
Faculty Mentor Award

The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to announce the Faculty Mentoring Award to honor an Undergraduate Research Mentor for their success in mentoring undergraduate students in research.

We are accepting nominations and self-nominations. The OUR Advisory Committee members are eligible for the award.  Please send all nominations to our@lamar.edu with the subject line “OUR-Faculty Mentor Award”.

Deadline for submitting your complete application package: 3 p.m., March 8 

faculty mentor

Important Dates

  • March 8 – Application Deadline
  • March 25 – Winners are notified
  • April 18 – EXPO Awards Banquet

Application Materials

Applicant's Letter of Interest

The mentor will provide an explanation of all their mentoring activities involving undergraduate researcher(s). The applicant’s letter should explicitly respond in a narrative manner to the three Evaluation Criteria listed below and should include a brief discussion of the applicant’s mentoring goals and philosophy. (Three-page limit).

Curriculum vitae

List only information relevant to applying for the award, including brief bio with contact and education info, the names of undergraduate students mentored and their research projects (title, program, and period). Offer clear information about the research course number(s), if appropriate, presentations given by these students, publications and awards received as result of the common research effort, etc. Please follow the instructions under the Evaluation Criteria below. (Three-page limit).

Letter from a colleague

A recommendation letter from a colleague of the applicant who can address the applicant’s abilities and performances in mentoring students in undergraduate research projects. (Two-page limit).

Letters from students

Two letters of support from students who were mentored as undergraduates by the applicant. At least one such letter must be from a student who was mentored by the applicant within the past three years. The student submits the letter by email in one attached file named 'Mentor_Name-FMA' to cbahrim@lamar.edu with the subject line “OUR-FMA." (It should be one page limit for each letter).

Quantitative Table

The table must be completed by the applicant with data that indicate the name of the undergraduate students mentored and the outcomes produced with these students. The outcome number # (from 1 to 16) from this table should be marked next to the relevant detail included in the application package. For e.g., if in item O3 an applicant marks a total number ‘2’ for two student grants, then the applicant should mark by (O3) the paragraph where he or she reports the student grants.

Evaluation Criteria

Evidence of undergraduate student (here below indicated as 'student') mentoring
  1. The names and total number of students mentored in research or creative activities over an unlimited timeframe as supporting evidence.
  2. Research settings (SURF grants, OUR grants, McNair projects, Honors projects), name and number of research courses taught as independent projects with students, honors thesis, etc., and other relevant documentation per student.
Evidence of professional development of students mentored
  1. The number of undergraduate students presenting their work at conferences and meetings. National and international conferences are generally considered more important than internal or regional conferences. Give full reference of conference presentations by undergraduate students mentored.
  2. The number of publications co-authored or single-authored by undergraduate student mentees of the applicant. Publications in discipline-specific journals are considered more important than those in general undergraduate research journals. Give full reference of publications authored or co-authored by your undergraduate students mentored.
  3. Evidence of activities within the research programs that develop undergraduate students into effective researchers as they are going through the experience. These activities should provide support that enables student success. Examples: structured mentoring programs (like pairing with more advanced students), regular faculty-student meetings, expectations for students to write research reports and to disseminate research findings.
  4. Reflective discussion about mentoring goals and philosophy should be included in the letter of interest.
Evidence of impact and student success. 
  1. Impact of research experience on post-graduate success including either graduate school, professional school or career. We are looking for a meaningful influence on the research experience on post-graduate success.
  2. Awards received by students for their presentations or publications inside and outside Íæż½ã½ã.
  3. Awards or grants received by faculty for mentoring students. This includes OUR grants, SURF grants, McNair, CICE, REU, etc. Travel grants to national labs or other universities.
  4. Publications or invited presentations given by the faculty member about mentoring students.
  5. Examples of the impact of the mentoring experience on student’s ongoing success should be included into the letter of interest by the applicant and the letters of support written by the colleague and students.
Evidence of contribution to the organizational effort of undergraduate research and creative activities.
  1. Number of undergraduate research conferences and symposia at Lamar, attended as chair and judge (please indicate the Chair of the event for confirmation of the level of involvement in the respective conference).
  2. Presentations to undergraduate students at Lamar outside classroom instruction (Cardinal Communities, Seminars to UG club organizations, talks to O.U.R., McNair, or other conferences and symposia)

All application packets are due to the Office of Undergraduate Research by March 8. All submissions should be in a single PDF file, which should be named: ” faculty_name-FMA“. Please submit the proposal electronically to our@lamar.edu with the subject line “OUR-FMA”.