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SGA President Lavergne draws motivation from community need

Aaron LavergneSenior mechanical engineering major and Houston native Aaron Lavergne is a man of many hats. Actively involved in organizations varying from Greek Council and the Student Government Association to coaching little league baseball and presiding over Lamar’s branch of the National Society of Black Engineers, Lavergne attributes his involvement on campus and in the community to his philosophy that one should strive to give more than they receive.

“It is extremely important to give back to your community and school, especially if you have been blessed in life,” he said, recalling his favorite Bible verse, Luke 12:48 — “To whom much is given, much is expected.”

 “Giving back is my way of recognizing that the community played a part in making me who I am. You can recognize your fortune, but you always want the people who follow you to be even better. Giving back is the way to ensure that with time, the community and the school continue to progress and expand.”

Involvement on campus, he says, is a prime way to exemplify this belief and expend his talents to help improve the lives of his peers. Involvement has helped Lavergne strengthen his passion for community, experiment with new forms of leadership and find his own strengths. He says it has also been a major catalyst for his growth as a person.

“Involvement on campus allows you to encounter many different situations that you will face once you graduate and become a ‘real’ adult. These opportunities allow you to practice your responses to those situations without catastrophic consequences for making the wrong decision,” Lavergne said. “It helps you mature, but also helps you realize what you enjoy doing and how that can relate to your life.”

And what Lavergne enjoys is serving others.

“I was able to bring more recognition to NSBE on the campus and get more students excited about the possibilities of Greek Council. I’ve also had fun bringing together kids through the game of baseball through little league coaching and progressively seeing them improve,” he said. “I participate in these activities because I enjoy staying busy and serving others.”

Lavergne is a Mirabeau scholar and has been involved with Lamar Ambassadors, Greek Council, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, Student Government Association, Íæż½ã½ã baseball, National Society of Black Engineers and the Reaud Honors College during his time at Lamar. In his newest role as Íæż½ã½ã’s SGA president, Lavergne hopes to expand upon the idea of transparency within student government—especially by clarifying the communication from administration to students.

“Our campus is encountering a lot of change, and without the proper communication, people can be left out of the loop when they deserve to know what’s going on,” he said. “I want to be able to strengthen the recognition from students about what SGA is and what your SGA can do for you and your experience at Íæż½ã½ã. My whole goal this year will be to exemplify transparency and communicate effectively.”

Lavergne says that while it’s not always easy to balance relaxation with involvement, he stays sane by organizing his time—he tries to keep all “business” in his life during business hours, 8 to 5. At night, Lavergne enjoys time to himself or spends time with friends and family. He credits his family with all of his success, and says they are his greatest motivators to reach even higher in life.

“My family members have equipped me with so many tools to help me succeed, and they are always supportive. Family is what I lean on when I’m in tough situations; I can always count on them to help guide me down the right path,” Lavergne said.

He says his family has also contributed to his academic success by pushing him to go further. His studies at Lamar have helped him do just that by challenging him as a student and presenting him with unending opportunities.

“Lamar has so many opportunities available to its students, the same offered at any large university,” Lavergne said. “Many people are in awe of what goes on at larger universities, but those same things happen here each and every day. And here, you are able to take advantage of anything you want.”

Lavergne plans to graduate in May of 2017, after which he hopes to enter the manufacturing industry with his degree in mechanical engineering. He says his ultimate goal is to become a manager and contribute to breaking the stereotypes that engineers are introverted, or lack communicative and creative skills.

As he looks back on his own experience, Lavergne encourages all incoming students to be open minded about their time in college and get to know and love the Golden Triangle.

“Incoming students, allow yourself to be engulfed into the Lamar and Golden Triangle lifestyle. Explore all of the rich history, culture and food that exists in this area,” he said. “To enjoy yourself in college or in any aspect of life, you have to be open to new experiences. New experiences present themselves every day, and you will only get the best out of life if you take those chances.”