
Residence Life Handbook

Introduction to Housing & Residence Life

Welcome to Íæż½ã½ã, from Housing & Residence Life.

Cardinal Village

Housing & Residence Life operates five residence halls on the Íæż½ã½ã campus capable of housing 2,500 students who attend either Íæż½ã½ã (Íæż½ã½ã) or the Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT). Collectively, the complex of five residence halls is referred to as "Cardinal Village" or "university housing." Students are housed in furnished suites, which consist of two private bedrooms, each with locking doors, and a common living area with a shared bathroom. Each suite is provided with high-speed Internet access. Each hall has front door security and card access to enter. Residents have access to amenities located within Cardinal Village including laundry rooms with free washers and dryers in each residence hall; landscaped, shaded canopies; swimming pool; basketball court; sand volleyball court; and kitchens.

Recreational Sports

All students have access to the Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center, which has an indoor pool, a 40-foot climbing wall, weight machines, racquetball courts, basketball courts, free weights, an indoor track, and more. Students can participate in intramurals and sport clubs, play tennis at the Thompson Tennis Center, and use the Intramural field for outdoor sports.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center is conveniently located next to Cardinal Village and offers primary and urgent health care and confidential personal mental health counseling. Co-pay fees are placed on your student account.

Living On Campus

Living on campus means being a part of a community of other students from different backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles. You'll grow a greater appreciation for individual differences while living on campus. You'll meet people of different races, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses. While you initially may not feel comfortable with these differences, you have a valuable opportunity to expand beyond your comfort zone and enhance your educational experience. Because residents live closely and interact frequently, community living requires consideration and respect on the part of all community members.

Statement of Responsibility

Information provided in this Handbook is for the benefit of the community and residents of university housing. Residents are responsible for adhering to this information and will be held accountable if individual or group actions are a detriment to the community. This information will help make the living experience educational and enriching and provide resources to be a positive, contributing member of the community.

Residents are responsible for what happens within their living unit. Students in the presence of any policy violation may be subject to student conduct sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion from Íæż½ã½ã or LIT. Any type of damage - accidental, incidental, or malicious - will result in restitution of damaged property by the responsible residents.

Note: If any information in this Handbook conflicts with your Housing Contract, the Housing Contract supersedes this Handbook.


Housing & Residence Life is committed to providing a living environment that supports the academic mission of Íæż½ã½ã. We accomplish this by stimulating the learning process, integrating in-class and out-of-class experiences through activities and knowledge essential to students' preparation for a life of leadership, intellectual engagement, citizenship, and civility.

Student learning happens both inside and outside of the classroom, and on-campus residents have opportunities to get connected to their campus, to be engaged with other members of the community, to learn to live cooperatively with others, to develop an independent identity, to understand and accept individual differences, to think globally about issues that affect the international community, and to learn life skills that will help them become valuable, contributing members of society long after their college years.

Housing & Residence Life understands that each resident is a vital member of the campus community. In turn, every community member must commit to being a part of that community by exercising good judgment and by living out the highest standards of integrity.

Community Commitment

Each resident has the right to live in an atmosphere of positive encouragement and mutual respect. Each resident is entitled to:

  • Sleep, study, and socialize in his or her room without disturbance.
  • Live in a secure, healthy, and clean environment.
  • Be an active member within a supportive and stimulating community.
  • Have access to campus programs and services.

To demonstrate your commitment to being a participating member of the Cardinal Village community, your individual responsibilities are to:

  • Accept responsibility for your actions.
  • Become involved in the community by participating in activities both within and outside of university housing.
  • Consider the needs of other residents and balance them with your own needs.
  • Promote individual safety and community security.
  • Hold yourself and others to the highest standards of academic, personal, and social integrity.
  • Maintain open lines of communication with Housing & Residence Life (HRL) staff.
  • Respect the opinions of others.
  • Respect the environment and the property of others and of Íæż½ã½ã.

To achieve these community-wide goals, objectives, and responsibilities, it is necessary to implement policies for each resident and their guests. The following policies are in addition to those described in your Housing Contract, the Student Code of Conduct, and other Íæż½ã½ã policies governing student conduct and responsibilities.

Resident Assistants

Your Resident Assistant (RA) is a returning and experienced student who lives in Cardinal Village and serves as the primary resource for building community and to help students to know each other and Íæż½ã½ã. Your RA will work to build a positive community within the hall, assisting residents with both personal and academic concerns, knowledge and upholding of Íæż½ã½ã policies, and serving as a resource and/or liaison for the university.

Policies and Procedures

First-Year Housing Requirement

The first-year housing policy for Íæż½ã½ã students states: “All first-year students are required to reside in university housing and to maintain a residential dining plan.”

On-campus housing exemptions may be granted for those who:

  1. Reside with a parent living within 60 miles of campus;
  2. Are married or have dependent children; or
  3. Have earned 30 or more credit hours.

Official documentation verifying exemptions to this policy may be required by Housing & Residence Life, in addition to the Íæż½ã½ã Off-Campus Residency Request. See the First-Year Housing Requirement page for full details.

Residence Hall Eligibility

All on-campus residents must enroll in at least 6 semester credit hours each Fall and Spring semester to maintain eligibility to reside in university housing. For Summer housing, students must be enrolled for at least 3 semester credit hours.

Housing Contract

All students must complete a Housing Contract for the period they reside on-campus. The contract term is for both the Fall semester and the Spring semester of the academic year. Housing Contracts must be signed via the . A copy of the Housing Contract is at lamar.edu/residencelife.

Returning students must renew Housing Contracts each contract period but are not required to pay an additional down payment. Students who want to cancel their Housing Contract must do so by the dates specified in their Housing Contract.

Down Payment

The student must submit a $150 down payment when completing the Housing Contract. This down payment will be converted to a credit after the student has occupied the assigned space.

Housing and Payment Policy for Lamar Institute of Technology Students

Housing & Residence Life is committed to providing on-campus student housing priority to new Íæż½ã½ã freshmen and current Íæż½ã½ã residential students choosing to return to live on-campus. On-campus student housing is then offered to eligible LIT students on a space-available basis. LIT students are responsible for total charges related to university housing and selected meal plans. LIT students are housed in 3-person suites in either double or single rooms in Gentry Hall on a space-available basis.

An application must be filled out and submitted to Housing & Residence Life by mail, email, or in person. Prior to being able to sign a contract and to receive a room assignment, LIT students must pay an $800 down payment. The down payment is due before a student can receive a housing assignment. The remaining balance must be paid in full prior to move-in or in accordance with the following payment schedule:

  • Initial $1,100 installment is due August 1 or prior to move-in. Students who fail to complete the initial installment payment in full are not eligible to receive keys or move into university housing.
  • The remaining balance will be evenly divided. The first half of the remaining balance is due September 1.
  • Failure to complete payment of the first half of the remaining balance will result in the deactivation of the student's meal plan. The student will not have access to on-campus dining. Meal plans may be reinstated upon full payment of the balance within the allotted time.
  • The final opportunity for payment in full of the remaining university housing and meal plan balance is due October 1. All payments must be completed in full no later than October 1.
  • Failure to complete payment for the remaining balance by the final deadline of October 1 will result in the eviction of the student. The student's account, with all related charges as agreed upon in the Housing Contract, will be referred to collections.
  • For the Spring semester, the $1,100 installment is due on January 1.
  • The first half of the remaining balance is due on February 1.
  • Payment in full is due on March 1.

Deactivation of meal plan and eviction will occur as described above for the Spring semester.

All payments are made at Íæż½ã½ã cashier's office located in Wimberly Student Services. This payment schedule is final and applies to all LIT students regardless of financial aid or scholarship status.

Cancellation of Housing Contracts and Appeals

See the Housing Contract that you agreed to and/or the sample copy located at lamar.edu/residencelife. Your signed Housing Contract supersedes this Handbook in the event of a discrepancy.

Any student wishing to cancel their Housing Contract must submit a Housing Contract Cancellation Request, available in the . Cancellation requests do not suspend or terminate the student's obligations under the Housing Contract until the request is officially approved by Housing & Residence Life.

Cancellation of Housing Prior to the First Day of Classes for the Academic Year

When the cancellation request is received after June 30 and prior to the first official move-in day for the academic year, the following will occur:

  1. If the student has an approved Housing Contract on file and enrolls in classes at either Íæż½ã½ã or LIT during the term of the contract, the student is responsible for fulfilling the agreement, including full payment of room charges (including meal plan). A space will be reserved for the student in Cardinal Village.
  2. If a new student has an approved Housing Contract on file but does not enroll in classes at either Íæż½ã½ã or LIT during the term of the contract, the agreement will be canceled. All charges will be removed from the student's account, and the student will forfeit the down payment.
  3. If a current resident submits a new Housing Contract for the next academic year but does not enroll in classes for the semester indicated in the application, the agreement will be canceled, and the student will be charged a $500 liquidation fee.

Cancellation of Housing During the Academic Year

Generally, once classes have begun, requests for cancellation are only considered for the following reasons:

  1. Voluntary withdrawal from university housing after the student has officially withdrawn from Íæż½ã½ã and/or LIT with the appropriate written notification and approval as required by the university.
  2. Marriage, after the contract term began and legal verification has been provided to Housing & Residence Life.

