
September 28, 2021

Tuesday, 09/28/2021
Submitted By:
Diann Brodnax

The meeting was called to order by Diann Brodnax, President, at 2:03pm.  Roll was taken by Diann Brodnax via the TEAMS participant list.  A quorum was present.

Officers present: Diann Brodnax, Yinka Jenmy, Dimples Jones

Members present: Albertine Ambers, Ashley Glenn, Stacie Granger, Paula Gregory, Alicia Hargreaves, Sharlene Hatch, Charlotte Holliman, Margo Hymer, Johnny Jarrell, Chrissy Jones, Karen Kessinger, Angie Laudig, Polly McNeel, Yolanda Monroe, Jenny Mutz, JT Robertson, Sharon Sanders, Ashley Sheehan, Ciera Vaidya, Julie Walker

The minutes for the August 2021 meeting were approved via email vote.

Committee Reports:

Executive Meeting: No report. Diann Brodnax, Staff Council President, explained the officers will no longer meet with the University President and CFO.  The Provost will continue the Provost and Presidents Luncheon each month.  This event will give Staff Council an opportunity to discuss Council business to administration.  Additionally, Dr. Taylor, University President, has named the Vice President of Finance and Operations as the Staff Council Liaison.  

Community Service Committee: Yolanda Monroe, Chair gave the following report:

  • Food drive to restock the Cardinal Pantry
    • The committee plans to hold the fundraiser soon. They are still working on logistics.
    • Diann shared she talked with Dr. Taylor and Dr. Nichols regarding the fundraiser. They liked the idea and approved the giveaway items. Additionally, Diann stated she is 98% sure Staff Council can use account funds to support the giveaway.
  • Meals on Wheels Spud Sale – October 28, 2021
    • Yolanda will send information soon regarding this year’s fall spud sale. She encouraged Council members to help make this a record year of sales for this worthy cause.

Staff Relations Committee: No report.

Nominations Committee: Diann gave the following report:

  • The Council membership nominations web page is updated and available to receive nominations.
  • A Campus Announcement will go out soon calling for nominations.

Bylaws Committee:  Diann gave the following report:

  • The Bylaws will be updated online to reflect the following changes:
    • Under Council eligibility, Mr. Alltop, CFO, suggested changing the verbiage ‘below the rank of Vice President’ to read ‘below all ranks of Vice President’. This would include Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents.
    • The Council previously voted to allow Council minutes and business vote via email. This will be officially added to the Bylaws.
    • Over the coming months, the Bylaws Committee will work on updating the entire Bylaws.

Staff Awards Committee: Diann stated the Distinguished Staff Luncheon will most likely be the week of November 15th.

Staff Social Events Committee: Diann reported:

  • This committee will work with Faculty Senate to organize the Spring Employee Picnic.

Ad Hoc Committee:  Sharlene Hatch, Chair, reported the committee will be including staff members from Human Resources to work together on this initiative.  They had their first brainstorming meeting to discuss expanding rewards and recognition, reviewed other institutions’ programs, recognition for staff employed 5 years and under, and logistics for publishing.

Old Business:  There was no old business. 

New Business: The following items were discussed:

  • Since several Council members stated the 10:00 am time is conflicting with departmental meetings. The Council agreed to hold the Council monthly meetings at 2:00 pm on the second Tuesday.  This arrangement can be revisited if conflicts arise.

Good of the Order:  No report.


The next Staff Council meeting will be October 12, 2021, at 2:00pm in the Library, 8th floor.

Julie Walker moved to adjourn the meeting and Sharlene Hatch seconded the motion.

There being no further business, Diann Brodnax adjourned the meeting at 2:27pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Diann Brodnax, President

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