
Fire and Building Evacuation Instructions

All employees should familiarize themselves with the location of stairs and emergency exits within the buildings in which they work.  In addition, they should learn the locations of the fire extinguishers in the building and learn how to operate these extinguishers.  Below are the standard procedures for use in case of fire and standard emergency evacuation instructions applicable to most campus classrooms and administrative buildings that do not have more than two floors. If a building has special building evacuation procedures, employees should study these in advance of any emergency. 


  1. Upon discovery of a fire in a building, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.  If no fire alarm is available, call 911 and immediately notify occupants of the building to evacuate the building.
  2. If the fire has not spread from its point of origin, attempt to extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher.  However, always remember Safety of Life is the primary concern.
  3. Students and employees should not attempt to extinguish a fire in a laboratory or a chemical fire unless they know what chemicals are involved and have been trained in the correct procedures and types of extinguishers to be used for fighting such fires.  Safety of Life remains the primary concern.
  4. Do not reenter an evacuated building until authorities have given the all clear.


If employees have knowledge of what chemicals are present at the location of a fire, or of other hazards in the vicinity of a fire, they should tell a Íæż½ã½ã police officer or fire department personnel on the scene and remain available to give further assistance if needed.


 (For use in one- and two-story campus buildings without special evacuation plans)

Upon receipt of emergency instructions to evacuate the building, or upon the sounding of the Fire Alarm, all persons shall: 

  1. Walk to the nearest usable exit, and exit the building.
  2. If on the second floor, walk to the nearest stairwell.  If the door to the stairwell is hot, or smoke or other hazardous condition is encountered or visible, proceed to an alternate stairwell.  Walk down the stairs and exit the building.  DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.  They may lose electrical power and trap you, or may automatically open into a fire or other hazardous situation.
  3. If you have information about persons in the building who may need assistance, or about hazardous conditions existing in the building, report to a Íæż½ã½ã police officer, Fire Department personnel or other emergency coordinator on the scene.
  4. Proceed well clear of the building and, if the problem is localized and not campus-wide, assemble in the nearest parking lot or other open space so a roll may be taken to determine whether anyone known to have been in the building is not accounted for.
  5. The designated areas for rescue assistance for persons with special needs or serious injuries are the stairwells of the building.  Stairwells at ends of the building should be used preferentially over others.  Provide all possible assistance to persons with special needs to reach the designated rescue assistance areas.  Do not attempt to carry such persons down the stairs unless you have been trained and authorized.  Inform a Íæż½ã½ã police officer or Fire Department personnel on the scene of the location and number of persons needing rescue.


  1. All persons leaving the building should close as many doors as possible, especially hallway and stairwell doors, as they evacuate the building.
  2. Personnel leaving laboratory or other areas where hazardous materials and/or conditions exist should, if circumstances permit, shut off all gas burners, shut down electrical equipment, and otherwise render the area non-hazardous. However, Safety of Life is to be the primary concern.


Reviewed: 12/05/22