
June 14, 2022

Tuesday, 06/14/2022
John and Mary Gray Library, 8th Floor
Submitted By:
Dimples Jones

The meeting was called to order by Diann Brodnax, President, at 2:05pm.  Roll sheet was passed around.  A quorum was present.

Officers present: Diann Brodnax, President Yinka Jenmy, Vice-President Dimples Jones, Treasurer

Members present: Albertine Ambers, Angela Burke, Lauren Gatto, Stacie Granger, Paula Gregory, Charlotte Holliman, Renee Hunter, Yolanda Monroe, Carly Olliff, Katherine Tristan, Ciera Vaidya, Julie Walker, Jon-Michael Wallace


Diann Brodnax, Staff Council President, addressed the following items:

  • Gave Staff Council shirts to Staff Council members present at the meeting
  • Staff Relations to research
  • Suggested to Stacie to research what other universities are doing to work remotely due to price of gas. LIT maybe doing something similar
  • Suggested to research about mental health days oppose to sick days.


Committee Reports:

Community Service Committee: No Report

 Diann gave the following report:

  • Work on a plan for the food drive at convocation for the fall and examples of raffle items including costs.
  • Write a justification explaining the importance of Lamar’s community commitment in volunteering for the BISD ROAR program to present for approval for release time for staff to volunteer. Alternatively, think about creating a Community Volunteer Ad Hoc Committee that would give flexibility to staff to volunteer for the ROAR program.

Staff Relations Committee: No report

Diann gave the following report:

  • Research and write proposal for remote working for staff during special circumstances.
  • Research how other institutions are adjusting to the higher gas prices.
  • Research other institutions allowance of Mental Health Days as opposed to using sick or vacation days.

Communication Reports: No Report

Diann gave the following report:

  • Diann suggested for Lauren to work with Ciera with membership nominations to increase the number of staff to join staff council.
  • Target for information to be placed in Monday announcements and have it in by Thursday.


Nominations Committee:

 Jon-Michael Wallace, Chair, gave the following report:

  • The following Staff Council members are rolling off this term: Blaire Brevell, Megan Cochran, Stacie Granger, Wilma Jackson, Johnny Jarrell, Chrissy Jones, Dimples Jones, Angie Laudig, Polly McNeel, Yolanda Monroe, and Aida Tucker.  If you would like to continue to serve on Staff Council, please submit your nomination form.
  • Staff Council membership nominations will be open through July 6, 2022.
  • Staff Council Officer elections will be held in August for president and treasurer. If you are interested in running for officer, please email Jon-Michael Wallace.

Bylaws Committee:  No report

Staff Awards Committee:  No Report

Diann gave the following report:

  • Received anonymous emails pertaining to bringing back staff awards ceremony.
  • Received an anonymous email concerning portfolios.
  • Admissions would like to include recruiters that is not on campus to receive awards, shirts, and etc., from the campus events.

Ad Hoc Committee:  No report


Old Business:  There was no old business.

New Business: The was no new business.

Good of the Order:  No report.


The next Staff Council meeting will be July 12, 2022 at 2:00pm, location 8th floor, Library.

Stacie Granger moved to adjourn the meeting and Ciera Vaidya seconded the motion.

There being no further business, Diann adjourned the meeting at 3:05pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dimples Jones, Treasurer

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