
Tuition and Fees Definitions


Fee Uses Amount Amount for 15 SCH
Tuition Statutory Tuition:  The rate is set by the legislature for resident and nonresident students. Statutory Resident- $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) or Non-Resident -$470/SCH – shown on bill as $50 base and $420 differential $750
  Designated Tuition: Faculty & staff salary positions, new academic programs, other strategic initiatives, and financial aid. Designated - Traditional $209.49/SCH or Guaranteed Price Plan $234.63/SCH $3,142.35
  Graduate Increment: Board authorized and is used to provide support for graduate programs. Graduate Increment - $100/SCH  

Mandatory Fees

Fee Uses Amount Amount for 15 SCH
Student Service Fee Activities that involve or directly benefit students, including, but not limited to, recreational activities, artist and lecture series, cultural entertainment series and student government. $23.75/SCH up to a maximum of $250 $250
Student Center Fee** Operate and maintain Student Center $100 per semester $100
Health Center Fee** Basic operations of Student Health Center $41 per semester $41
Rec Center Fee** Operate and maintain Rec Sports and Campus Rec operations $80 per semester $80
Athletic Fee Athletics scholarships, operations, and facilities improvements $10.58/SCH $158.70
Institutional Fee Funds critical support services and infrastructure, including maintenance, library resources, computer and network support, academic advising services and records administration $61.53/SCH $922.95
Study Abroad Fee To support an international education financial aid fund. This fund allows an equal opportunity for all students to participate in student exchange and study abroad programs $2 per semester $2


Note: Does not include lab fees, off campus fees or distance education fees

(**) On campus fees (Student Center, Health Center and Rec Sports) are waived for students exclusively in off-campus or internet courses.

Fees subject to change without notice by action of the Board of Regents or the Texas State Legislature


Other Fees

  • Distance Education Fee: A distance education fee of $50 per SCH will be charged for courses taught via the internet or hybrid instructional method. This fee covers the cost of development and maintenance of courses taught online.
  • MBA Program Fee: A fee of $50/SCH will be charged to students admitted into the MBA Program
  • Nursing Program Fee: A fee of $210 per semester will be charged to students admitted into the Dishman School of Nursing Program
  • Payment Plan Enrollment Fee: A non-refundable fee of $20 is assessed to enroll in a payment plan (for handling & other processing.
  • Late Payment Fee: A late payment fee of $15 is charged for each missed installment payment due date.
  • Return Item Fee: A fee of $25 is assessed for processing each returned check.
  • Lab Fees: Lab fees are charged for courses with labs. Please see individual course listing for lab fees.