
September 23, 2019

Monday, 09/23/2019
John Gray Library room 625
Submitted By:
E Born

Institutional Biosafety Committee Meeting
September 23, 2019
Meeting start time: 1:30
Meeting Adjourned: 2:45
Location: John Gray Library Room 625

Attendees:  Ashwini Kucknoor, Clayton Jeffreys, James Henry, Maryam Vasefi, Nathan Macy, Jerry Lin, Emily Born

Not in Attendance: William Rash

The meeting was called to order by Emily Born, Research compliance Specialist.  A brief introduction was given between members.   An overall purpose of the committee and function was reviewed and discussed.   It was stated by Mrs. Born that the IBC committee will work in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety to implement the safety/compliance goals for research involving the use of biohazardous materials on Lamar’s campus.  EHS would provide lab inspections for those investigators requesting IBC approval. 

Mr. Nathan Macy (EHS) provided a draft of the University’s new Biological Safety Plan.   Various members noted minor changes, clarifications, and additions which would be addressed before implementation.   Discussion included: How often safety audits are performed, specific training requirements via CITI, contact information, the use of an Occupational health program, biohazard material disposal processes, Biohazard Levels for labs, and various links to provide guidance. 

Dr. Ashwini Kucknoor discussed the various biohazard levels that would require IBC oversight. She also discussed how laboratories going into the new Science building could submit one larger IBC on file for their labs and make additions or changes as they add new projects. Discussion also stated that new projects would need entirely new IBCs on file.  Training via CITI would also be required for all faculty and staff.  It was agreed by the committee that any materials over the BSL-1 (BSL2-4) level would require and approved IBC protocol. 

Discussion was completed and committee members voted to approve the Biological Safety Plan once changes were made. 

Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.