
July 13, 2021

Tuesday, 07/13/2021
Reaud Executive Event Space
Submitted By:
Mandy Arceneaux

The meeting was called to order by Diann Brodnax, President, at 10:05 a.m.  

Roll was taken by Mandy Arceneaux, Secretary.  A quorum was present.

Members present: Diann Brodnax, Yinka Jenmy, Mandy Arceneaux, Alicia Hargreaves, Sharon Mistrot, Charlotte Holliman, Ciera Vaidya, JT Robertson, Johnny Jarrell, Julie Walker, Karen Kessinger, Natalie Rhodes, Paula Gregory, Sharlene Hatch, Stacie Granger, John-Michael Wallace, Jenny Mutz, Candice Moore, and Sharon Sanders

Guest Speaker


Committee Reports:

Community Service: No report.

Staff Awards Ceremony: No report.

Staff Social Events: No report.

Student Success: No report.

Communications: No report.

Staff Relations:  Paula Gregory, Committee Chair, reported that the committee had a very good meeting and that Dr. Bert Wagner, Director of Campus Operations and Kyle Mutz, Director of the Disability Resource Center will meet with the committee in August to discuss the parking and ADA handicap compliance issues. The committee has also requested updated information from HR so that the master Íæż½ã½ã Deans, Dept Chairs, Directors and Admins list can be updated and disseminated throughout the campus to Deans, Department Chairs and Administrative Assistants.

Nominations:  No report.

Bylaws Committee:  Stacie Granger, Committee Chair, reported that they committee is still researching diversity and inclusion committees at other schools and is still a work in progress.

Diversity Committee: No report.          

Unfinished Business:

Diann Brodnax, President, discussed that since nothing happened in 2020 regarding Staff council membership nominations, she asked if the council wanted to extend everyone’s current membership by one (1) year. Stacie Granger, member, made a motion and Julie Walker, member, seconded, all members present were in favor and the motion carried approving to extend everyone’s membership by one (1) year. Should anyone rolling off in 2021 not want to continue on the council, they should email Diann directly to let her know.

The Nominations Committee is working on filling membership vacancies. There are currently vacant positions within Athletics, College of Business, Enrollment Management and Recruitment, Facilities Management, Information Technology, Íæż½ã½ã Police Department and Records and Registration. Diann just received the list from HR and will work on updating the website to nominate individuals to be on Staff Council. Once it is up, the council will be notified. 

Diann Brodnax, President, brought up Officer nominations and that this year we will be electing and new President and Treasurer. If you are interested in running for these positions, please email Diann directly so she can email you a nomination form. If you are interested and submit a nomination form, then you must write up a short biography explaining what you would like to see with the council and include qualifications. At the August Staff Council meeting, we will vote in person to fill the President and Treasurer positions. This year, once all nominations have been received, if you will email your speech to everyone to give everyone a chance to read and think on their vote before the August meeting. Diann will put a date on the nomination form and once that date is passed, she will notify the council on who is running for each office. If you have any questions about the offices, please email Diann and she will review the positions with you in length and give you more information. Please think about holding an officer position. It’s something Diann feels everyone should have the opportunity to do.

There was a little snafu about the Kudos going out so Diann reached out to Christy Swanson, Digital Communications Coordinator, and she has ideas about the Kudos form and Diann would like to discuss with Paula Gregory, Staff Relations Committee Chair.

Yinka has graciously held on to the leftover staff awards from the picnic and Diann matched them with folks in Staff Council member areas. Diann will send us a list, and if members would get with Yinka to distribute the awards that would be a great help. Ciera Vaidya and Karen Kessinger volunteered to help distribute to areas that do not currently have representation on the council.

New Business:


Good of the Order:



The next Staff Council meeting will be August 10, 2021 in Executive Event Space (Reaud Administration Bldg.)

Motion to adjourn – Julie Walker, Council Member and Staff Awards Ceremony Committee Chair

Second – Candice Moore, Council Member 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Mandy Arceneaux

Mandy Arceneaux, Staff Council Secretary