In the above cases, if cancellation is approved, the agreement will be canceled, and the student will be charged on a pro rata basis for the time spent in university housing plus 50% of the remaining charges for the remainder of the contract term. A student who files a request for cancellation after the eighth week of class of either the Fall or Spring semester will be charged for the entire semester plus 50 % of any additional semester/term. For example, if a two-semester agreement is canceled in November, the student will be charged the full amount for the Fall semester for university housing and meals and the student will also be charged 50% of the total amount due for the Spring semester.

Any amount due to the student for room charges (minus any outstanding balances remaining on the student's account) will be refunded to the student by the cashier's office, pursuant to policies established by that office. Vacating the premises and/or non-occupation of the assigned space does not release the student from contractual obligations.

Cancellation of Housing for Special Circumstances

Students may also request cancellation of their housing contract in the following situations. In these cases, if approved, the student will be released from their housing agreement without being charged a cancellation fee. However, the student will be charged for room rent and the meal plan on a pro rata basis for the time spent in university housing.

  1. Graduation: A student will be released from the contract at the end of the Fall semester if requirements for graduation have been completed and the Housing Contract Cancellation Request Form is received by Housing & Residence Life prior to November 15th of the Fall semester.
  2. University-Approved Program: A student will be released from the contract for the period of time the student is participating in a university-approved study abroad program or other comparable university-approved program that requires the student to leave Jefferson County (student teaching or an internship or similar program) and the Housing Contract Cancellation Request Form is received by Housing & Residence Life prior to departure from campus.
  3. Active Military/National Guard: A student will be released from the contract if they are called to active military duty so long as the student submits a Housing Contract Cancellation Request Form and a copy of their military orders. The student must have been in the military/National Guard prior to signing the Housing Contract to be considered for release.

Cancellation of Housing Due to No Show

In the event a student does not arrive to check into their on-campus assignment and has not submitted a Housing Contract Cancellation Form by 5:00 p.m. on the twelfth day of class, the following will occur:

  • If the student has a signed Housing Contract on file and enrolls in classes during the Housing Contract term as indicated in the application, the student will be held responsible for fulfilling the agreement, including full payment of room rent and meal plan charges, and a space will be reserved for the student in university housing.

Termination of Housing Contract by the University

The university may terminate a student’s Housing Contract, with no right to a refund for the following reasons:

  1. Nonpayment of room and board charges.
  2. Student conduct suspension or expulsion from the university.
  3. Student conduct eviction of the student from university housing.
  4. Failure by the student to meet the university’s academic and/or technical requirements; and/or
  5. Violation of a material term or condition of occupancy by the student and/or the student’s guest(s).

The student must immediately vacate university housing upon termination of the Housing Contract. The student remains responsible for all housing fees. The university reserves the right to take necessary measures to remove a student and belongings remaining in university housing after termination of the agreement.

Access to Residence Halls

Access to Cardinal Village is controlled by a computerized electronic control system. All halls maintain controlled access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Card readers are located just outside the entrance of each residence hall. The card readers only recognize and grant access to a properly encoded electronic access card. The door will unlock and then immediately re-lock when it closes. Access to each residence hall is limited to only those students that reside in Cardinal Village until 2:00 am. After 2:00 am, access is only granted to students who reside in that specific hall. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to temporarily deactivate access cards in situations, including but not limited to, the inappropriate usage of an access card or if a resident fails to complete all steps of a room assignment change.

Emergency exits may only be used in the event of an emergency or during a building evacuation. Entering and exiting residence halls may occur only through non-emergency doors, as these doors have access card capabilities.

Keys and Locks

Keys are issued during the check-in process. Lock your door each time you leave your room. Do not loan your key or ID to anyone. Report lost keys to your front desk immediately. A fee will be charged to change the lock and make new keys each time a key is lost. Locks are changed on front doors and bedroom doors only. Do not install additional deadbolts or alter door handles/locks in any way. Failure to report a lost or stolen key may result in student conduct sanctions.

Locks may not be altered, changed, or added by residents. Keys are the property of Íæż½ã½ã and must be returned at the end of the resident's occupancy of the suite during check-out. Duplication of keys is prohibited. A $150 lock change fee will be charged for damaged or lost keys.

Identification Cards

Full-time and part-time students of Íæż½ã½ã and LIT must obtain a school-issued photo identification card. The Cardinal One Card is used by Íæż½ã½ã and serves as the university ID card, library card, and debit card for the student's account. This card is used to receive financial aid and any Íæż½ã½ã refunds. Students must activate their Íæż½ã½ã email account and check it regularly to receive information from Cardinal One and Íæż½ã½ã student financial services. Lost Cardinal One cards must be replaced immediately. Replacement cards are issued for a fee at Wimberly Student Services.

If any person is caught misusing the card for identification purposes, the card may be confiscated by Íæż½ã½ãPD or other university personnel and the student may be subject to student conduct sanctions by the Director of Student Conduct or Íæż½ã½ãPD. Misuse of the card includes but is not limited to:

  • using the card to enter a residence hall or event that the person is not eligible to enter
  • loaning the card to someone else
  • altering the card in any manner

Confiscation of the card will not affect any remaining cash balance in the student's account.

Always carry your student ID card. HRL staff may request proof of identity of any person on university housing property. Failure to identify yourself to a staff member upon request is a violation of university policy.

Residents may not have more than one active residence ID card in their possession.

Room Lockouts

Residents who are locked out of their room will be charged a $5 lock-out fee between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. After 10:00 pm, residents will be charged a lock-out fee of $25. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to change locks without prior notice for security purposes. New keys will be issued to the residents affected by the change.

Residence Hall Security

Security is provided through Íæż½ã½ãPD to monitor the front entrances of each residence hall. Íæż½ã½ãPD may make rounds through the residence halls on a random or scheduled basis. Resident Assistants (RA's) and Complex Directors are on-call and respond to any incident occurring in Cardinal Village. Residents must use their card access to enter the residence hall and show their access card photo at the security desk upon entering.

RA's are on-call any time the front reception desk is closed and residents are in the building. If the front desk is not occupied or you are unable to get to the front desk, you may call the on-call number for emergency help, lockouts, noise complaints or other appropriate questions and concerns.

The on-call phone numbers for each hall:

  • Campbell: 409-926-4509
  • Combs: 409-926-4035
  • Gentry: 409-926-4570
  • Monroe: 409-617-3322
  • Morris: 409-926-2660


Residents begin the move-in process by reporting to the front desk before moving into their room. The resident must present a valid photo ID to confirm their identity before checking into the unit. Individuals other than the person assigned to the room space may not complete any part of the move-in process for the resident. During move-in, students complete a Unit Condition and Inventory Form ("UCF") on which they list all damages, missing furniture, and any other irregularities in the room. The resident is provided a paper form to complete and return to the front desk. The resident is responsible for ensuring all damages are recorded. Failure to do so may result in damage charges at move-out. Residents will be held financially responsible for damages that occur within their room not documented in the UCF at move-in.

Room Furnishings

In general, each resident is provided with a private bedroom with a locking door. Suites consist of two private bedrooms and a common living area and a shared bathroom. Each bedroom contains:

  • Extra-long twin bed with a headboard
  • Dresser drawers
  • Limited closet space with full-length mirrored closet doors
  • Computer desk
  • Desk chair
  • Window blinds

The shared living area and bathroom are furnished with:

  • Couch
  • Side chair
  • Coffee table
  • End table
  • Microwave
  • Shower rod
  • Medicine cabinet with vanity

Free laundry facilities (washer and dryer) are in each residence hall.

Things to Bring

For a current list of recommended items to bring during your move-in to Cardinal Village, visit lamar.edu/residencelife.

Prohibited Items

For safety, these items are prohibited and will be confiscated by HRL staff. Leave these items at home:

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Weapons
  • Fire and electrical hazards
    • Grills: George Foreman grills, BBQ grills, hibachis, etc.
    • Hot plates, electric skillets, toasters, toaster ovens, crock pots, slow cookers, rice cookers, additional microwave, etc.
    • All other heating and cooking appliances
    • Lava lamps, heating lamps, portable space heaters, halogen lamps
    • Candles or any other item producing an open flame, including candles with wicks removed
    • Wax or oil warmers, incense burners
    • Flammable/combustible materials like paint thinner, gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, fireworks, etc.
    • String lights of any kind (including battery powered) like Christmas/holiday lights
    • Extension cords and multi-outlet plugs. Power cords and surge protectors are allowed.
  • Aerial antennas, masts, and other short wave/ham radio equipment
  • Wireless routers. Wi-fi is provided and personal routers interfere with the network.
  • Dressers and other furniture including waterbeds
  • Patio furniture
  • Air conditioning units (window or portable)
  • Pets of any kind
  • Darts and dart boards
  • Major appliances, including washers, dryers, and dishwashers


Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in Cardinal Village, regardless of the age of the student. Alcohol bottles and/or containers may not be kept in any resident's room for any reason, including decorative purposes. Students are responsible for all state laws regarding alcohol, including public intoxication and providing alcohol to minors, and the alcohol policy as stated in the Code of Student Conduct. You are responsible for the actions of your guests and should educate your guests on policies prior to their visit. If alcohol is found within the common areas of the residential unit, both residents will be held responsible. If alcohol brought by a guest of the resident is found within a residential unit, the residents of that unit will be held responsible. Residents found in possession of alcoholic beverages are subject to student conduct sanctions and a $100 fine.

Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia

Any unlawful manufacture, possession, or delivery of any controlled substance or illegal drug is prohibited. The Student Code of Conduct also prohibits possession of drug paraphernalia (blunts, bongs, hash pipes, blow tubes, water pipes, etc.). It is the policy of the state of Texas and of Íæż½ã½ã that this institution will be free of illegal drugs.


Students may NOT bring these items into Cardinal Village : firearms, ammunition, or any other weapons including pellet guns, BB guns, stun guns, paintball guns, blow guns, airsoft guns, sling shots, arrows, bows, axes, machetes, nunchucks, throwing stars, or knives with a blade over 5 1/2 inches. Íæż½ã½ãPD may confiscate these items. Possession of weapons or explosives will lead to student conduct sanctions, eviction, and expulsion. Refer to the 5.2.6.

Candles and Incense

Candles, torches, incense, hookahs, pipes, and any other devices (oil lamps, lava lamps, etc.) that produce an open flame or have an open heating coil are extremely hazardous and are prohibited in Cardinal Village. A $50 fine will be charged to the student when these items are found.

Cooking Appliances

Toasters, hot plates, and other small appliances with heating elements are prohibited. These items are potential fire hazards. A $50 fine will be charged to the student when these items are found.

Fireworks, Explosives, Flammable Liquids, and Hazardous Materials

Students may not possess fireworks, explosives, ammunition, gunpowder, spray paint, or any other related materials on campus. All flammable liquids and hazardous materials are prohibited in Cardinal Village.

Halogen Lamps

Halogen lamps are prohibited on campus.


Curtains, unless marked flame retardant with a factory label (UL listed as flame retardant), are prohibited. The tag must remain on curtains.


Residents may bring area rugs, tension rods, and other decorating items if permanently adhered to any surface. The room must be returned to its original condition before check-out. Any damage resulting from nails, screws, carpet tape, contact paper, or any adhesives must be repaired so that no damage is visible. Residents will be charged for any damage found during the check-out process. Contact HRL staff if you have questions about how to hang an item without causing damage.

Decorations may not hinder the use of, or restrict access to, hallways, doorways, stairs, corridors, or fire-related equipment. Do not attach anything to or tamper with light fixtures, sprinkler heads, safety equipment, or exit signs. These restrictions apply to both resident rooms and community areas.

Stickers cannot be attached to painted walls, windows, or other surfaces of any university property. Construction barriers, traffic/street signs, newspaper machines, etc. are also prohibited because these items may be stolen property.

Live Christmas trees and boughs are prohibited in all rooms. Residents may not use seasonal lighting, like twinkle/rope lights, as decoration. Seasonal decorations must be of a fire-retardant material. To maintain the physical condition of the residence halls, residents are not to damage the painted walls or surfaces in their room.


Residents may not keep pets of any kind, unless the animal has been certified as a service animal by the Disability Resource Center. Unauthorized pets will be removed by university officials if the resident cannot be found or refuses to remove the pet. Residents will be charged an extermination fee to spray for fleas, ticks, and other pests, and/or a $100 fine any time an unauthorized pet is found in the resident's possession. A second offense is $1,000. Pets do not include approved service animals.

Wireless Routers

Íæż½ã½ã provides high-speed wired and wireless internet to the residents of university housing. Personal routers slow down and can even crash the Cardinal Village network. To maximize network speed and performance, personal routers are prohibited and are subject to confiscation and a $50 fine if found within a unit.

Additional Restrictions

  • Students may not remove or exchange furniture from common areas of and residence hall or between any resident rooms.
  • There is no storage available for residents to store any university or personal furniture.
  • Lofts and waterbeds are prohibited.
  • Students may not erect or build partitions of any kind.
  • Nothing may be hung from the ceiling.
  • Do not remove the screens from the windows.

If you have any questions regarding whether an item is prohibited, contact HRL staff.

Room Assignments

Room assignments are made for students who have been accepted for admission to Íæż½ã½ã. First priority for assignments is given to new Íæż½ã½ã freshmen, who must live on-campus. Second priority will be given to students who lived on-campus the preceding Housing Contract period. Third priority for assignments is given to new applicants based on the date the completed Housing Contract is received. Every attempt is made, but not guaranteed, to accommodate a student’s hall and roommate preferences. Registered sex offenders may not reside on-campus.

Students who are accepted late, apply to live on-campus late, fail to complete their Housing Contract by the deadline date, or have been suspended and readmitted late, may not receive a permanent assignment until after the first day of class.

Room Changes

Students can request to change rooms after the 12th day of class of each semester for 10 days (about one and a half weeks) if space is available. Email your request to housing@lamar.edu if you wish to change rooms. This includes moving from one bedroom to another in the same suite. If a room change is approved, the resident will receive an email confirmation from Housing & Residence Life.

Housing & Residence Life is responsible for approving all assignments and reserves the right to reassign individuals to other rooms or residence halls in event of roommate or hall conflict, pending student conduct sanctions, and/or non-compliance of university policy. Unauthorized room changes are subject to improper check-out charges and cancellation of the move.

After this 10-day period is over, the Complex Director of the hall must approve any requests to change rooms. All room change requests made after this period are approved on a case-by-case basis and where space is available. Residents whose request to change rooms is approved must pay a $150 room change fee. No changes are allowed made without Housing & Residence Life approval. The resident will remain responsible for his/her assigned room until official check-out.

Reserving Specific Rooms

Current residents have priority to reserve their current space for the next contract period (except in the first-year halls). Residents requesting a transfer to another hall the following year may submit their request during the priority sign up period. Rooms are reserved for the next year by completing the contract renewal process. Residents who do not properly complete the renewal process may be reassigned to any available room or hall.

The university may cancel the Housing contract if the student is placed on academic suspension. If readmission is granted later, the student must reapply to live on-campus unless he/she meets the criteria and receives an off-campus housing exemption.

Consolidation Policy/No Roommate

HRL reserves the right to consolidate any student who is left without a roommate during the year or after the priority sign-up process for the upcoming semester. Subletting is prohibited. All room changes are made at the discretion of the Complex Director or the Director of Housing & Residence Life. If a resident does not have a roommate, the resident must accept one of the following options:

  1. Elect to pay the additional fee for the private room ($875 per semester), if space is available;
  2. Choose to move to another half-occupied room;
  3. Find another student willing to move into the room; or
  4. Accept a roommate assigned by Housing & Residence Life.

If a resident is the only resident in the building who is occupying a space without a roommate, the resident must:

  1. Keep the unoccupied half of the room in a condition that would allow someone to move into the room at any time;
  2. Display an attitude of cooperation and acceptance toward any resident who may examine the room prior to considering occupancy;
  3. Agree that the room may be shown to prospective occupants without prior notification and in his/her absence; and
  4. Agree to accept a roommate assigned by Housing & Residence Life.

Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to require students without roommates to acquire roommates to:

  1. Better meet the demand for students requesting to room together
  2. Better meet the demand for private rooms
  3. Allow for maintenance repairs
  4. Make space available for the housing of special groups
  5. Reduce the cost of utilities
  6. Facilitate cleaning

Housing & Residence Life guarantees students a space, not a particular room or hall, in university housing.

Disability Accommodations

Students who require special accommodation in university housing must complete the Request for Housing Accessibility Accommodation form. Completion of the form is necessary to provide reasonable accommodation for students with documented disabilities who plan to live on campus. Students must provide professional documentation of their disability. Housing & Residence Life will consult the Accessibility Resource Center and Facilities Management regarding documentation of a disability and provision of accommodations.

At the beginning of each semester, HRL staff will provide the Director of Housing & Residence Life and Íæż½ã½ãPD with a list of residents who have been provided special accommodations in university housing that may need help leaving Cardinal Village in an emergency. This information will help in identifying students in emergency situations. Once a student has been given special accommodations, these accommodations will be maintained each semester that the student lives on-campus. If a student requests to transfer to another residence hall, he or she needs to contact Housing & Residence Life to see if an accessible room is available.

Students requesting academic accommodations should contact the Accessibility Resource Center at 409-880-2225 or email arc@lamar.edu.

Maintenance and Damages

Damages and Unit Condition Form

Inspection of resident rooms and suites are conducted at the beginning, end, and periodically throughout the academic year by HRL staff. The suite will be assessed using a Unit Condition and Inventory Form (UCF) which describes the condition of the room and furniture and other furnishings provided by the university. Each resident must complete the UCF at check-in and must submit the completed form to HRL staff within 24 hours after moving into university housing. Residents are encouraged to be as detailed and as specific as possible when indicating pre-existing damages on the UCF.

If the resident fails to complete the UCF within the allotted 24 hours, and/or upon moving out, the resident waives his/her right to appeal any damages noted on the UCF or found in their assigned room. Condition of the resident room is assessed based on the condition of the room as noted by HRL staff. When damage occurs in the residence halls, repair and/or replacement costs is charged to the residents responsible for the damage. If individual responsibility for damage cannot be determined, the cost may be divided among residents of the room, floor, or hall.

Damages and Minimum Damage Charges

Residents must complete a Unit Condition Form (UCF) documenting all existing damage to the room and its contents when they check in. Residents will be charged for missing items and any damage to their room and/or furnishings that were not present and/or noted when they moved in. This includes the windows, window screens, and both sides of the front door. If another student is suspected of causing the damage, the charges may be transferred if HRL staff is able to verify the allegations.

