Department of Health and Kinesiology

Department Chair: Daniel R. Chilek, Ph.D.,

Administrative Associate Senior: Mrs. Shelly Traxler, 

Location: 101 Health & Human Performance Complex A (HHPA), Phone: (409) 880-8724

Degree Coordinators:

Exercise Science: Shannon Jordan, (409) 880-7824, , HHPA 106A 
Public Health in Healthcare Administration
: Israel Msengi, (409) 880-8716,, HHPA 211
Physical Education Teacher Education: Kim Gauthreaux, (409) 880-8006,, HHPA 207
Master of Public Health: Praphul Joshi, (409) 880-8944, HHPA 220
Academic Advisor: Kristen McDonald, (409) 880-8872, 
M.S. in Kinesiology: Alan Moore, (409) 880-2226, HHPA 106D


Professor: Doug Boatwright, Barbara Hernandez

Associate Professor: Praphul Joshi, Alan Moore, Julio Morales, Israel Msengi

Assistant Professor: Daniel Chilek, Shannon Jordan

Clinical Instructors: Kim Gauthreaux, Jeanne Mullican

The Department of Health and Kinesiology has three undergraduate degrees and two master's degree options.

Undergraduate Program Offerings

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Teacher Education (Option 1 Teacher Certification) – 120 hrs
Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Teacher Education (Option 2 Non-Certification) - 120 Hours
Bachelor of Science in Public Health in Healthcare Administration– 120 hrs
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science – 120 hrs
Minor in Physical Education Teacher Education - 18 hrs
Minor in Health - 18 hrs
Minor in Coaching - 21 Hours

Entrance Requirements for all Undergraduate Majors

  • Entering freshmen who meet the university’s general entrance requirements may be admitted to the Department of Health and Kinesiology.
  • Transfer students who wish to enter the Physical Education Teacher Education Certification program must have a minimum 2.75 GPA on all work attempted.
  • Transfer students who wish to enter the Physical Education Teacher Education Non-Certification program must have a minimum 2.0 GPA on all work attempted.
  • Transfer students who wish to enter the Public Health in Healthcare Administration program must have a minimum 2.0 GPA on all work attempted.
  • Transfer students who wish to enter the Exercise Science program must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on all work attempted.

For detailed information of our undergraduate degree programs, please visit our website

Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)

Option 1: Physical Education Teacher Education Certification Program (PETC)

The Physical Education Teacher Education Certification program of study prepares the student for a teaching career in Physical Education. The Physical Education Teacher Education program leads to EC-12 Physical Education Certification. The course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree and teacher certification in Physical Education encompasses three areas of work:

  1. the required block of general education core courses - 42 semester hours, and,
  2. the required block of professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT) and elective - 57 semester hours, and
  3. the required block of professional pedagogy courses (PEDG) - 21 semester hours.

A student must have completed the English, Mathematics, Biology (C or better), Political Science, and History General Education Requirements prior to enrolling in the 3000- and 4000-level professional theory courses (KINT).  A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT). For teacher certification, the required blocks of professional pedagogy (PEDG) courses are READ 3326, PEDG 3300, 3380, 4340 and 4630 and PEDG 2310. A student must be admitted to the College of Education and Human Development’s teacher education program with a GPA of 2.75 before enrolling in professional development courses (PEDG 2310 is taken prior to admission into the teacher education program).

