
June 3, 2020

Tuesday, 03/03/2020
Via Microsoft Teams
Submitted By:
B Kemp

Íæż½ã½ã IRB Meeting
June 3, 2020 12:30pm
Meeting via Microsoft Teams


Board member attendees:  Eileen Curl, Vidisha Worley, Clayton Jeffryes, Judi Mann, Shannon Jordan, Ruthie Robinson, Alan Moore, Kaye Shelton, Jess Liao (public member) 

Absent Board Members:  Nandhhakumar Radhakrishnan

Ex-officio: Jerry Lin, Emily Born, Beverly Kemp

I. Meeting called to order by Dr. Curl at 12:34pm


II. Approval of Minutes: Jan. 14, 2019 (The April 14, 2020 meeting was cancelled due to the pandemic, and the campus being closed.)

IRB minutes will be posted on Íæż½ã½ã website after the minutes are approved by the Board.

No corrections to the minutes and approved by all.


III. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA):

a. Jerry Lin - Associate Provost for Research: Two items:
1. IRB policies are listed on the website.

2. I am working with upper administration and Faculty Senate on the IRB members regarding the selection. The list of members was inadvertently not sent to Faculty Senate. Because of the shared governance of the Faculty Senate and the Federal guidelines we are required to follow we need to work on reviewing our committee members and consider decreasing the number of board members.

b. Emily Born, Compliance Officer (IRB Analyst): Because of COVID-19 we are able to meet virtually and vote as necessary.

c. Beverly Kemp, Research Coordinator: Nothing at this time.

IV. List of Approved Expedited Studies

Beverly Kemp: We currently have 16 expedited IRB for FY20.  The list of expedited applications that was approved was distributed to the board.


V. Board Member Positions:

Jerry Lin: As previously mentioned we are working with shared governance with Faculty Senate we need to re-evaluate our committee representation.

Eileen Curl: We should form an ad-hoc committee to discuss this matter further. We do need to replace the position for the College of Business.

Jerry Lin: We need clear polices of membership moving forward.

Alan Moore: Be careful when only having one representative from each college. There are departments whose IRB submission is heavy thus making the review process from those colleges substantial.

The following will be the Ad-hoc IRB Membership Committee:

Eileen Curl, Jerry Lin, Emily Born, Vidisha Worley, and Alan Moore.


VI. Full Board Review of IRB Application-FY20 – 206 A Silent Crime No More

Eileen Curl: We have a full board submission by Co-PIs: Dr. Lori Wright and Trenton Rucker (McNair Scholar). There are multiple items regarding data collection, sample size, and collection method to be discussed.

Different population- probation participants were suggested instead of incarcerated subjects in order to get a more valid or more reliable data set.  Karen Roebuck would be a great resource for this area.

Requested researchers to use a survey that has already been tested so there       is better reliability and validity.

Researchers need to identify what counseling resources are available to the incarcerated or those on probation in the event survey questions trigger previous trauma events and assistance is needed.

Informed consent needs to be included in the survey. Participants do not need to sign the consent, but they do need to be informed before they agree to participate.

After review, the IRB made the decision not to approve the study in its current state. The submission is to be returned to the investigators so they can make modifications, changes, and clarifications. Once the revisions are complete the investigator can resubmit the study for further review by the IRB.


VII. Íæż½ã½ã IRB Policies and Procedures on the Use of Human Subjects in Research

Jerry Lin: The revised IRB policies have been placed on the ORSPA websites policy page. This was done as of April 17, 2020.


VIII. Online Survey Platform at Íæż½ã½ã

Jerry Lin: We will still encourage our researchers to use Qualtrics but it is not required. I would request at this time we table this discussion about other survey platforms, as there will be further changes to IT operations.


IX. CITI Certification for Board Members

Eileen Curl: Reminder: Board Members need to complete the CITI IRB Members Course to satisfy the requirements for the SBE and BioMed courses. Once completed please email your CITI certificates to Beverly Kemp


X. Other Business Items: Next meeting is July 14, 2020 at 12:30.


Meeting is adjourned by Eileen Curl at 1:45pm.


Summer 2020 Board Members for Íæż½ã½ã IRB

Board Member



Earned Degrees,

Board Certifications or Licenses

Term of Office

Eileen Curl, IRB Chair

Arts & Sciences


Ph.D.; Registered Nurse

FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Vidisha Worley, IRB Vice Chair

Arts & Sciences

Criminal Justice

Ph.D.; Lawyer

FALL 2019-SUM 2020

Clayton Jeffryes


Chemical Engineering


FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Shannon Jordan

Education & Human Development

Health & Kinesiology


SPR 2020- SUM 2023

Judi Mann

Arts & Sciences



FALL 2019-SUM 2023

Alan Moore

Education & Human Development

Health & Kinesiology


FALL 2019-SUM 2023

Nandhakumar Radhakrishnan

Fine Arts & Communication

Speech & Hearing

Ph.D.; Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

FALL 2019-SUM 2021

Ruthie Robinson

Arts & Sciences


Ph.D., Registered Nurse

FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Kaye Shelton

Education & Human Development

Educational Leadership


FALL 2019-SUM 2023

Jess Liao

External/Community Member

Superintendent of City of Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant;

M.S. in Environmental Engineering

SPR 2020- SUM 2023





SUM 2020 -SUM 2023

Jerry Lin, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA)

Assoc. Provost for ORSPA

Ph.D.; Professional Engineer


Emily Born, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration

Compliance Officer for ORSPA



Beverly Kemp, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration

Research Coordinator for ORSPA