All residents are expected to care for university property and report damages immediately. Damages, either intentional or accidental, may result in the student(s) responsible being billed. The university is not responsible for any damage to a resident's room or a resident's personal items because of theft, vandalism, fire, sprinkler system activation, or maintenance failure. Maintenance problems do not constitute a reason for a refund. Students are responsible for providing property insurance for personal possessions.

Damage charges may be appealed in writing to Housing & Residence Life. Residents are responsible for any damage caused to their living area or they are found responsible for, during the time they are assigned to that space.

Maintenance and Repairs

If at any time a resident has a maintenance issue with a room, bathroom, or common area, report it to cvmaintenance@lamar.edu and be as detailed as possible. You may also report the issue to the front desk staff. For emergencies (broken pipe, electrical failure, etc.), alert the staff at the front desk or contact Íæż½ã½ãPD. Maintenance personnel are on duty beginning at 8:00 a.m. and may not always arrive at hours convenient to residents. Cooperate with all maintenance personnel so that repairs may be made as quickly as possible. If the emergency occurs after office hours or on a weekend or holiday, contact the RA on call or Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-7777.


Residents are responsible for scheduling a move-out inspection with HRL staff before moving out of their assigned unit. All move-out inspections should be scheduled during regular business hours (Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.) and 48 hours (2 days) in advance, when possible. Residents failing to schedule a check-out inspection may be charged a $100 improper check-out fee.

When residents move out, they must check-out with a staff member and complete the following procedures:

  • Leave the room clean and empty of belongings.
  • Accompany the staff member during the room inspection.
  • Sign the "Move-Out" portion of the UCF.
  • Return the room key.

Failure to follow these procedures may result in the student being charged a fee for the cleaning of the room, replacement of the key, and continuation of room occupancy fees. Students may not check out prior to the end of the Housing Contract period unless they withdraw from the university or have authorization from Housing & Residence Life. Students must have canceled their housing prior to being authorized to move out, except at the end of the Housing Contract term. Vacating without Housing & Residence Life authorization may result in continuation of residence hall fees, and cancellation penalty fees. Students must vacate their room within 24 hours of their last final exam.

Students who withdraw from classes or who are removed from the residence hall because of a student conduct sanction must vacate their room within 24 hours.

Preparations for Move-Out Inspection

  • Remove all personal items from the room/suite/apartment.
  • Remove all food and clothing items from cabinets, drawers, closets, and appliances.
  • Remove all trash from the room/suite/apartment, and discard in the nearest dumpster.
  • Wipe the inside of closets, dressers, cabinets, desks, etc.
  • Sweep and mop all hard surface floors, including corners.
  • Thoroughly clean all appliances inside and out. There should be no dirt, grime, grease, or sticky feel when properly cleaned.
  • Remove dirt, grime, and soap scum from all bathroom fixtures (toilet, sink, tub/shower, medicine cabinet).

The charges for damaged and/or unclean rooms/suites are listed on the UCF. Be sure to take care of your assigned unit and make sure that it is thoroughly cleaned before turning in your keys. Once you have turned in your keys, you will not be allowed back into the room/suite.

Room Entry

The university reserves the right to enter a Student's assigned space/room/unit in cases of emergency and during regular business hours and at other times with advance notice, if possible to the Resident, for the following reasons: to conduct periodic maintenance, custodial, and safety checks; to perform necessary maintenance; when the university reasonably believes any person(s) occupying the room may be physically harmed or in danger; and when the university reasonably believes that university policies are being violated; or to verify occupancy.

Health and Safety Checks

Each semester, HRL staff inspect rooms for health and safety concerns during the third week of the month during the semester between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure resident's safety and assess the condition of each room.

When performing Health and Safety checks, staff will:

  • Knock and announce themselves before entering.
  • Identify themselves as Residence Hall staff.
  • Look for safety and sanitation issues like unsafe cord placement, unclean environment, doorway obstructions, electrical outlet over-loading, maintenance concerns, pests, etc.
  • Document any policy violations.
  • Confiscate prohibited items.

Confiscation of Prohibited Items

HRL staff will confiscate items that are deemed illegal or unsafe or in violation of HRL or Íæż½ã½ã policies. If HRL staff confiscates an item, a notice will be left in the room. Residents of that room will receive notification from their Complex Director about follow-up conduct. The resident will be subject to student conduct sanctions and fines. Fine amounts vary based on the violation. Confiscated items may be picked up from the Complex Director when the resident plans to take them off-campus. After 10 days of storage, HRL staff may discard confiscated items that have not been retrieved.

Welfare Concerns

HRL staff and/or the Director of Student Conduct may require a meeting with any resident transported to the hospital for safety or health concerns. The meeting will occur as soon as possible after the resident has returned to campus.

Resident Conduct

Residents who violate HRL policies may be required to meet with the Complex Director, the Director of Housing & Residence Life, or the Director of Student Conduct. Continuous problems, problems of a serious nature, or alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be referred directly to the Director of Student Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct process is used as an educational tool for students to learn about community living.

Hall Meetings

Hall meetings are conducted periodically by RA's. Attendance at these meetings is mandatory because pertinent information is distributed to each resident. All residents will be held responsible for this information. If you have a scheduling conflict, contact you RA prior to the meeting and make other arrangements.

Cooperation with University Officials

HRL staff and Íæż½ã½ãPD officers are university officials. Residents and their guests must immediately comply with directions from any of these individuals. Verbal and/or physical abuse directed toward any university staff member will not be tolerated and WILL subject the student(s) responsible to student conduct sanctions up to and including expulsion from the university.

Hall Sports

Engaging in hall sports can potentially cause injuries or damage to residents and Cardinal Village. Playing sports in the residence hallways or common areas is prohibited, except in those areas designed for sports. "Sports" includes, but is not limited to, any competitive or non-competitive use of sporting equipment, including skateboards, balls, rackets, bats, Frisbees, and other objects, and racing, wrestling, water balloons/guns, and other sporting activities.

Noise and Quiet Hours

To support the academic goals and standards of residents, quiet hours are enforced from 10 pm to 8 am in each residence hall. Courtesy hours are observed throughout the building 24 hours a day. This means that although quiet hours may not be in effect, residents are expected to maintain reasonable volume levels, including hallway noise and slamming doors. Students are asked that noise not be heard outside of the room two doors down in any direction.

Residents with noise complaints are encouraged to contact the residents making the noise and request the occupants lower their volume. If the problem is not resolved, contact HRL staff to report the problem. During finals week, extended quiet hours are observed to better facilitate a study atmosphere. Some residence halls may enforce daily 24-hour quiet hours during finals to enhance the academic environment of that hall.

No percussive or electronically amplified musical instruments may be played in university housing except for scheduled student activities in common areas organized and approved by Íæż½ã½ã and/or HRL staff.

When quiet hours are in effect, the corridors and breezeways are only open to through traffic. Loitering, socializing, and/or phone conversations within the corridors and breezeways during quiet hours is prohibited. Residents who do not adhere to quiet and courtesy hours may be subject to a fine or student conduct sanctions up to and including eviction from university housing. Below are examples of what consequences may accompany noise violations. Each incidence is addressed on an individual basis.

  • 1st Offense, Noise Violation: Documented warning
  • 2nd Offense, Non-Quiet Hours Noise Violation: $25 fine and meeting with HRL staff
  • 2nd Offense, Quiet-Hours Noise Violation: $50 fine and meeting with HRL staff
  • 3rd Offense, Noise Violation (Any hours): $100 fine and meeting with the Director of Housing & Residence Life or the Director of Student Conduct

Reporting Disturbing or Distressing Behaviors

Any member of the university community (faculty, staff, or students) may make a report of student behavior they find to be disturbing or distressing. Examples of this behavior include threats or actual injury to self or others, continual disruptions of the living or learning environment, unwillingness or inability to meet basic personal needs (eating, hygiene, and/or dressing), or behaviors that seem out of character for a known individual.

Any person wishing to make a report may contact Housing & Residence Life at 409-880-8550 or Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-7777. The reports should include pertinent information (date, time, place, and name of student) and contact information for the person making the report. Anonymous reports are accepted but are not easy to investigate. Any misuse of this reporting system will be handled through the appropriate conduct process.

Smoking and Vaping

Cardinal Village is a 100% smoke-free and tobacco-free community. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes and vaping, and the use of tobacco products are prohibited in all university facilities, including all residence halls. Violators of the smoke-free policy will face a $200 fine. Repeated use may result in eviction from university housing.

Visitation and Guests

Residence halls are open to residents assigned to that hall, university officials, and guests who have legitimate reasons for being in the hall. Residence halls are special-purpose buildings and are not open to the general public. Visitation in any residence hall is a privilege. This has been established to allow guests to visit residents in their room during specified hours. The rights of roommates to study, sleep, and have privacy take precedence over visitation privileges. Roommates should not feel compelled to leave the room or be placed in situations that may cause embarrassment or inconvenience to accommodate guests.

A guest is defined as anyone not a resident of the hall they are visiting.

Guests must be 18 years of age. Exceptions for guests under the age of 18 are only permitted at the discretion of the Director of Housing & Residence Life (approved in advance).

All guests must enter through the main lobby or entrance of the hall. All guests must leave a government-issued photo identification card with HRL staff during their stay. The card will be returned when the guest leaves the residence hall. Residents are responsible for their guests' behavior and must escort them within the hall. Residents are responsible for ensuring that guests are familiar with and observe all Íæż½ã½ã and HRL policies.