Bachelor of Science - PETC

Option 1: Teacher Certification Program EC-12 Certification - Total Min. Hours: 120

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301-1302 6 Language/Philosophy/Culture 3
MATH 1314  3 POLS 2301-2302 6
HIST 1301-1302 6 Communication 3
KINT 1301 3 Statistics 3
BIOL 2401-2402 8 KINT 2371 3
Creative Arts 3 HLTH 2376 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 KINT 2377 3
KINT 2378 3
KINT 3310 3
32 30
Third Year Fourth Year
KINT 3320 3 KINT 4312 3
KINT 3350 3 KINT 4330 3
KINT 3370 3 KINT 4360 3
KINT 3390 3 PEDG 3326 3
KINT 3330 3 PEDG 3380 3
KINT 3315 3 PEDG 4340 3
KINT 3130 1 PEDG 4630 6
KINT 3360 3 Electives 3
KINT 4310 3
PEDG 2310 3
PEDG 3300 3
31 27


Communication: COMM1315, COMM 1321, DSDE 1371, FREN 1311, SPAN 1311
Math: MATH 1314, 1316, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1350, 1414, 2311,2312, 2413, 2414
Lang/Phil/Culture: DSDE 1374, ENGL 2300, 2310, 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, 2376; FREN 2312, PHIL 1370, 2306, SPAN 2312
Creative Arts: ARTS 1301, 1303; COMM 1375; DANC 2304; MUSI 1306; MUSI 1309; MUSI 1310; PHIL 1330; THEA 1310
American History: HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
Soc/Beh Sciences: ANTH 2346, 2351; BULW 1370; CRIJ 1301; PSYC 2301; SOCI 1301; ECON 1301, 2301, 2302; INEN 2373; SOWK 2361; POLS 1301
Statistics: PSYC 2317 or MATH 1342

Option 2: Physical Education Non-Certification Program (PETN)

The Physical Education Teacher Education Non-Certification program of study prepares the student for various careers in Physical Education and sport.  The non-certification option prepares students for careers in sport and coaching in the private sector. The course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree non-certification has three areas of work:

  1. the required block of general education core courses - 42 semester hours, and
  2. the required block of professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT) and elective - 57 semester hours, and
  3. the required block of Coaching courses – 21hr-minor.

A student must have completed the English, Mathematics, Biology (C or better) in the General Education Requirements prior to enrolling in the 3000- and 4000-level professional theory courses (KINT).  A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the professional theory courses (HLTH & KINT).
Bachelor of Science - PETN

Option II: teacher Certification Program Non-Certification - Total Min. Hours - 120

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301-1302 6 Language/Philosophy/Culture 3
MATH 1314  3 POLS 2301-2302 6
HIST 1301-1302 6 Communication 3
KINT 1301 3 Statistics 3
BIOL 2401-2402 8 KINT 2371 3
Creative Arts 3 HLTH 2376 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 KINT 2374 3
KINT 2377 3
KINT 3378 3
32 30
Third Year Fourth Year
KINT 3320 3 KINT 4312 3
KINT 3350 3 KINT 4330 3
KINT 3370 3 KINT 4360 3
KINT 3390 3 KINT 3322 3
KINT 3330 3 KINT 4310 3
KINT 3315 3 KINT 4380 3
KINT 3130 1 KINT 4340 6
KINT 3360 3 KINT 4341 3
KINT 3371 3 Electives 3
KINT 3310 3
KINT 3324 3
31 27


Communication: COMM1315, COMM 1321, DSDE 1371, FREN 1311, SPAN 1311
Math: MATH 1314, 1316, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1350, 1414, 2311,2312, 2413, 2414
Lang/Phil/Culture: DSDE 1374, ENGL 2300, 2310, 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, 2376; FREN 2312, PHIL 1370, 2306, SPAN 2312
Creative Arts: ARTS 1301, 1303; COMM 1375; DANC 2304; MUSI 1306; MUSI 1309; MUSI 1310; PHIL 1330; THEA 1310
American History: HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
Soc/Beh Sciences: ANTH 2346, 2351; BULW 1370; CRIJ 1301; PSYC 2301; SOCI 1301; ECON 1301, 2301, 2302; INEN 2373; SOWK 2361; POLS 1301
Statistics: PSYC 2317 or MATH 1342

