
September 5, 2019

Thursday, 09/05/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ana Christensen

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; James Armacost, Arts & Sciences; Ana Christensen, Arts and Sciences rep; Tracy Benson, Chemical Engineering; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications; Alberto Marquez, Industrial Engineering; Katy McCall, SGA representative

Via Proxy: Ashwini Kucknoor, Arts & Sciences; Edward Doan, SGA Representative; Barbara Henandez, Health and Kinesiology; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Judy Smith, Nursing

Absent: Paul Hemenway, Faculty Senate; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts & Communications; Qin Qian, Engineering; Zanthia Smith, Fine Arts & Communication; Jai-Young Choi, Business; Kaushik Gosh, Business; Debbie Troxclair, Education and Human Development

Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; David Short, Registrar; Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention;

Ex-Officio Absent:

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher 

Guests: Liv Haselbach, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Jeremy Alm, Mathematics; Gleb Tcheslavski, Electrical Engineering; Xinyu Liu, Industrial Engineering


Presiding: Michael Saar 


Call to Order: 3:35 pm 


Election of Officers: Michael Saar asked for nominations for a new chair of the committee. As none were forthcoming, Michael offered to continue to serve as chair. This motion was passed by unanimously. Michael then called for nominations for chair-elect and explained the importance of the position, particularly as this is his final year in his term.  When there were no nominations put forward, Michael urged the committee members to consider the position and that nominations would be asked for again at the next meeting.  Next was the call for nominations for secretary as Judy Smith stepped down. In the absence of any nominations, Ana Christensen volunteered to take minutes for the meeting. Nominations for secretary will be taken at the next meeting.

Approval of Minutes: 8-19-19

Michael made minor corrections to the minutes:

  • MATH 0132 Course Change – Approved with Changes
  • Syllabus is missing contact email
  • Syllabus is missing office hours
  • CIP and CB Admin Codes are not accurate
  • MATH 0370 Course Change – Approved with Changes
  • Syllabus is missing office hours
  • CIP and CB Admin Codes are not accurate
  • Íæż½ã½ãEE Degree Plan – N/A – Approve

 He also re-iterated the syllabus requirements and stressed that these were what the committee needed to focus on when evaluating items. With no other additional corrections, Ana made the motion to approve the minutes with changes; this was seconded by Katy McCall (SGE proxy). The corrected minutes were approved unanimously.


  1. B.S. Electrical Engineering Degree Plan
  • Changes to the degree plan were outlined by Gleb Tcheslavski, which included the removal of PHYS 3350 Modern Physics as the material covered is no longer applicable to the degree and has been dropped by other programs covered by the Southwest Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association.
  • The course is to be replaced by ELEN 3328 Quantum Mechanics for Electrical Engineers.  The change will not affect the overall hours required for the degree.
  • Jim made the motion to accept the change and was seconded by Millicent; approved unanimously.


  1. Industrial Automation and Robotics Certificate
  • Xinyu Liu was present to answer questions
  • There was no discussion of the proposal as it had been covered in previous meeting.
  • Millicent made the motion to approve which was seconded by Alberto; approved unanimously.