An overnight guest (same gender only) is allowed only with the consent of the roommate. The resident must submit an Overnight Guest Request Form signed by the resident and roommate at least one week before the guest’s overnight stay. An overnight guest may stay no more than two nights up to two times per month. Weekday overnight stays are prohibited.

Visitation hours are from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. every day. Visitors who are not approved overnight visitors must leave the residence hall by 2 a.m.

Failure to follow policy will result in student conduct sanctions, including a $100 fine and possible loss of visitation privileges. Housing & Residence Life shall have the discretion to modify and/or withdraw visitation hours should it be determined that members of a residence hall have not maintained the community standards related to the visitation policy and behavioral expectations of the university. The visitation policies and procedures exist to help maintain an environment supportive of and conducive to the learning community and the academic mission of the university. Guests are limited to maintain occupancy limits and noise levels.

Roommate Rights

Each resident must respect his/her roommate/suitemate's rights to privacy and normal use of the suite. Also, each resident must ensure that any guest or visitor invited into the suite respects the roommate's privacy and use of the suite. The roommate should not be compelled to leave to accommodate a guest, nor should he/she be placed in situations that might cause embarrassment or inconvenience. Roommates/suitemates are encouraged to resolve problems between themselves before involving an RA or other HRL staff. If the RA is unable to resolve the conflict, contact the Complex Director.

Roommate Conflict Mediation

Should conflict with a roommate arise, HRL staff will take every measure to help residents resolve the conflict. Any student whose actions are found to be in violation of the Roommate Bill of Rights listed below may be required to move into another room or hall and may be subject to student conduct sanctions, including expulsion from the residence halls.

Roommate Bill of Rights

Residents of university housing are entitled to the following rights:

  • The right to be free from undue interference (noise, guests, etc.)
  • The right to sleep free from undue disturbance
  • The right to expect the respect of personal belongings
  • The right to a clean and tidy living environment
  • The right to free access to one's room and hall without pressure from roommates
  • The right to expect one's roommate will not violate terms of the Housing & Residence Life Contract or Handbook
  • The right to be free from harassment and discrimination
  • The right to expect that any and all disagreements will be discussed in an atmosphere of openness and mutual respect, and that it is acceptable to confront one's roommate when the roommate is not fulfilling mutual agreements
  • The right to live in a smoke-, drug-, and alcohol-free environment


Solicitation, including non-commercial solicitation, political campaigning, survey, distribution of goods, selling, or any business in the halls is prohibited unless specifically authorized due to concerns over resident safety.



The university employs full-time custodial staff for the residence halls. These staff members are responsible for cleaning common areas including the lobbies, hallways, and community restrooms. Residents are responsible for cleaning their room and suite or private bathrooms. Residents should report any cleanliness concerns to the front desk. For safety reasons, residents may not enter the restrooms or other areas when the custodial staff has blocked the entrance or area for cleaning.

Mold, Mildew, and Moisture Buildup

The climate in Southeast Texas is conducive to the growth of mildew and mold. Residents must provide appropriate climate control. Always keep the thermostat on AUTO. Keep the space clean and take other measures to minimize mold and mildew from accumulating in the space. Residents must clean the space regularly to remove visible moisture accumulation on windows, walls, and other surfaces as soon as possible. If this is not cleaned, it can create continued mold growth. Do not place wet or damp towels or clothing on the furniture as this encourages the growth of mold. Residents cannot block or cover or obstruct heating, ventilation, or air conditioning ducts in the space. Residents must immediately report to HRL staff:

  • Any evidence of water leaks or excessive moisture in the space, in any storage rooms, and/or common areas.
  • Any mold or mildew growth that cannot be removed by applying a common household cleaner.
  • Any failure or malfunction of the heating, ventilation, or air conditioning systems in the space.
  • Any inoperable windows or doors.

Pest Control

Exterminators will treat the residence halls regularly, normally during semester breaks. Residents will be notified in advance. If an attempt is made by HRL staff or Facilities Management to exterminate a room and the resident refuses to allow entry, the resident will be charged a fee to have the application rescheduled. If medical problems exist, a letter from a physician must be sent to Housing & Residence Life to determine if an alternate type of treatment may be available. Material can be obtained from Housing & Residence Life concerning the types of chemicals used and optional forms of treatment.

Residents should contact HRL staff if they believe that they have an infestation of any kind of pest. Housing & Residence Life will work with Facilities Management to determine if an infestation exists and to treat if necessary.

A resident with an infestation must follow the instructions of HRL staff to prepare the room for treatment. A resident may be required to leave the unit during treatment. HRL staff will communicate what steps are required to prepare the room for treatment. It is the resident's responsibility to adequately prepare the room for treatment.


Residents are responsible for taking their trash to the dumpsters located near the commons building of each residence hall. Do not put trash in the corridors, stairwells, or other common areas. When trash is found in the corridors, a $50 per bag trash removal fine will be split between residents of the floor of that hall. Residents may not deposit room trash in the litter receptacles located throughout the grounds and in the laundry rooms since these receptacles are intended for litter.

Unclean Rooms

Residents are expected to always maintain an acceptable state of cleanliness. Residents are responsible for cleaning their bathrooms throughout the year. Residents must maintain a safe and healthy living environment for their safety, and others in the community. Uncovered food, excessive trash, scum build-up in bathroom area, offensive odors, and other cleanliness issues may result in a HRL staff member instructing the resident to clean the room. This decision is at the staff member's discretion. Violations of this policy and failure to comply will result in fines up to $100. Custodial services are not provided after the resident has officially moved into the room. Report any cleanliness concerns to the front desk.

Offensive Odors

Offensive odors are prohibited. An offensive odor is any odor or aroma of such intensity it becomes apparent and is offensive to others or is an odor that provides reasonable suspicion of illegal or unsafe activity. Any odor can become offensive when it is too strong. HRL staff members will address offensive odors when complaints are received. Residents responsible for the offensive odor will be asked to eliminate odor’s cause.

Community Areas

Furnishings and equipment in the community areas are available for all residents to use. As shared spaces, residents may not move this furniture into their rooms. If it is determined that a resident has moved community area items into a residence hall room, the furniture or equipment will be removed, and a removal fee will be billed to the resident's account. Residents and their guests are not allowed in common spaces and areas (hallways, lounges, laundry room, etc.) if the residents or guests are not fully clothed (wearing a top and bottom clothing article beyond only underwear). It is the responsibility of all residents to keep the community space clean and organized.

Residents may request to reserve common area spaces (lounges, study rooms, etc.) by contacting the Complex Director. Space is reserved for use by university housing residents.

Outdoor Pool

  • The Outdoor Pool is for use by Cardinal Village residents only.
  • Glass containers are prohibited inside the gates of the Pool.
  • Maximum occupancy of the Pool is 36 people.
  • The Pool is open to all Cardinal Village residents and may not be reserved for events by student organizations or other groups.
  • Cardinal Village staff may schedule events at the Pool that are open to all Cardinal Village residents.

Advertising and Signage

Housing & Residence Life professional staff must approve all signs before displaying them inside or outside of a residence hall. All signs, posters, and other like items must be approved by the Setzer Student Center before posting in any area on campus. Approved signage can only be posted in approved areas. The organization/student must remove dated signage. No advertising of personal businesses will be approved.

No banners, posters, flyers, or other signage are to be displayed or posted unless you have made special arrangements with HRL staff.

Community Damages

All damages, responsibility for which cannot be assigned to individual residents, will be prorated in accordance with Housing & Residence Life's determination of the student population involved. Damages will be categorized by room, floor, building, and hall. Residents are strongly urged to report any violation involving university property damage to HRL staff, with the names of those responsible. HRL staff will maintain the confidentiality of residents who report an incident.


Limited-use community kitchens are provided for residents' use in all residence halls. Residents must leave the kitchen clean. Failure to keep the kitchen clean may result in the kitchen being closed for a specified time. The kitchen may not be used as a substitute for the meal plan.

Cooking Guidelines for Community Kitchens

To prevent smoke build-up, fires, and building evacuations, take the following precautions:

  • Do not leave the stove unattended when cooking. Always stay with your food.
  • Keep vents clear and turned on when cooking. Pots and pans can block exhaust ducts.
  • Keep oven, broiler, and top burners clean. Splattered food and grease cause smoke.
  • Keep anything that can catch fire (potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, food packaging, towels, etc.) away from the stovetop.
  • Burners/stove/broiler will continue to cook after being turned off. Remove pots/food immediately. Stay with stove until it cools down.
  • Do not open the door(s) to air out smoke; this may set off the building alarm. Open windows, and if you have a fan, use it to blow heat and smoke away from the front door or smoke detector.

Laundry Facilities

There are laundry facilities in each residence hall. Washers and dryers operate at no cost to the residents. Laundry facilities are for residents in their hall only. The university is not responsible for laundry that is lost, damaged, or stolen. Laundry left in the laundry rooms may be disposed. The university recommends that residents stay with their laundry while it is in the laundry room. Report mechanical problems with the machines to the front desk.


Residents must purchase a current parking permit and display it if they park a motorized vehicle (automobile, motorcycle, scooter, moped, etc.) on Íæż½ã½ã property. When you receive your permit, you will receive a copy of the parking and traffic policy. Student parking areas are designated by letter. Student vehicles are parked only in the lots indicated by the parking permit. Parking spaces are not guaranteed.

Parking permits are purchased at the Íæż½ã½ã and LIT cashier's offices, as appropriate. After payment, present your receipt to the parking office to receive your parking permit.

