
February 21, 2022

Monday, 02/21/2022
Reaud 202 and virtual via Teams
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting   

Date: February 21, 2022  

Time: 3:30 p.m.  

Place: Reaud 202 & Virtual via Teams  

UUCC Minutes 02-21-2022   

Attending: Penny Clark—Library Services, Ashwini Kucknoor—Arts and Sciences, , Garrick (Brad) Harden—Arts and Sciences, Donna S. Azodi-- Education and Human Development, Tracy Benson—Engineering, Jimmy Bryan—Arts and Sciences, Ricardo Salvador Tovar-Silos - Business,Melissa Riley-Faculty Senate,Alberto Marquez – EngineeringJamie H. Azios—Fine Arts and Communication O’Brien Stanley-Fine Arts & Communication, Cynthia Cummings—Education and Human Development, LeAnn Chisholm-Arts and Sciences, Qin Qian—Engineering, Sara Pace Hillin—Arts and Sciences, Stefan Andrei—CID rep 

Absent:, Tiffany Tran – SGA Representative,  , Connie S. Ruiz—Education and Human Development, Randy Yoder—Arts and Sciences, Tim Dueppen-Fine Arts & Communication  

Ex-Officio: Dann Brown – Associate Provost, David Short—Registrar, James Nelson—Arts and Sciences CC Chair, Kayla Holloway, Victor Davila 

Ex-Officio Absent:  Theresa Hefner-Babb—SACSCOC Liaison, Kurt Dyrhaug—Fine Arts and Communication CC Chair, Liv Haselbach—Engineering CC Chair, Toni Mulvaney—Business CC Chair, Belinda Lopez - E & HD, CC Chair, Kayla Holloway—UAC  

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher Tucker   

Guests: Nicki Michalski, Rebecca Boone, Don Warren, Kakoli Bandyopadhyay, Carmyn Thompson,  

Via Proxy: Ashwini Kucknoor for James Armacost  

Presiding: Garrick Harden    

Call to Order: 3:30       

Approval of Minutes: Cindy Cummings moved the minutes of the December 6, 2021 be approved, Donna Azodi seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.    

Curriculum Reviewed:  

PEDG 3330 Course Addition 

JP Nelson asked if 1 repeat hour is correct? David Short indicated it is not correct. Why use “bilinguals” instead of bilingual language? Syllabus title doesn’t match cover form of Course Addition. Dann Brown and Theresa Hefner-Babb will schedule meeting with Freddie Titus to discuss this course.  

Motion to hold course addition until after meeting with Teacher Education faculty was proposed by Dann Brown. The motion passed.    

Rebecca Boone joined meeting as a guest. History has not made curriculum revisions since 2014. Want to boost 3000 level courses. New faculty have been teaching these course additions as Special Topic courses. 

HIST 3306 Course Addition 

Take out request of this course included in the core curriculum.  

HIST 3306-4366 Course Additions 

Garrick Harden proposed to approve these courses as a bundle. Approved unanimously.  

Motion to approve courses as a bundle was made by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Ashwini Kucknoor. The motion passed.    

HIST 4306 Course Change 

HIST 4307 Course Change 

Breaking up Women’s History into two courses at year 1877. Donna Azodi asked about pre-requisite for this course. Pre-reqs are not needed.  

Motion to approve courses proposed by Tracy Benson, seconded by Penny Clark. The motion passed.  

HIST 4311 Course Change 

Title change to keep up with modern mindsets. 

Motion to approve course change proposed by Donna Azodi, seconded by Cindy Cummings. The motion passed.  

HIST 4313 Course Change 

Title change similar to HIST 4311. 

Motion to approve course change proposed by Awais Saleem (Need to confirm if a UUCC voting member. According to records, Dr. Saleem is not a voting member). Motion seconded by Ashwini Kucknoor. The motion passed.   

HIST 4331 Course Change  

Title change due to politically charged like HIST 4311. 

Motion to approve course change proposed by Tracy Benson, seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passed.  

HIST 4335 Course Change 

This is a Special Topics so course can be repeated. Topic of course will change each semester.  

