
Honors Council

Charge: The Honors Council shall advise the provost on policies, procedures, courses, and curricula related to programs offered through the Reaud Honors College. The dean of the Reaud Honors College shall serve on and chair the council. Two faculty members shall be elected from and by the full-time faculty in each college and the library (four from Arts and Sciences). A representative from the CID, the director of undergraduate research, the director of the study abroad program, and the assistant director of the Reaud Honors College also shall serve on the council.

Membership & Reporting: Faculty Senators/Deans conduct elections for faculty members; Dean of Honors Program chairs the council; charge to Committee given by Provost; recommendations from Committee presented to Provost (membership=2 from each college, 4 from Arts & Sciences, 1 from Library & CID).

Committee Members

Tilisa Thibodeaux (Dean, TALH & Reaud Honors College), Chair Ex Officio
TBD (Associate Dean Honors College) Ex Officio
Cristian Bahrim (Director, Undergraduate Research) Ex Officio
Kim Vizena (Business Manager, Honors Program) Ex Officio
Raouth Kostandy (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Ashwini Kucknoor (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Jennifer Fowler (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
TBD (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Melissa Baldo (Business) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
John McCollough (Business) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Christina Rios(Education & Human Development) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Donna Fong(Education & Human Development) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Thinesh Selvaratnam (Engineering) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Qiang Xu (Engineering) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
O'Brien Stanley (Fine Arts & Communication) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Julia Fischer (Fine Arts & Communication) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Nicki Michalski (CID) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Taylor Xiao (Library) FALL 2022-SUM 2025