
September 30, 2019

Monday, 09/30/2019
Library 6th floor
Submitted By:
Jeremy Alm

Present: Alm, Hefner-Babb, Sethna, Arceneaux, Titus, McCall

  1. Alm administered a 3-question “quiz” to gauge common understanding of the QEP purpose. The questions were
    1. What is the goal of the current QEP?
    2. Why is this goal meaningful for the students?
    3. Why is this goal meaningful for the institution?
  2. Sethna will gather this data:

In fall 2015,

  1. How many FTFTIC went into math DE?
  2. Of those who repeated, how many
    1. Eventually passed college M?
    2. Eventually graduated?
    3. Left with no degree?
  1. Other discussion points:
  • Talk to Kayla about case studies
  • Advisor guides- put it on the web? (Mandy) (Needs to be live by on-site review) Mandy will get with Kate may want to hire an outside web person to create the site. Web team is locked down with Íæż½ã½ã site redesign.
  • Alm went to CoE & CoFAC
  • Bishar- Find pass rate for PSY 2317
  • NSO: need info dissemination to new students.
  • Academic advisors need training
  • Need student events where students want to be there, hence in a space to be receptive
  • Cardinal View days: (next 9 Nov) need to hit the main audience- incoming Ss!
  • Can local guidance counselors pitch Math to a Degree?
  • Can we offer a 16-week 1322 online for dual credit?
  • Have SGA spread the word?
  • Make a video with a personal touch
  • Look at budget for these events
  • Need one sentence to put on the back of a shirt