Motion to approve course change proposed Cindy Cummings, seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passed  

BBA-MIS Degree Plan  

Kakoli Bandyopadhyay joined meeting as a guest. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has provided a grant which will be used for this degree plan. Three new courses included in this degree plan which are not currently in the course inventory.  

Motion to approve degree plan proposed by Ricardo Tovar-Silos, seconded by Ashwini Kucknoor. The motion passes.  

MISY 3300 Course Addition 

Max repeat hours are blank; add a 0.  

MISY 3300, 3330 and 3380 reviewed as a bundle. 

Motion to approve courses as a bundle proposed by Awais Saleem (Again, need to confirm if a UUCC voting member). Motion seconded by Tracy Benson. The motion passes.  

Certificate in Data Analytics 

Five undergraduate course certificate. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Analytics grant will be used to offer flexible, easy certificate for students to be more marketable. This is a stackable certificate. Students can tale five out of eight courses for certificate. 

Motion to approve certificate proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by O’Brien Stanley. The motion passes.  

BS in Speech and Hearing Sciences Degree Plan Change 

Carmyn Thompson joined meeting as a guest. 15 additional hours included in degree plan change; 120 hours total.  

Motion to approve degree plan change proposed by Tracy Benson, seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passes.  

SLP-A Proposal  

This proposal is connected with the Speech and Hearing Science undergraduate degree. This proposal will add a post-baccalaureate program and practice as SLP-A. 

Motion to approve proposal made by Awais Saleem (Again, need to confirm if a UUCC voting member). Motion seconded by Cindy Cummings. The motion passes.  

SPHS 4309 Course Addition 

Practicum course. SPHS 4310 is a pre-req for this course. Are the contact hours correct as three? Jamie Azios indicated contact hours should be 45.  

SPHS 4309 and 4310 Course Additions 

Motion to approve courses additions as a bundle proposed by Awais Saleem (Need to confirm if a UUCC voting member). Motion seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passes.  

COMM 4300 Course Change 

Nicki Michalski joined meeting as a guest. Capstone course whereas changing the title. Expect students in this course to have foundation of communication. This change is part of curriculum overhaul to be more research-oriented. Outcomes in syllabus are great. Penny Clark inquired if historical topics are researched in this course. Most students lean towards contemporary topics. 

Motion to approve course changed proposed by O’Brien Stanley, seconded by Awais Saleem (Need to confirm if a UUCC voting member). The motion passes.  

Minor in Accounting  

Students have requested this minor. This gives students with Finance degree to learn more about Accounting. Only two courses required. ACCT 4330 under creation, not in course directory. Pre-reqs are not in the minor. ACCT 3370 is going away. ACCT 2301; math course pre-req is gone. 

Motion to approve minor proposed by Tracy Benson , seconded by Awais Saleem (Need to confirm if a UUCC voting member). The motion passes.  

Comment from Dann Brown: future curriculum proposals that are submitted with obvious signs of lack of attention will be sent back. The Provost Office is wanting to get minor edits and typos under control.  

COMM 1373 Course Change 

Changing description and added new book to readings. Adding social media aspect, among other modern updates. 

Motion to approve change proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Tracy Benson. The motion passed. 

COMM 3315 Course Change 

Took out recommendation for teaching-track students. 

Motion to approve change proposed by O’Brien Stanley, seconded by Cindy Cummings. The motion passed.  

COMM 4310 Course Change 

Integrating social media platform in course description. 

Motion to approve change proposed by Tracy Benson, seconded by O’Brien Stanley. The motion passed.  

Garrick asked for BOR schedule to be posted on UUCC Teams site. Aida will post that.  

Academic Calendar will be presented at future Dean’s Council meeting. Also a draft curriculum calendar has been presented at the Dean’s Council meeting.  

Submission in November or May BOR meeting. After approved need to add items to UUCC Teams site.  

Motion to adjourn was made by Tracy Benson, seconded by Penny Clark. 

Meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.  

Next Meeting: March 21, 2022  

Respectfully submitted, 

Aida Tucker, Sr. Administrative Coordinator