
May 16, 2019

Thursday, 05/16/2019
Wimberly Building, room 219D
Submitted By:
Carly Cox

May 16, 2019

The Graduate Council of Íæż½ã½ã met in the Wimberly Building, room 219D, at 1:30 pm. Dr. William Harn, Dean of Graduate Studies, presided. Dr. Jai-Young Choi, Dr. Tracy Benson and Dr. Ruthie Robinson comprised a quorum. Dr. Hefner-Babb was also in attendance.



College of Education - University Provost Dr. James Marquart, College of Education Dean Dr. Bob Spina and Department of Educational Leadership Chair Dr. Diane Mason presented a request to the council that Clinical Instructors holding Associate level graduate faculty membership be allowed to chair dissertation committees. Currently, only tenured/tenure-track faculty may chair. University and College administration wishes to grow the Ed.D. program substantially but it is not currently financially feasible to hire full-time, tenure-track faculty. New hires in the role of Clinical Instructor undergo the same vetting as any full-time faculty position. The department may also consider the use of the “instructor” title for this role. Dr. Ruthie Robinson motioned to approve, Dr. Tracy Benson provided a second and the motion passed unanimously.


College of Fine Arts & Communication – The Department of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education submitted two course additions for a new M.A. in Deaf Studies Degree. It was unclear to council whether or not this new program has been approved as a whole. Council agreed to table this item until this is determined.


College of Business – Request to increase course options with courses already in inventory in the M.S. in MIS program, add a dual M.B.A./M.S. MIS degree, and add an on-campus component to the M.S. in MIS degree. Dr. Jai-Young Choi motioned to approve, Dr. Ruthie Robinson seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


College of Engineering – The Department of Chemical Engineering submitted requests to add four new courses to enhance the existing M.E./M.E.S. programs and four new courses to enhance the D.E./Ph.D. programs. Dr. Tracy Benson explained that these courses will help the programs keep up with current industry needs. Dr. Ruthie Robinson motioned to approve, Dr. Jai-Young Choi seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.


College of Arts & Sciences

Mathematics – The Department of Mathematics submitted two course changes in order to update the prerequisites and three course additions to provide alternative electives for graduate students. The council reviewed the syllabi and noted that 5320 and 5308 syllabi showed the old prerequisites. Dr. Ruthie Robinson motioned to approve, Dr. Tracy Benson seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.


Biology – The Department of Biology submitted 3 course addition requests to change successfully taught Special Topics courses into regular program electives. The council discussed the rigor of these graduate courses, particularly the poster presentations and research paper. Dr. Tracy Benson motioned to approve, Dr. Ruthie Robinson provided a second and the motion was passed unanimously.




Graduate Policies – The council reviewed current policies regarding “grade replacement” and the probation/suspension of students. The policy on “grade replacement” will be corrected to state that “a repeated course will NOT be included in the student’s cumulative record and will NOT be used in the computation of the GPA.” The current policy also needs to state that the total number of courses that can be replaced is three, or nine hours. Council discussed the current probation/suspension policies and procedures and agreed that it needs clarification but decided to table the item for a later date.


Graduate Council Membership – The council reviewed the current Graduate Council members list. The College of Arts & Sciences has not yet replaced Dr. Iva Hall after her retirement. Other members show roll off dates that have passed. The council wishes for Dr. Nordgren to review the list and facilitate the replacement of Dr. Hall and other members whose terms have expired by communicating this need to the respective colleges.




All approved items and a copy of the Graduate Council Membership list were delivered to the Associate Provost’s office. The tabled items from the Department of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education were returned to the department via campus mail. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 18, 2019.

