
February 9, 2021

Tuesday, 02/09/2021
Submitted By:
Diann Brodnax


The meeting was called to order by Mandy Arceneaux, Secretary, at 10:00 a.m.  

Roll was taken by Diann Brodnax, President.  A quorum was present.

Members present:  Mandy Arceneaux, Dimples Jones, Diann Brodnax, Stephanie Allen, Albertine Ambers, Hector Flores, Stacie Granger, Paula Gregory, Charlotte Holliman, Margo Hymer, Karen Kessinger, Angie Laudig, Yolanda Monroe, Candice Moore, Natalie Rhodes, JT Roberson, Sharon Sanders, Ashley Sheehan, Tina Siau, Katherine Tristan, Julie Walker, and Jon-Michael Wallace.

Committee Reports

Executive Committee: Staff Council Officers did not meet with the Íæż½ã½ã Executives in January. 

Community Service:  Yolanda Monroe, Committee Member, spoke about:

  • Meals on Wheels Baked Potato Sale will be March 11, 2021. Yolanda suggested the Council work on additional promotion of the fundraiser.  She asked that our organization provide more support for this important cause. 
  • Volunteers are needed for the ROAR Read program at the area elementary schools. During this time, the program is virtual and would be a great opportunity for Council members to give back to the community.   For more information and application process, please visit the BISD website.

Staff Awards Ceremony: No report.

Staff Social Events: No report.

Student Success: No report.

Communications:  No report.

Staff Relations:  Paula Gregory, Chair, gave a report:

  • The committee has met a few times via TEAMS. They discussed promoting kudos among staff.  A few suggestions discussed are to send out virtual cards to members of the Lamar community.  Stacie Granger, Council Member, suggested we use the theme “Cheers to Our Peers” and promote this through Campus Announcements.
  • Paula asked where the Suggestion Box entries are collected. Diann Brodnax, President, stated the entries are collected through the Staff Council email account.  (Diann and Mandy looked into the Kudos Paula stated she sent.  We received them and Mandy has reached out to the recipients to receive the Kudos from Paula.)

Nominations:  No report.

Bylaws Committee:  No report.     

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:

Mandy discussed the following Staff Council business:

  • A motion was made to create an additional committee, Diversity Committee.  Mandy made a motion and Stephanie Allen, Council Member, seconded.  The motion carried and the Diversity Committee will be added to the Bylaws.
  •  A motion was made to create an additional Ad Hoc committee, Centennial Committee.  Mandy made a motion and Yolanda seconded. The motion carried and the Centennial Committee will be added to the Bylaws.
  •  Council members are asked to sign up for committees.  (Mandy worked on creating a virtual form for Council members to sign up for the committee(s) of choice.  If a Council member would be interested in serving as a chair or co-chair, there will be an option to select the position.)
  •  Mandy asked if there is still an interest in having the Annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon.  Since we are dealing with Covid times, we are not sure what this event would entail but if there is an interest the Council will pursue information on how to hold the event.  Council members gave an overwhelming YES!

Good of the Order:

  • Stephanie thanked the Council for the plant she received after her mother’s passing. She appreciated everyone’s support.


The next Staff Council meeting will be March 2, 2021 via TEAMS.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diann Brodnax

Staff Council President