Minor in Physical Education Teacher Education - Total Min. Hours: 18

KINT 1301 - Intro to Kinesiology

KINT 3320 - Management Skills

KINT 3360 - Secondary Methods and Activities

KINT 3370 - Motor Development

KINT 3390 - Elementary Methods and Activities

KINT 4360 - Measurement and Evaluation

Minor in Coaching - 21 Hours

KINT 2374 - Sport Psychology

KINT 3322 - Strength & Conditioning

KINT 3324 - Metabolic Effects of Sport & Exercise

KINT 3371 - Theory and Principles of Coaching

KINT 4340 - Sport Administration

KINT 4380 - Contemporary Issues

KINT 4341 - Practicum

Public Health in Healthcare Administration (PHHA)

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health with a concentration in Healthcare Administration prepares students for careers in public health and administration of daily business operations of healthcare facilities, city, county, state or federal health, private business and non-profit organizations/agencies.  The PHHA degree is fully offered online. A minimum of 2.0 GPA is required for admission to the PHHA degree program. A student must have completed the General Education Requirements, including English, Mathematics, Biology (C or better), Political Science, Philosophy and History, prior to enrolling in the 3000- and 4000-level health professional courses. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the health professional courses. There are prerequisites for some 3000- and 4000-level health professional courses. Successful completion of the Healthcare Capstone (HLTH 4660) is required to graduate.

  1. The required block of general education core courses - 42 semester hours, and
  2. The required block of professional theory courses (HLTH) and electives - 57 semester hours, and
  3. The required block of Business courses – 21hr-minor.

Bachelor of Science – Public Health in Healthcare Administration (PHHA)

 – Total Min. Hours:120

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301-1302 6 Language/Philosophy/Culture 3
MATH 1314 3 POLS 2301-2302 6
BIOL 2401 - 2402 8 Communication 3
HIST 1301-1302 6 ECON 1301 3
HLTH 1370 3 HLTH 3337 3
Creative Arts 3 Social/Behavioral Sciences 3
HLTH 1373 3 Statistics 3
ACCT 2301 3
Electives 3
32 30
Third Year Fourth Year
FINC 3310 3 HLTH 4315 3
MKTG 3310 3 HLTH 4340 3
HLTH 3360 3 HLTH 4370 3
HLTH 3363 3 HLTH 4380 3
HLTH 3380 3 HLTH 4660 6
HLTH 4309 3 HLTH Electives 6
MGMT 3310 3 Upper-Level Business 3
MISY 3310 3
HLTH Electives 6
Electives: 2
31 27


Communication: COMM1315, COMM 1321, DSDE 1371, FREN 1311, SPAN 1311
Math: MATH 1314, 1316, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1350, 1414, 2311,2312, 2413, 2414
Lang/Phil/Culture: DSDE 1374, ENGL 2300, 2310, 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, 2376; FREN 2312, PHIL 1370, 2306, SPAN 2312
Creative Arts: ARTS 1301, 1303; COMM 1375; DANC 2304; MUSI 1306; MUSI 1309; MUSI 1310; PHIL 1330; THEA 1310
American History: HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
Soc/Beh Sciences: ANTH 2346, 2351; BULW 1370; CRIJ 1301; PSYC 2301; SOCI 1301; ECON 1301, 2301, 2302; INEN 2373; SOWK 2361; POLS 1301
Statistics: PSYC 2317 or MATH 1342

Minor in Health - Total Min. Hours: 18 (9 must be Upper-Level)

Required Courses - 12 Hours

HLTH 1370 - Health and Wellness

HLTH 1373 - Foundations of Health

HLTH 3360 - Epidemiology

HLTH 4340 - Program Planning

Electives - 6 Hours From:

HLTH 2374 - Consumer Health

HLTH 3337 - Health disparities

HLTH 3370 - Contemporary Health Issues

HLTH 3372 - Drug Use and Abuse

HLTH 3378 - human Sexuality

HLTH 4309 - Environmental Health

HLTH 4342 - Workplace Health Promotion

HLTH 4370 - Community Organizations and Development

HLTH 4380 - Human Diseases

Exercise Science (EXSC)