  1. B.S. Civil Engineering Degree Plan
  • Haselbach discussed the proposed changes to the degree plan to better align with revised field of study plan for Civil Engineering recently adopted by THCEB. Most of the discussion centered on the addition of a new course, CVEN 2320 Differential Equations, which could be an alternative to MATH 3301 Ordinary Differential Equations. This change is prompted by the pre-requisite of MATH 2318 Linear Algebra for Math 3301, which is not part of the current degree plan for civil engineering.
  • Alm of Mathematics then spoke to the issue of the Math 2318 pre-requisite and agreed that a full course in linear algebra was not necessary for MATH 3301, however more time would be needed to affect department approval for the change
  • A move was made to move on to course approval for CVEN 2320 before voting on degree plan change
  1. CVEN 2320 Course Addition
  • Syllabus needs ISBN
  • Discussion of how course is different than MATH 3301
  • Discussion of faculty expertise and pre-requisites for teaching the course
  • Discussion of timelines and changing pre-requisites
  • Tracy made motion to approve course and was seconded by
  • After minor discussion, motion was voted on and unanimously approved
  1. CVEN 4365 Course Change
  • Change is to make MATH 3370 pre- or co-requisite course
  • Alberto made motion to approve and was seconded by Katy; approved unanimously
  1. Return to B.S. in Civil Engineering Degree Plan
  • Civil Engineering agreed to drop their CVEN 2320 if and when Mathematics deletes the pre-requisite MATH 2318 from its MATH 3301
  • MATH 2318 can remain as an elective in the degree plan to accommodate those already in the program or seeking a math minor
  • Katy made the motion to approve which was seconded by Millicent; approved unanimously
  1. GIS Certificate Undergrad
  • Motion to return to the department for corrections and clarification
  • Motion put forward by Tracy and seconded by Katy; approved unanimously
  1. GEOL 3312 & 4313 Course Additions
  • Motion to return to the department for corrections and clarification
  • Motion put forward by Tracy and seconded by Katy; approved unanimously
  1. B.S. in Social Work degree plan change
  • Change is to only accept BIOL 1308 Biology for non-majors and BIOL 2306 Environmental Science for 3 credit science courses in fulfillment of the University Core
  • 4 hour lab sciences will still be accepted for the University Core
  • The missing hours will be filled by a department elective. There are plans to make SOWK 4300 into a regular offering to fill this slot.
  • Motion to accept made by Katy and seconded by Millicent; approved unanimously
  1. PHYS 1370 – Course Change
  • Attendance policy missing from last proposal had been added
  • Ana made the motion to approve and was seconded by Tracy; approved unanimously
  1. PHYS 3314 – Course Addition
  • Course has been offered previously as special topics and has been converted to a permanent course offering in the Department of Physics
  • Needs the ISBN added to syllabus
  • Motion to accept with changes made by Ana and seconded by Jim; approved unanimously
  1. CRIJ 4378 – Course Addition
  • Course has been offered previously as special topics and has been converted to a permanent course offering in the Department of Criminal Justice
  • Changes needed to be made in syllabus
    • Removal of SACS statement
    • Update the library link to the current
    • Eliminate the reference to scholarly book review on 4th page
  • Motion to approve with above changes made by Jim and seconded by Alberto; approved unanimously
  1. CRIJ 4379- Course Addition
  • Course has been offered previously as special topics and has been converted to a permanent course offering in the Department of Criminal Justice
  • Changes needed to be made in syllabus
    • Removal of SACS statement
    • Update the library link to the current
    • Eliminate the reference to scholarly book review on 4th page
  • Motion to approve with above changes made by Millicent and seconded by Tracy; approved unanimously
  1. ENGL 4342 – Course Addition
  • Returned to the department for signatures
  1. MATH changes
  • MATH 0214 companion course to MATH 1314
    • Has been changed from a graded course to a Pass/Fail option in order to promote the matriculation through the curriculum while preventing students from being able penalized when they may need both developmental math and an additional Math course for their degrees. These courses are taught for the TSI restricted students.
    • Cover form needs reporting level and codes changed
    • Motion to approve with above changes was made by Katy and seconded by Tracy; approved unanimously
  • MATH 0224 companion course to MATH 1324
    • Cover form needs reporting level and codes changed
    • Pre-requisites on cover need to be changed to TSI or ABE scores
    • Motion to approve with above changes was made by Tracy and seconded by Katy; approved unanimously
  • Math 0242 companion course to MATH 1342
    • Has been changed from a graded course to a Pass/Fail option in order to promote the matriculation through the curriculum while preventing students from being able penalized when they may need both developmental math and an additional Math course for their degrees. These courses are taught for the TSI restricted students.
    • Cover form needs reporting level and codes changed
    • Pre-requisites on cover need to be changed to TSI or ABE scores
    • Motion to approve with above changes was made by Tracy and seconded by Ana; approved unanimously
  • MATH 1324 course addition
    • Course is needed to fulfill new THECB Plan of Study for Business Degrees
    • Cover form needs codes and number of credit hours changed
    • Motion to accept with the above changes was made by Ana and seconded by Alberto; approved unanimously

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn was made at 4:55 pm by Tracy and was seconded by Millicent; approved unanimously


Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Ana Christensen, temporary secretary, University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee


