
August 16, 2021

Monday, 08/16/2021
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting  

Date:  Aug. 16, 2021 Time:  3:30 p.m. 

UUCC Minutes 08-16-2021 

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202 and Microsoft Teams   

Attending: Garrick Harden (Arts & Sciences), O’Brien Stanley (Fine Arts & Communication), Stefan Andrei (CID), LeAnn Chisholm (Arts & Sciences), Jamie Azios (Fine Arts & Communication), Melissa Riley (Faculty Senate), Randall Terry, Ricardo Tovar-Silos (Busines), Alberto Marquez (Engineering), Qin Qian (Engineering), Cindy Cummings (Education & Human Development), Donna Azodi (Education & Human Development), Connie Ruiz (Education & Human Development) 

Via Proxy:  None 

Absent: Jimmy Bryan (Arts & Sciences), Penny Clark (Library), Tracy Benson (Engineering), Sara Pace Hillin (Arts & Sciences), Ashwini Kucknoor (Arts & Sciences), James Armacost (Arts & Sciences), Serdar Ilban (Fine Arts & Communication) 

Ex-Officio: Dann Brown (Associate Provost), Kayla Holloway (Director UAC), David Short (Registrar), James Nelson (Chair, A & S) 

Ex-Officio Absent: Theresa Hefner-Babb (SACSCOC Liaison), Kurt Dyrhaug (Chair, FA & Comm), Liv Haselbach (Chair, Engineering), Belinda Lopez (Chair, E & HD), Toni Mulvaney (Chair, BUS) 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Tucker 

Guests: None  

Presiding: Garrick Harden 

Call to Order: 3:30 pm  

Garrick Harden opened the meeting. 

Approval of Minutes: Minutes were approved unanimously.  

  • COSC 2325 - Stefan Andrei reported this course is awaiting vote from College Curriculum Council. J.P. Nelson added the syllabus is fine. All that is needed is the Course Addition cover page.   

Motion to table this item until approved by College Curriculum Council. The motion passes. 

  • PEDG 3330 – A representative from Education is not present to speak on this course. Should max repeat hours be 0? SCH need to be changed from "O" to the correct amount. Course description is also incomplete. Departments need to submit fully complete and correct paperwork. 

Motion to send course back to department to change SCH, Max Hours and Course Description was proposed by LeAnn Chisholm, seconded by Donna Azodi. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed. 

  • LIBR 1301 – New course addition with request to be added to the Core Curriculum. LIBR 1101 is already in the Core. Library also wants to add LIBR 1301 to the Core. This course is needed for many departments to meet 090 core that’s not math. Need to add to Course forms where course will fit in the Core. Michael Saar is instructor of record. 

Motion to approve course addition was proposed by Randy Yoder, seconded by Donna Azodi. All voted in favor of the motion, and the motion passed. 

Motion to table Core Curriculum proposal until information is given of where this course will be within the Core. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed. 

  • GEOL 3312 – Course deletion but replacement course, GEOL 4312, has not been approved by UUCC. David Short to delete this course since it's on a degree plan. Ask department to submit both GEOL 4312 Addition and GEOL 3312 Deletion together for UUCC approval. 

Motion to send back to department and wait for subsequent GEOL 4312 addition was proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Ricardo Tovar-Silos. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • Communication & Media Degree Plan Changes – O’Brien Stanley can answer some questions regarding these degree plan changes. David Short also will contact Nicki Michalski. 

Motion to hold this item until next meeting was proposed by O’Brien Stanley, seconded by Cynthia Cummings. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • Dash Degree Plan Changes – No one from department is present to discuss. This is a program for transfer students. Question regarding required core courses; different from University Core courses. Íæż½ã½ã AP cannot be used as an official title anymore. Student transcript will not show “AP” anymore. 

Motion to approve this degree plan as is was proposed by Cynthia Cummings, seconded by O’Brien Stanley. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • Elections for Secretary and Chair-Elect – Amy volunteers for Secretary position? No. Secretary needs to be faculty member because this is a faculty-led council. There needs to be due process for faculty, fairness & we have to govern. Is there a policy if no one is nominated for the positions? No, there is not. Can we draft someone? We have issues with: 
  • A large council of 23 members, hoping 12 members will show up   
  • Curriculum forms are incomplete for UUCC review 
  • Faculty Governance 

Any volunteers with Chair-Elect position? No. 

Why is this committee so large? Want to get as much representation as possible from each college. Garrick Harden plans to run as member in UUCC after he term ends. If he returns, he will run as UUCC President.  

  • Discussion: committee audit – Several committees do not meet or have only met once in the past 1-2 years and then members roll off. Dr. Brown can review which University Committees and Councils are meeting and which ones are not. Dean Terrebonne completed an audit of all University Committees and Councils. We can access his data. Do we need to re-size committees? Have a relatively small group of faculty in most committees and councils. In terms of promotion & tenure, think about how service connects with committee and council activity and how that affects the process. 

Closing Remarks: September 3 is Provost deadline for November 2021 BOR items. We can create placeholders for the meeting until it has been approved by UUCC.   

Next Meeting –August 30 

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at4:35 p.m. by Cindy Cummings; Ricardo Tovar-Silos seconded, and the meeting was adjourned. 

Respectfully submitted: Aida Tucker, Associate Provost’s office