. This should be honored and they should receive credit for that as well as teaching. Determination of that should be left to the department as with the criteria for TT faculty.


We are attaching examples of potential criteria to which point values or rankings could be assigned. These examples are not intended to be all inclusive. Departments should add or adjust for their own discipline. Departmental faculty should work together to determine point values and/or the relative weight of items.


Example Guidelines for Annual Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (point-based system)

ACTIVITY                                                                          Point value         Awarded

Satisfactory completion of assigned course duties

Letters of recommendation

Service on Masters comprehensive exam committees

(Theses and dissertations count in research)

Chairing of Masters comprehensive exams

(Theses and dissertations count in research)

Course/curriculum design or redesign

Collaborative course design or team-teaching

Effective leadership and management of online courses

Continued reflection, innovation, and redesign in courses

Demonstrated improvements in student learning outcomes

Leadership in student learning

Student success resulting from your teaching/advising

Positive Online Course Evaluations

(with narrative contextualization)

Peer observation of teaching with

letter of support or classroom observation instrument

Mid-semester feedback and description of adjustments made

Advisee/student letters and comments about your mentorship

Scholarly teaching

Participation in professional development opportunities (re: teaching)

Investigating and assessing innovative teaching strategies

linked to SoTL research studies

Nomination for or receipt of teaching awards

(receipt of award counts more than nomination)

Teaching philosophy and evidence of implementation

Example Guidelines for Research and Creative Activity Annual Evaluation (point system)


ACTIVITY                                           POINT VAÍæż½ã½ãE                    AWARDED


Publication in national/international journal (peer reviewed)


Publication in regional journal (peer reviewed)


Publication in state journal (peer reviewed)


Publication in popular press periodical


Publication of book, chapter or essay


Publication in conference proceedings


Due to the length of publication schedules, submissions should also be included/evaluated with higher points being assigned once the piece has been published


Presentation at national/international conference


Presentation at regional conference


Presentation at state conference


Presentation at local conference


Presentation to public interest group


Completion of major creative undertaking

(e.g. film, painting or sculpture series, orchestral score)


Submission to festivals/competitions/etc.

(Acceptance counts more than submission)


Awards won at festivals/competitions/etc.

(placing and honorable mentions also count)


Selection for public presentation of creative work


Grant writing (submission and award count; award counts more)






ACTIVITY                                                            POINT VAÍæż½ã½ãE                    POINTS AWARDED


Community activity (volunteer work)


Leadership in community group


Leadership in disciplinary organization


Membership in disciplinary organizations


University committee membership

(Committees which meet frequently awarded

more points)


Office held in university committee


College committee membership

(Committees which meet frequently awarded

more points)


Office held in college committee


Departmental committee membership

(Committees which meet frequently awarded

more points)


Office held in departmental committee


Sponsorship of student groups


Recruiting activity


Representation of department at university events

(Graduations, view day, orientations, etc.)


Sample Criteria for Non Tenure Track Faculty

Teaching                                                       Points Possible                  Points Awarded

  • Post and maintain a departmentally set number of office hours
  • Follow all guidelines for multi-section courses (assignments, required texts, standardized policies, etc.)
  • Facilitate tutoring or  learning center activities as needed  
  • Maintain appropriate presence on Blackboard (upload syllabi, due dates, etc.)
  • Nomination for teaching award (college, university, state or national)
  • Winning teaching award (more points than the nomination)
  • Publish pedagogical research
  • Attend training sessions through CTLE or other groups
  • Rank in OCE results (different levels receive different points; 5s earn more points that 4s, etc.)
  • Serve as faculty mentor through university sponsored programs (TALH, McNair, etc.)
  • Develop and maintain supportive relationships with students
  • Teach at times that benefit the department
  • Innovation in course development


  • Advising
  • Serve on departmental committees
  • Serve on college committees
  • Serve on university committees
  • Recruiting activities
  • Sponsoring student groups
  • Representing the department at university functions



  • Grant application
  • Grant awarded
  • Research presented at conference or convention
  • Research published in appropriate forum