
April 13, 2021

Tuesday, 04/13/2021
Via Teams
Submitted By:
B Kemp

IRB Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2021
12:30pm via Teams


Attendees: Eileen Curl, Clayton Jeffryes, Jeremy Shelton, Jess Liao, Kaye Shelton, Audrey Zhao, Shannon Jordan, Alan Moore

Ex-Officio: Emily Born

Not in attendance: Jerry Lin, Ruthie Robinson, Nandu Radhakrishnan


I. Call to Order by Dr. Curl at 12:32pm


II. Approval of Minutes: Feb. 9, 2021

Motion to approve February 2021 minutes with corrections made by Jeremy Shelton

Motion seconded by Audrey Zhao

Motion passed


III. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA)

a. Emily Born, Compliance Officer (IRB Analyst)

We have had several submissions in Cayuse lately and most are student projects. There were some routing issues in Cayuse, but they have been corrected. I pulled CITI training for everyone on the committee, there are a few who need update their training.

Lately, we have received some Data Use Agreements from other institutions. If the other institution are sharing data with Lamar and our students, the sharing institution wants to be sure we are not sharing that information with anyone else, nor are we going to do anything with that data. There is a document that needs to be completed and signed by Jerry. If you receive anything requesting such, please forward on to me.

b. Beverly Kemp, Research Coordinator

We did have some issues with routing in Cayuse and it seemed to only affect the College of Education, within the department of Educational Leadership. The issue had to do with the bulk load of new students, but it has been corrected.


IV. List of Approved Expedited Studies

Beverly Kemp: For FY21 we have had 6 expedited studies.


V. Request from Dean Terrebonne, Chief of Staff, to identify progress made toward meeting IRB goal

a. Post minutes on Committees and Councils webpage by April 23, 2021

Beverly Kemp: All approved minutes have been posted to the University Councils and Committees webpage.

Eileen Curl: Because of the request from Dean Terrebonne, I am asking Beverly to post the minutes from today’s meeting on the website as well.

b. Statistics for the academic year:

  1. IRB meetings: 3 (October 2020, Feb & April 2021)
  2. Full board reviews: Zero
  3. Expedited reviews: 6
  4. Exempt studies: 110


VI. CITI Certification for faculty members sponsoring students’ research

Eileen Curl: Just a reminder that all faculty members need to complete CITI training even if they have completed training in the past. CITI training has a limitation of 3 years. Guidelines, software, and training have changed over the years and we want everyone to stay current with human subjects training.


VII. Full Board Review of IRB Application

None submitted


VIII. CITI Certification for Board Members

  1. Reminder: Board Members need to complete the CITI IRB Members Course to satisfy the requirements for the SBE and BioMed courses.


IX. Update from the Chair

Eileen Curl: This is my last meeting to chair. I am retiring at the end of the school year. I will hand off to you Alan for the July meeting.

Alan Moore: I was going to ask when we were going to transition for IRB chairs. Would it be possible for us to meet to discuss item related to being the chair of this committee?

Eileen Curl: Yes, we can. I want to thank our community member Jess Liao. I know it is hard to come into these meetings sometimes, but I appreciate your willingness to serve on this committee.

Jess Liao: Thank you. Congratulations on your retirement.

Emily Born: Thank you Dr. Curl for your leadership and direction to this committee. We appreciate the time you have put toward the IRB and you will be missed.


X. Other Business Items


Next meetings for 2021:  July 13, September 14, November 9 at 12:30 pm

Meeting adjourned at 12:47pm.

Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021 Board Members for Íæż½ã½ã IRB

Board Member



Earned Degrees,

Board Certifications or Licenses

Term of Office

Eileen Curl, IRB Chair

Arts & Sciences


Ph.D.; Registered Nurse

FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Alan Moore, IRB Vice Chair

Education & Human Development

Health & Kinesiology


FALL 2019-SUM 2023

Clayton Jeffryes


Chemical Engineering


FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Shannon Jordan

Education & Human Development

Health & Kinesiology


SPR 2020- SUM 2023

Jeremy Shelton

Arts & Sciences



SPRING 2021-

SUM 2024

Nandhakumar Radhakrishnan

Fine Arts & Communication

Speech & Hearing

Ph.D.; Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

FALL 2019-SUM 2021

Ruthie Robinson

Arts & Sciences


Ph.D., Registered Nurse

FALL 2019-SUM 2022

Kaye Shelton

Education & Human Development

Educational Leadership


FALL 2019-SUM 2023

Yu (Audrey) Zhao


Management Information System


FALL 2020 -SUM 2023

Jess Liao

External/Community Member

Superintendent of City of Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant;

M.S. in Environmental Engineering

SPR 2020- SUM 2023

Jerry Lin, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA)

Assoc. Provost for ORSPA

Ph.D.; Professional Engineer


Emily Born, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration

Compliance Officer for ORSPA



Beverly Kemp, Ex Officio

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Administration

Research Coordinator for ORSPA