
April 12, 2021

Monday, 04/12/2021
Microsoft Teams
Submitted By:
B Kemp

Íæż½ã½ã Institutional Biosafety Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2021    2:00pm
Meeting Via Teams


Attendees: Emily Born, Jerry Lin, Clayton Jeffryes, Ashwini Kucknoor, James Henry, Gary Rash, Nathan Macy, Maryam Vasefi

I. Call to Order: Emily Born/Jerry Lin

Meeting called to order by Jerry Lin at 2:00pm


II. Approval of Minutes: Old minutes from October of 2020.

Motion to approve October 2020 minutes made by Ashwini Kucknoor

Seconded by Marya Vasefi

Motion approved.


III. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA):

a. Jerry Lin - Associate Provost for Research

  1. This committee’s role and service needed to be disseminated to PIs. I would like to ask for the help from IBC members to inform PIs in each college that IBS is available to assist on Biosafety issues.
  2. We are currently opening the S&T building for research communities. Please provide ORSPA any feedbacks in regard to IBS business.

b. Emily Born, Compliance Officer : S&T Update

  1. Getting the word out to Íæż½ã½ã research community.
  2. Working to update the webpage of S&T. I’m working with Beverly Kemp to make sure the IBS information is included.
  3. IBC registration. Íæż½ã½ã IBS has not been registered with NIH. We will continue to evaluate this option.
Gary Rash: We try to monitor the requests that come to our office, Nathan and I are sending things we feel Emily needs to review as well. We are inspecting labs and will continue to do so.

Nathan Macy: We are working on getting the word out, and I will incorporate IBC information into our laboratory inspections.

Clayton Jeffryes: Carrie and Yeraldi are inspecting the labs in S&T but they are looking for more chemical items, but I will ask them to look for biosafety as well.


IV. Íæż½ã½ã IBC Policies and Procedures

a. Updated IBC Committee Policies and Procedures Discussion

Jerry Lin: My request to Emily was to come up with a policy that allowed us to inform the PI’s and students of what needs to reported to and reviewed by IBC in the policy & procedure document. This document has been reviewed multiple times and given the fact that we do not have a lot of activities needing IBC oversight, a concise policy will be sufficient. I would like to invite this committee to have a review by the end of April 2021, and we will plan for approving and adopting the policy & procedure document. I recommend the committee review and put comments by April 30, 2021. Emily and I will work to finalize the document for final review got approval in Fall 2021

b. Other suggestions for improvements

None at this time.


V. CITI Certification for Board members

Reminder: If not completed previously, Board members need to complete the “IBC member Training” CITI Course.

Emily Born: It is just a reminder that each of you are up to date on the training. I can walk you through how to complete the training if necessary. The minimum requirement from NIH is that the committee members need to renew every three years.


VI. Other Business Items

Jerry Lin: Íæż½ã½ã now requires that we meet at least every semester. Given the volume of our current IBS business items, this is sufficient and any IBC member can propose additional meeting based on the needs.

Nathan Macy: It was noted from our minutes from the last meeting we need a community member for this committee. Have we found anyone suitable to fill this role?

Emily Born: We did discuss but I have not had any luck with a member. The requirement is part of the NIH requirements so if we were able to have someone from the community, that would be great.

Maryam Vasefi: I have a student who is interested in working on my project with CBD. I was wondering if we had a procedure regarding the drugs and having them locked up. I would prefer to keep it in a lock box.

Emily Born: I don’t know that we have a lock box in S&T. You will probably need to purchase one and have maintenance mount it to the wall. Please email me and EHS to update and discus.

Next meeting: October 2021 unless we have protocol which requires review and approval.  We will meet a minimum of every 6 months. 


Jerry Lin mad a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:30pm.

Motion seconded by Maryum Vasefi

Motion approved.