
Professor Judy Kennedy

Office: Lucas 205
Phone Number: 880-7605
Email: judy.kennedy@lamar.edu
Office Hours: Monday 10:00-11:00; Wednesday 1:00-2:00; Friday 9:00-10:00


Ph.D. Mathematics Auburn University, 1975
M.S. Mathematics Auburn University, 1972
B.S. Mathematics Auburn University, 1969

Professional Employment


Íæż½ã½ã, Professor of Mathematics
University of Delaware, Professor of Mathematics
University of Delaware, Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Delaware,Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics
Auburn University, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Tulane University Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Auburn University, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Auburn University, Instructor of Mathematics

Professional Organizations

Member of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematics Association of America

Courses Taught at Lamar

Undergraduate: Calculus (2413, 2414, 2415), Business Calculus (1324), Differential Equations (3301), Analysis (3380, 3381) Graduate: Real Variables (5310), Dynamical Systems and Chaos (5335)

Selected Publications (our of more that 60)

Research Papers in Journals

  1. Research Papers in Journals
    1. A condition under which 2-homogeneity and representability are the same in continua, Fundamenta Mathematica 121 (1984), 89-98.
    2. (with James T. Rogers, Jr.) Orbits of the pseudocircle, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 296 (1986), 327-340.
    3. Stable extensions of homeomorphisms on the pseudoarc, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 310 (1988), 167-178.
    4. A transitive homeomorphism on the pseudoarc semiconjugate to the tent map, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 326 (1991) 773-793.
    5. (with James A. Yorke) Basins of Wada, Physica D 51 (1991) 213-225.
    6. (with James A. Yorke) Pseudocircles in dynamical systems, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 343 (1994) 349-366.
    7. (with James A. Yorke) Bizarre topology is natural in dynamical systems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 32 (1995) 309-316.
    8. (with James A. Yorke) Pseudocircles, diffeomorphisms, and dynamical systems, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 16 (1996) 1031-1057.
    9. (with James A. Yorke) The topology of stirred fluids, Topology and its Applications 80 (1997), 201-238.
    10. (with M. Sanjuan, E. Ott and J. A. Yorke) Indecomposable continua and the characterization of strange sets in nonlinear dynamics, Phys. Rev. Letters 78 (1997) 1892-1895.
    11. (with J. A. Yorke) Topological horseshoes, Transactions of the American Mathematics Society 353 (2001) 165-178.
    12. (with S. Kocak and J. A. Yorke) A Chaos Lemma, American Mathematical Monthly 108 (2001) 411-423.
    13. Collapsed indecomposable continua in area preserving dynamical systems on S², Proceedings of American Mathematical Society 135 (2007) 2073-2080.
    14. (with David Stockman and Jim Yorke) Inverse limits and models with backward dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Economics 44 (2008) 423-444.
    15. (with David Stockman) Chaotic equilibria in models with backward dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (2008) 939-955.
    16. (with Brian Raines and David Stockman) Expected utility in models with chaos, submitted.
    17. (with Brian Raines and David Stockman) Basins of measures on inverse limit spaces for the induced homeomorphism, to appear, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
  2. Monograph and Book
    1. (with E. Akin and M. Hurley) Dynamics of Topologically Generic Homeomorphisms, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 164 (no. 783) (2003).
    2. (edited with Brian Hunt, T. Y. Li, and Helena Nusse) The Theory of Chaotic Attractors, Springer, New York, 2005.


  1. Editor for Topology Proceedings.
  2. Member at large of the American Mathematical Society Council, 2006-2008 (national election).
  3. Support by 5 NSF grants and through various U. of Maryland grants.
  4. Organizer for conference, workshop, numerous special sessions and minisymposia.
  5. Given more than 150 invited presentations at conferences, workshops, colloquia, seminars all over the country and in nearly 30 countries.
  6. Spent summer, 1989, on ONR Fellowship in Silver Spring, MD.