The Exercise Science program of study has two track options; pre-fitness and pre-professional programs. The pre-fitness track serves to prepare the student for a career in a variety of corporate fitness and wellness settings. The pre-professional track serves to prepare students for graduate programs in Physical or Occupational Therapy, Medicine or Physician Assistant and Law programs. The course of study leading to the baccalaureate degree encompasses several areas:

  1. the required block of general education core courses - 42 semester hours, and
  2. a student must have junior status and have successfully completed Biology 2401 and 2402 (Anatomy and Physiology I & II), KINA 2378 (Applied Fitness Concepts), KINT 2371 (Functional Anatomy and Physiology) and KINT 3330 (Exercise Physiology) prior to enrolling in higher-level courses.  A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the pre-professional and professional theory courses.  The required block of professional courses to include six hours of course work in either the pre-professional or pre-fitness track & electives (KINT, HLTH, & NUTR) – 66 hours, and
  3. the block of emphasis area courses from either personal fitness (management, nutrition, community or athletic training) or pre-professional (prerequisites course work for professional graduate programs). - 12 hours.

Bachelor of Science – Exercise Science – Total Min. Hours: 120

First Year Second Year
ENGL 1301-1302 6 Language/Philosophy/Culture 3
MATH 1314 3 POLS 2301-2302 6
BIOL 2401-2402 8 Communication 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 Statistics 3
HIST 1301-1302 6 HLTH 1370 3
KINT 1301 3 KINT 2371 3
Creative Arts 3 KINT 2378 3
KINT 3318 3
32 NUTR 1322 3
Third Year Fourth Year
KINT 3315 3 Track Course 3
KINT 3130 1 KINT 4323 3
KINT 3330 3 KINT 4315 3
KINT 3324 3 KINT 4350 3
KINT 3380 3 KINT 4355 3
HLTH 3360 3 KINT 4630 6
Emphasis Area 9 Emphasis Area 3
Track Course 3 Elective 3
Elective 3
31 27


Communication: COMM1315, COMM 1321, DSDE 1371, FREN 1311, SPAN 1311
Math: MATH 1314, 1316, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1350, 1414, 2311,2312, 2413, 2414
Lang/Phil/Culture: DSDE 1374, ENGL 2300, 2310, 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, 2376; FREN 2312, PHIL 1370, 2306, SPAN 2312
Creative Arts: ARTS 1301, 1303; COMM 1375; DANC 2304; MUSI 1306; MUSI 1309; MUSI 1310; PHIL 1330; THEA 1310
American History: HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
Soc/Beh Sciences: ANTH 2346, 2351; BULW 1370; CRIJ 1301; PSYC 2301; SOCI 1301; ECON 1301, 2301, 2302; INEN 2373; SOWK 2361; POLS 1301
Statistics: PSYC 2317 or MATH 1342

Athletic Training Specialization

Licensure by the State of Texas as an Athletic Trainer is available through meeting the following requirements:

  • Admission to the Athletic Training Internship Program at Íæż½ã½ã.
  • Completion of a minimum of 1800 clock hours during a period of at least five academic semesters prior to graduation.
  • Completion of an undergraduate degree in addition to certain course requirements.
  • Successful completion of Texas Department of State Health Services Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers licensure examination.

Graduate Degrees Offered

The Department of Health and Kinesiology offers two programs of study:

For detailed information of our graduate degree programs, please visit our website.

Master of Public Health in Health Disparities: This online degree program is an in-depth examination of community health theory, research, and practice in health promotion program assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Program topics include current issues, epidemiology, behavior, and psychosocial and socioeconomic factors and determinants influencing health status.

Admission requirements for Master on Public Health

Candidates for admission to the Master of Public Health must meet all the admission requirements of the College of Graduate Studies.