Parking Policies for Residents

  • Residents may operate one properly tagged and functioning passenger vehicle (with no commercial lettering) not more than three-quarter (3/4) ton GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) on Íæż½ã½ã property.
  • Trailers, campers, and boats are prohibited and will be towed at the owner's risk and expense.
  • Any vehicle that blocks or inhibits access to any dumpster, fire lane, or university building will be towed at the owner's risk and expense.
  • Residents must obtain a university parking permit each academic year and must follow all parking policies.
  • Residents may not wash vehicles, change the oil of a vehicle, or perform vehicle repairs on Íæż½ã½ã property.

Additional Policies and Information

Abandoned Property

If a resident vacates an assigned space and leaves personal possessions, these items will be considered abandoned property. All items left will be removed by HRL staff at the resident's expense and discarded, recycled, or donated at the university's discretion.

Íæż½ã½ã, Housing & Residence Life, and university staff will not be responsible for property left in any residence hall after the resident checks out or vacates the room. If property of value is found, it will be removed and either stored for a limited time or it may be disposed of at the discretion of the university. Items found in common areas in which the owner cannot be identified may be disposed of immediately. If items are stored, the resident will be charged an abandoned property fee and the storage costs.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Motorcycles, Etc.

Bicycles can be stored in a resident's room. Most residence halls have bicycle racks located near the courtyard entrance and in the courtyard of the hall. No bicycle, scooter, or motorized vehicle can be stored in the hallway of any residence hall. If a resident's bicycle, scooter, or motorized vehicle is found elsewhere, Íæż½ã½ãPD will impound it and a fine will be issued to the resident. Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, scooters, or any other motorized vehicle (unless medically necessary) may not be ridden inside the residence hall. All bicycles should be registered for use on campus through the parking office.

Gasoline-powered motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, etc. are prohibited in the residence halls. Bicycle and motorcycle operators must follow all state, local, and university policies. Íæż½ã½ã parking policies are located at lamar.edu/parking.

Network Services

Each room is equipped with high-speed Ethernet computer connections. Residents must provide their own computer with a network port and Ethernet cable to use the Ethernet connection. Wi-fi is available in all residence halls and accessible in the individual rooms.

Verify that up-to-date security software (anti-virus etc.) is installed on your personal computer before using the internet. Remember, preparing a computer for safe connection to the Internet is much faster than removing malware, spyware, and rootkits.

See the Cardinal Village Network Use Policy for more details.

Email Communication

Each student at Íæż½ã½ã and Lamar Institute of Technology is issued an email account that is an official method of communication from faculty and staff to students. Each student is responsible for checking and responding to email messages regularly. Housing & Residence Life will correspond with students through their Íæż½ã½ã/LIT email account. Report misuse of email to HRL staff.

Emergency Gates

The emergency exit gates located within the residence halls and parking lots are intended for emergency use only. Improper use of these gates will result in a $200 fine.

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. In accordance with FERPA guidelines, HRL staff will not share any resident information, other than directory information (may include address, email address, phone numbers), with anyone outside of the university system. This includes information about a resident's grades, behavioral history, health concerns and financial information. Exceptions to this act, regardless of age, will be made in life-threatening situations.

Front Desk Hours

The front desk in each hall is open 8:00am - 10:00pm Monday through Friday and 10:00am - 10:00pm on Sunday. Desk operations are closed on Saturday. Any variations of these times will be posted and communicated to residents. The front desks are closed during university holidays. A staff member is on call when the desk is closed. The on-call phone number is posted at each front desk.

Meal Plans

All residents must purchase a meal plan. Current options and costs are at lamar.edu/residencelife. Residents choose their meal plan when they complete their housing application. Residents have until the 12th day of class to change their meal plan at the beginning of each semester.

Restricted Areas

The roofs, ledges, attics, storage closets, and mechanical/electrical equipment rooms of all university-owned buildings are restricted areas and off-limits for all residents. Entry without proper authorization is prohibited. Violators of this policy will be subject to student conduct sanctions.


Storage space is limited to the space available in the resident’s room. Residents cannot store personal belongings on-campus during summer. Contact local storage rental companies if you need this service. University-provided furniture cannot be removed from the suite.

Temperature Control

Each suite has its own thermostat set to regulate the unit to moderate temperature. This prevents the growth of mold within the unit and to keep the air conditioner from freezing up, causing it to break. Always set the thermostat on AUTO. Removing or tampering with a thermostat will result in replacement of damaged equipment, if necessary, and a fine of $100.

Windows, Screens, and Vents

Keep windows closed to maintain the temperature. Vents may not be stuffed or taped; windows may not be obstructed; and windows may not be decorated with any type of material, including foil, shoe polish, posters, signs, etc. Residents may not bring window unit air conditioners or space heaters into any building. Residents throwing or hanging anything out of their window will be subject to student conduct sanctions.

Winter Break Closure

The residence halls are closed for winter break from the Sunday after graduation in December until the Saturday before classes begin in January. Íæż½ã½ã residents keep their room key and access card during the closure and will not be allowed access to the residence hall until the halls re-open in January. Card access will be deactivated at the beginning of the closure. Bring home everything you will need during the winter break. Access cards will be deactivated, and residents will not be allowed in the residence halls.

Winter break housing is offered to approved athletes and residents who can document the reason they must remain on-campus. Charges will be added to the student’s account. No food is served during winter break.

Wiring, Satellite Equipment, and Antennas

Residents may not set up computer networking between rooms in the residence halls. Exterior wiring, satellite equipment, and antennas are prohibited. All residence hall rooms have wi-fi. The internet service provided is for personal and educational use only. Commercial or personal business use of the provided internet service is prohibited.

Safety, Security, and Emergencies

Íæż½ã½ã Police Department

The Íæż½ã½ã Police Department (Íæż½ã½ãPD) employs full-time, certified police officers. Our officers are licensed peace officers in the State of Texas with county wide jurisdiction. Íæż½ã½ãPD is available for contacting a student in an emergency, helping when keys are locked in a car, providing escort service on-campus at night, transporting students to the hospital, and meeting other needs as they arise. Students can contact Íæż½ã½ãPD for both emergency and routine calls. In emergency situations call 409-880-7777. For non-emergency situations call 409-880-8307. For crime information and personal safety tips, visit lamar.edu/police.

The safety and security of residents is a primary concern. Always keep your access card with you to identify yourself as a resident. Never give your access card to anyone else. Remember that safety starts with each resident.

If you see suspicious activity, immediately call Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-8307 (non-emergencies) or 409-880-7777 for emergencies.

Video Cameras

Video cameras have been installed in the public areas of residence halls and parking lots to monitor activity and reduce vandalism. Cameras may be installed in entryways, lobbies, laundry rooms, elevators, and other common areas. Cameras may be monitored by Íæż½ã½ãPD to enhance personal and building security.


ConnectED is Íæż½ã½ã’s web-based emergency notification system. The system allows Íæż½ã½ã to contact faculty, staff, and students quickly with news and information in the event of an emergency. The system can contact individuals on cell phones, home or office phones, voicemail, text, email, and TTY/TTD. The ConnectED system will call two phone numbers and send messages to two e-mail addresses from what is posted in the student information systems. Add your cell phone number and personal email address to the system. Students are encouraged to verify their telephone and email information in the Íæż½ã½ã system. More information may be found at lamar.edu/police/services.

Emergency Call Boxes

There are emergency phones located throughout campus. The phones are on blue posts with a blue light on top. Push the call button and talk directly to a police officer. When the red button is pushed, your location is automatically transmitted to Íæż½ã½ãPD. Individuals who are hearing impaired should remain at the phone (safety permitting) until an officer arrives. In addition, there are several emergency phones located within buildings across campus. The building phones are silver with a red push-to-activate button. Phone locations are marked in parking maps and in safety brochures available from Íæż½ã½ãPD. Call boxes can be used to request police assistance, escorts, help with vehicle problems, and information.

Missing Student Notification Policy

If at any time you believe a student to be missing, contact the Íæż½ã½ã Police Department (Íæż½ã½ãPD) at 409-880-7777.

Federal law requires that Íæż½ã½ã report to the Íæż½ã½ãPD and to the student's designated contact person when on-campus residents are determined missing for 24 hours. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and not emancipated, the university must notify the student's parent or guardian within 24 hours of becoming aware that the student is believed to be missing. Residents can provide parent or guardian contact information to the university during the university application process. This information is available to Housing & Residence Life professional staff and Íæż½ã½ãPD, kept confidential, and only used in emergencies. Íæż½ã½ãPD will always be notified if an on-campus resident has been determined to be missing within 24 hours of becoming aware that the student is believed to be missing.

Building Evacuation Process

Occupants must evacuate the building when an emergency alarm is activated. If an alarm sounds in your room, evacuate. If it is an alarm for the entire building, evacuate to your hall’s designated spot. Failure to follow these procedures will result in student conduct sanctions and/or a damage charge. Íæż½ã½ã wants to protect the residents on campus.

Fire Safety and Fire Drills

  • Announced and unannounced fire drills will be held at the direction of Risk Management, Facilities Management, and HRL staff during the academic year.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of nearby fire extinguishers, exits, and manual pull stations in your area and how to use them.
  • Any time the alarm sounds, residents must leave the building.
  • Participation in fire evacuations is required by state law.
  • Failure to follow instructions, vacate the building, premature re-entry, or impeding evacuation may result in student conduct sanctions.

If You See a Fire

  • Pull to activate the closest fire alarm handle.
  • Call Íæż½ã½ã Police at 409-880-7777.
  • If a minor fire appears controllable, promptly direct the charge of the fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame only if you can do so safely.
  • Evacuate when prompted by continuous sounding fire alarms or by an official announcement.

Fire Alarm Evacuation Instructions

  • Be aware of and make use of designated primary and alternate evacuation routes.
  • Close the windows and leave the lights on. Take your room key.
  • In inclement weather, wear a coat and shoes and carry a towel.
  • Leave door closed and walk to exit.
  • Smoke inhalation is the greatest danger in a fire. If you smell smoke, stay near the floor where air may be less toxic.
  • Do not use an elevator.
  • If you’re unable to leave the room, place a towel under the door if smoke is either seen or smelled.
  • If you are trapped inside a building during a fire and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews. If there is no window, stay near the floor where the air may be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.
  • Await help in the room or area of refuge.
  • If you cannot exit the stairwell, remain in a safe zone until emergency personnel can help you.
  • For physical help for evacuation, call Íæż½ã½ã Police at 409-880-7777.
    Evacuate to at least 300 feet from the building and out of the way of emergency vehicles.
  • Provide aid to those who need it in an emergency evacuation situation.
  • Report any individuals who have been injured or left behind to emergency responders.
  • If requested, assist emergency crews.

Evacuation Locations

Use these evacuation locations during any hall evacuations:

  • Campbell Hall: Parking lot west of Campbell Hall
  • Combs Hall: Parking lot in front of hall
  • Gentry Hall: Parking lot in front of hall
  • Monroe Hall: Parking lot west of Monroe Hall
  • Morris Hall: Parking lot in front of hall
  • Do not return to an evacuated building until an all-clear is officially announced.

Smoke Detector and Sprinkler System

Each residence hall room is equipped with a smoke detector. Smoke detectors in rooms are inspected regularly by Facilities Management and HRL staff. Sprinkler systems have been installed for added safety in all residence halls. Anyone found tampering with or activating this equipment is subject to student conduct sanctions and will be held responsible for any associated damage charges to the room and/or building. To make the sprinkler system as effective as possible:

  • Never paint or cover a sprinkler head.
  • Never hang anything from the sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads.
  • Never obstruct or alter a sprinkler head.
  • Never store anything within 18 inches of a sprinkler head.
  • Do not throw frisbees, footballs, baseballs, etc. in rooms, hallways, or other public areas.
  • Report any damages to the sprinkler system to the front desk immediately.

Misuse and Tampering

Tampering with safety equipment including emergency lights, exit signs, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, fire panels, electrical panels, fire extinguishers, and public area lighting and/or sounding a false alarm is a violation of state law. Violators could be charged in the appropriate civil court.

Starting a fire on a university campus is a felony. Students may be charged for all costs associated with tampering with safety equipment, including falsely setting off the fire alarm or tampering with fire extinguishers. The minimum charge for fire alarm activation is $200, and student conduct sanctions could include in suspension from the university.

Íæż½ã½ã employees will conduct routine safety checks to determine that safety equipment is in working condition and that health and safety violations are not present in the building. Students should report any problem associated with any safety equipment to the front desk immediately (discharged fire extinguishers, malfunctioning equipment, etc.). Íæż½ã½ã wants to protect its residents on campus, and tampering with safety equipment may impede emergency procedures.

Electrical Safety

Residents must always follow safety precautions. The following are some tips:

  • Do not overload outlets. When cords overheat, they can deteriorate quickly and cause a potential shock or fire hazard.
  • Be wary of electrical outlets that get too hot to touch. If it feels warm, unplug all appliances and enter a work order at the front desk immediately.
  • Do not connect multiple power strips together.
  • Do not route cords under doors or carpet. This could cause overheating or ignition.
  • Do not staple cords; this could damage the insulation and expose wire.
  • Use light bulbs with correct wattage for lamps. If the wattage is not noted on the lamp, do not use a bulb with more than 60 watts.
  • Never plug more than one high-wattage appliance into a single outlet.
  • Check all appliances for frayed or cracked cords and make sure to replace them.
  • If power goes out in your room, immediately report this to the front desk.
  • Become familiar with the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and know how to use it.

Electrical Power Strips and Extension Cords

Residents must use Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory approved surge protectors (electrical power strips with built-in circuit breakers) if more electrical outlets are needed. Multiple plug adapters, splitters, and extension cords are prohibited. Do not plug power strips into each other. Do not run cords under rugs or staple them.


Report emergencies to Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-7777 and to HRL staff. Emergencies include life-threatening situations, fires, floods, exposed electrical wires, or danger to life or property.

Emergency Alert System

The emergency alert system is designed to alert the campus in case of an imminent threat. Sirens are located to ensure the alert sound may be heard across the Íæż½ã½ã campus. While the alert system may be heard inside some buildings, the system is designed to provide an audible alert outdoors.

Severe Weather

Tornadoes and Rainstorms

Local radio and television stations announce tornado watches when the weather conditions are right for a tornado, but none have been sighted. Tornado warnings are announced when a tornado has been sighted. Storm alerts are broadcast when a severe thunderstorm is approaching. storm warning sirens may sound in cases of severe weather or during testing periods.

Procedure When a Severe Weather or Tornado Warning is Issued:

  • Seek shelter immediately in designated areas.
  • If inside a building:
    • Go to the lowest level of the building
    • Stay away from windows
    • Go to an interior hallway
  • Use arms to protect head and neck in a "drop and tuck" position
  • Avoid the most dangerous locations of a building, usually along south and west sides and at corners

If there is no time to get inside:

  • Lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building
  • Be aware of potential for flooding
  • Use arms to protect head and neck in a "drop and tuck" position
  • Use jacket, cap, backpack, or any similar items, if available, to protect face and eyes

Hurricane Evacuation Procedure

If a mandatory evacuation is announced, text, email, and automated phone call notices will immediately be sent out to students via the ConnectEd.

On the Housing Application, residents are asked to indicate whether they plan on evacuating themselves or if they will require university assistance to be evacuated. Residents who require assistance to be evacuated should immediately contact their Complex Director to arrange evacuation. Buses will transport residents to on off-site location, where they will remain for the duration of the event or until they have been signed out by a parent or guardian.

Residents should make every effort to evacuate themselves off campus to a safe location. Space is limited on the buses and should be reserved for residents who have no other means of transport.

Room Evacuation Preparation Procedures

  • Clean out refrigerators
  • Take important documents, medicine, and personal valuables
  • Back-up data if leaving computers
  • Remove belongings from floor, bottom drawers, and lower shelves
  • Lock your room door
  • For full instructions, see the Hurricane Preparedness Guide.

Personal Property Insurance and Liability

As an on-campus resident, your belongings are not protected by the university from theft, vandalism, fire, sprinkler system activation, maintenance failure or for any other reason. Maintenance failure does not constitute a reason for a refund. Housing & Residence Life strongly encourages residents to either:

  1. Decide with their parent's or guardian's homeowner's insurance company to insure coverage for personal belongings. In some cases, your parent's homeowner’s insurance will cover damage to personal property in a state-owned residence hall, but this is not always the case.
  2. Purchase separate personal property insurance or renter's insurance.

Items of value should be marked for identification and serial numbers recorded with permanent markings. Residents should also secure medical insurance coverage for themselves. The university does not provide theft or damage insurance for residents. Therefore, each resident is encouraged to purchase some type of individual property insurance.

Sexual Assault

It is the university’s policy to foster an environment free from intimidation and one in which students may be educated to their fullest potential. Therefore, the university will not tolerate physical abuse, threats of violence, physical assault, or any form of sexual assault.

Íæż½ã½ã offers services for students dealing with sexual assault or harassment. Students are encouraged to speak with appropriate staff including the Student Health Center, Director of Student Conduct, Housing & Residence Life, Íæż½ã½ãPD, and/or the Title IX Coordinator. The Sexual Misconduct Policy is located at lamar.edu/titleix.

Reporting Options

  • Under federal law, all students have the right to report what has happened to them.
  • All students have the right to work with campus offices and law enforcement, either system or neither.
  • If the incident occurred on or off campus, a report may be filed with Íæż½ã½ãPD. Help can be provided if the student desires to file a report with the Beaumont Police.

If You Are Sexually Assaulted

  1. Contact Íæż½ã½ãPD immediately. Íæż½ã½ãPD will ensure you get prompt medical care. Notify a Residence Hall staff member when possible.
  2. Seek medical attention at once. Tell the health care provider that you have been raped or sexually assaulted so the health care provider can properly document treatment and collect evidence.
  3. Do not bathe, douche, change your clothes, or rinse your mouth. You do not want to destroy any evidence. Bring a clean change of clothing with you to the hospital.
  4. You have the option of reporting the crime to the police. Trained personnel will help you and explain the legal process to you.
  5. Get support. Contact the Counseling Center at 409-880-8466; the Student Health Center at 409-880-8466; Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-7777; or the Rape Crisis Center at 409-835-3335.