  1. Candidates must have a 2.5 or greater GPA on a 4.0 scale overall or a 2.75 GPA in the last 60 hours of their undergraduate degree program.
  2. Candidates must satisfy the necessary undergraduate prerequisites as prescribed for a particular area of specialization. All students desiring entrance to the Master programs will receive a review of their prior coursework. In some instances, leveling course work may be required before full admittance to the program of study is granted. Leveling courses may be required if undergraduate course transcripts do not provide sufficient evidence for successful mastery of cognitive and/or practical applied skills and abilities as related to the program of study.
  3. GRE is not required for M.P.H. admissions.

Degree Requirements:

  • Candidates for the Master of Public Health in Health Disparities must meet all of the College of Graduate Studies general degree requirements.
  • Twenty-seven semester hours of required curriculum core courses.
  • Nine semester hours of advisor approved elective courses.
  • Six semester hours of Capstone.
Master of Science in Kinesiology: The Kinesiology program of study leading to the Master of Science in Kinesiology is designed to accomplish three major objectives:
  1. To provide students with the academic and research skills needed for doctoral study in kinesiology, exercise science, physiology of exercise, postural control, athletic training or biomechanics.
  2. To prepare students for exercise and fitness related professions that place an emphasis on translating research into practice, application of critical thinking and problem solving skills and application of scientifically sound principles and practices to a variety of environments and diverse clientele.
  3. To prepare students for employment in clinically-oriented environments that place an emphasis on research-based practice such as cardiac rehabilitation, strength and conditioning or sports medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, medicine and law, to mention a few possibilities.

Admission requirements for Master of Science in Kinesiology
Candidates for admission to the Master of Science in Kinesiology must meet all the admission requirements of the College of Graduate Studies.

  • Candidates must also have a 2.5 or greater GPA on a 4.0 scale overall or a 2.75 GPA in the last 60 hours of their undergraduate degree program.
  • Students are required to complete the Graduate School Record Exam (GRE) and must have a score of > or = to 428 for full admission to the program of study based on the following formula:

(GPA * 50) + (GRE verbal + GRE Quantitative) > or = 428

  • GRE exemption: Candidates whose transcripts support a 3.0 or greater grade point average (GPA), for the last 60 hours of undergraduate course work completed, may be exempt from taking the GRE.
  • Candidates must satisfy the necessary undergraduate prerequisites as prescribed for a particular area of specialization. All students desiring entrance to the Master programs will receive a review of their prior coursework. In some instances, leveling course work may be required before full admittance to the program of study is granted. Leveling courses may be required if undergraduate course transcripts do not provide sufficient evidence for successful mastery of cognitive and/or practical applied skills and abilities as related to the program of study.
  • Each prospective student should petition the department for a transcript review early on in the application process to ensure a timely admissions response. Further, students are encouraged to apply early and ensure that all credentials for admission are sent to the graduate school for inclusion in their application packet. The department only receives applicant notification once all materials are in receipt at the Graduate school.

Degree Requirements:

  • Candidates for the Master of Science degree in Kinesiology must meet all of the College of Graduate Studies general degree requirements.
  • Fifteen semester hours of required curriculum core courses.
  • Nine semester hours of Exercise Science or Sport Studies track courses.
  • Six semester hours of Thesis or 12 additional hours of research and/or track courses.

Completion of degree option:

  • Thesis – (30 hours) to include 24 hours of course work and a minimum of 6 hours of thesis.
  • Non-Thesis – (36 hours) to include a minimum of 36 hours of course work. At least 3 hours of course work (Independent Study) will be devoted to a capstone experience culminating in a professional paper suitable for publication, as well as, a formal presentation and defense of the topic and conclusions resulting from the scholarly pursuit. Each student will be assigned a major professor no later than their second semester in the program of study and this faculty member will mentor the student in their scholarly efforts along with the Graduate Coordinator.
  • Students are encouraged to present their research at state and national meetings of the following organizations: American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). The M.S. degree, combined with supervised clinical experience, will assist students in their preparation for national certification exams.