Safety Tips

  • Always keep your key and access card with you.
  • Always lock your room door when you are in the room and when you leave.
  • Report lost keys and broken locks to the front desk in your hall.
  • Do not allow strangers to enter your room.
  • Report to a staff member any individuals who do not appear to have legitimate business in the hall.
  • Inform your roommate of your whereabouts and expected time of return if you are going to leave your room for any period of time.
  • Never prop open an exterior or stairwell door or tamper with door alarms. This constitutes disregard for the security of other residents and will lead to student conduct sanctions.
  • Walk in groups when traveling outside the residence halls, especially at night. If this is not possible, use the services available to you like Íæż½ã½ãPD escorts and the shuttle bus.
  • Always travel in well-lighted, heavy-traffic areas.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight. Record the serial numbers of all valuables so that you will have positive identification of your belongings.
  • Report thefts and assaults to Íæż½ã½ãPD and to HRL staff.
  • Íæż½ã½ã is not responsible for stolen property.

Student Services

Car Problems

Contact Íæż½ã½ãPD at 409-880-8307 for help with certain types of car problems, like failing to start, needing jumper cables, being blocked by another car, or having the keys locked inside the car.


Mail for residents, including packages, is not accepted in the residence halls. Residents must rent a mailbox to receive mail on campus. Mailbox rental fees are paid in the cashier's office in Wimberly Student Services. Residents must provide the payment receipt to the Mail Center service clerk, who will then assign a mailbox to the resident. Mailbox rental fees are non-refundable. Mailboxes are in the main lobby of the Íæż½ã½ã Mail Center. Hours of operation for are listed at lamar.edu/mailcenter.

Instruct correspondents to use the correct zip code + the last four digits of your assigned mailbox number for mail addressed to you. Most delayed mail results from an incomplete mailing address and/or an incorrect zip code.

Correct Mailing Address:

Resident's Name
P.O Box [Resident's assigned box number]
Beaumont, TX 77710-[last 4 digits of Resident’s box number]

Medical Health Services and Counseling

The Student Health Center is an outpatient clinic offering medical care and counseling to all students, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Calling early in the morning will increase your chances of being seen the same day. Call 409-880-8466 to make an appointment.

If you are sick or hurt and need help, contact any HRL staff. The staff member will contact Íæż½ã½ãPD for help if necessary. If transportation to the hospital is necessary, Íæż½ã½ãPD will either transport the student or call an ambulance. Ambulance transportation is at the student's expense.


Each residence hall is staffed with both professional and student staff members that hold events throughout the semester. The programs often provide food, music, and activities that are free of charge to residents. Residents may contact their Resident Assistant to find out about upcoming programs.

Shuttle Service

Íæż½ã½ã offers a free daily shuttle service. Students using the service must present a valid Íæż½ã½ã ID. The shuttle service provides transportation for students on campus and within the immediate vicinity of the campus. Call 409-880-2241 for this service. A shuttle map containing pickup and drop off locations and the schedule is available at lamar.edu/shuttle.

Vending Machines

Vending machines are available in most halls. If money is lost in a vending machine, report the loss to the HRL administrative office in Gentry Hall.

Cardinal Village Network Use Terms and Conditions Addendum

Section 1


Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV is the name given to the portion of the university network that serves university-owned and operated residence halls. The university provides three wired network connections per residence hall room in addition to wireless network access. Because most devices connected to the Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV are personally owned and not under direct university management, the special provisions contained in this section are necessary to protect the university network against threats such systems may introduce. Notwithstanding the above, all Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV users are subject to all other sections of this policy, as well as all other university policies that govern the use of information resources at Íæż½ã½ã.

  1. Cardinal Village residents are responsible for the security of the networked devices they connect to Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV. Failure to maintain secure cybersecurity practices, as outlined in section 1.3, may result in diminished or suspended network access and repeated failures may subject the user to disciplinary action.

  2. The university assumes no responsibility for a user’s loss of time, data, or other loss due to unavailable or diminished Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV services. Network connectivity may be intentionally disrupted at any time as necessary.

  3. The university enforces the following network access policies for all Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV connections:
    1. users must keep their operating systems and applications up to date with all security patches; and
    2. users must install, activate, and configure malware protection software to maintain up-to-date definitions.

  4. In addition to the restrictions identified in standard Íæż½ã½ã policies, the university strictly prohibits users from engaging in the following activities on the university Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV:
    1. attempting to circumvent the authentication required for Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV connections.
    2. eavesdropping or capturing packets intended for other systems.
    3. scanning other systems for open ports, open file shares, or other vulnerabilities
    4. unauthorized use of or access to other users’ devices without permission of the device owner
    5. operating any server or network service available to the public or to other users of Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV, including but not limited to:
      1. video game servers
      2. music or video servers (e.g., MP3, MPEG)
      3. peer-to-peer (P2P) services (e.g., BitTorrent)
      4. dynamic address assignment services (e.g., DHCP)
      5. electronic mail services (e.g., SMTP)
      6. file transport services (e.g., FTP)
      7. domain name translation services (e.g., DNS)
      8. network chat services (e.g., IRC)
      9. web services (e.g., HTTP)
    6. installing routers or any devices that provide routing functionality including wireless routers, VoIP devices with built-in routers, or Network Address Translation (NAT) devices even if the routing, NAT, or DHCP functions have been disabled.
    7. using a host name that incorporates offensive or profane language or that makes the system appear university-owned and operated.
    8. changing the Media Access Control (MAC) address to conceal the system’s identity or function; and
    9. installing or enabling unauthorized software or hardware intended to facilitate remote access to devices or other components of the university network.
    10. tampering or attempting to self-repair Lamar installed network devices.
    11. Attempting to modify equipment that could interfere with the services of Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV.
    12. Extending the network without authorizations with network furthering devices such as switches.
    13. Users may not share credentials or authentication tokens issued individually. Examples of credentials includes usernames, PINS, Passwords, Wi-Fi Keys (PSK), MFA Tokens, OTPs etc.
    14. Users assume responsibilities for activities on the network that are tied to their credentials. For example, when the same Wi-Fi keys are used on multiple devices, including devices that are not owned by the user, network activities are still linked to the users’ credentials.
    15. Users are responsible to change their credentials upon discovery of lost or stolen credentials.

  5. Online gaming consoles (e.g., XBOX, PlayStation, or Nintendo) may connect to the Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV, but university support is limited to basic network connectivity. Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV users should note that gaming consoles do not generally incorporate host firewalls, anti-malware protection, or other security features commonly available for general purpose personal computers with up-to-date operating systems. Consequently, Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV users should utilize their gaming consoles solely for gaming, video streaming, and similar entertainment purposes. The use of gaming consoles in violation of this policy or any other university policy may result in revocation of gaming privileges and other progressive disciplinary action.

    Similarly, gaming consoles are primarily designed for personal, consumer use on residential networks, and many online gaming services (e.g., match-making servers for online games) may rely on certain networking protocols that are incompatible with enterprise networks. As such, basic network connectivity afforded to the Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV for online gaming may not fully accommodate all online gaming consoles, online gaming services, online games, or related features.

Section 2


  1. The Information Security Office or Information Technology will disconnect a device posing a threat to the university network until the device is repaired and/or the threat is removed. Íæż½ã½ã will investigate to the fullest extent any incident involving unauthorized access or improper use of the university network. Devices involved in these, and other incidents will remain disconnected from Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV until the user brings the device into compliance with all relevant policies and standards. The Information Security Office and Information Technology will attempt to notify students prior to disconnecting devices from the network under this provision.

  2. Information Technology will disconnect devices and disable users involved in repeated incidents as required to reduce security risks to an acceptable level. Incidents will be handled on a semester-to-semester basis, and in the following manner:
    1. First Incident – Verbal warning and training on cybersecurity practices.
    2. Second Incident – 24-hour suspension of internet services in Cardinal Village.
    3. Third Incident - Services will be suspended until the student has met with Academic Affairs and has been counseled on appropriate internet usage.
    4. Further incidents will be handled on a case-by-case basis and may result in a permanent suspension of internet services at Cardinal Village.

  3. Íæż½ã½ã cooperates fully with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities in the conduct of criminal investigations. The university will file criminal complaints against users who access or utilize the university network to conduct any criminal act.

  4. Íæż½ã½ã is not responsible for cyber threats to personal devices, when connected to Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV. Íæż½ã½ã students are encouraged to remain diligent at all times with regarding to effective cybersecurity practices and securing personal devices.

Section 3


  1. Refer to the main Íæż½ã½ã Housing Contract Terms and Conditions, section 10, part B, “Alterations and Damages” for damages and payments.

Section 4


  1. Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV is a shared network operated by Íæż½ã½ã, there is no expectations of rights to privacy other than the ones explicitly granted by federal and state of Texas laws.

Section 5


  1. Íæż½ã½ã does not routinely monitor the content of network transmissions except as necessary to identify and repel network attacks, viruses, worms, and other malware. However, many P2P networks are used almost exclusively for illegal file sharing and are also favorite channels for spreading malware due to their popularity and pervasiveness. To mitigate these threats, Íæż½ã½ã employs various methods to block P2P network traffic at the internet facing perimeter of Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV network. However, these methods are not 100% effective and not all P2P traffic is blocked. Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV users should assume that P2P file sharing activity on the Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV network is visible to the RIAA and other content owners that monitor the Internet for copyright infringement activities. In the context of file-sharing, downloading, or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without explicit authorization from the copyright owner constitutes an infringement. Íæż½ã½ãnet-CV users are responsible for content downloaded and uploaded under their account. For additional information and resources see www.lamar.edu/it-services-and-support/peer-to-peer/digital_copyright.html


Phone: (409) 880-8550
Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Email: housing@lamar.edu

Contact Staff or Residence Halls


Íæż½ã½ã Police: (409) 880-7777