Department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Location:107 Communications Building, (409) 880-1780

Chair - M. Diane Clark, Ph.D.
Voice: (409) 880-1848
Video Phone: (409) 299-4689

Assistant -  Lynn Boswell
Video Phone: (409) 681-4816

Advisor - Zanthia Smith, Ed.D
Voice: (409) 880-8952


Faculty and Staff


Millicent Musyoka Ph.D.
Voice: (409) 880-8028
video Phone: (409) 299-4682

Zanthia Smith Ed.D.
Voice: (409) 880-8952

Gloshanda Lawyer Ph.D.
Voice: (409) 880-2118
Video Phone: (409) 299-4673

Heidi MacGlaughlin Ed.D.
Video Phone: (409) 242-6367

Joseph Mann III
Video Phone: (409) 299-4876

Ashley Greene-Woods Ed.D.
Video Phone: (409) 242-6521

Beverly J. Buchanan
Video Phone: (409) 299-3460

Sean Hauschildt
Video Phone: (409) 242-2896

Sulaiman Adeoye
Video Phone: (409) 681-4816


Barbara Johnson
Sr. Interpreter
Voice: (409) 880-7003
Video Phone: (409) 242-6367

Autumn Barker
Designated Interpreter

Mission Statement

The department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (DSDE) cultivates and inspires students with research-based innovative learning opportunities to become scholars, service providers and allies who revolutionize the field of ASL/English bilingual Deaf education, ASL and Deaf Studies. DSDE also promotes effective communication that allows partnerships and collaboration within a diverse community, including deaf and hearing populations.

DSDE supports instruction, research, and service, the primary mission areas of Íæż½ã½ã, through the B.A., M.S., and Ed.D. degree programs offered. The department offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in American Sign Language (ASL) for students interested in pursuing work in the teaching of ASL in EC-12 programs. The undergraduate major is also suitable for those interested in ASL interpreting and as a foundation program for a graduate specialization, state license, and/or national certification within the professional field of deaf education. Completion of the master’s degree is strongly advised by our department faculty in deaf education. The graduate program of study in deaf studies and deaf education (M.S.) is accredited by the Council on Education of the Deaf (CED).

The Bachelor of Arts degree in American Sign Language (BA-ASL) emphasizes excellent teaching in American Sign Language. This degree enables the student to acquire competence in expressive and receptive skills and familiarity with the literature and culture of the deaf community. While this degree is targeted toward a teaching certificate, sign language interpreters will find this degree supportive of their professional goals.

Teacher certification plans are offered in conjunction with the major study of ASL and the M.S. degree program in deaf studies and deaf education. Details concerning requirements for teacher certification and professional education course requirements should be obtained from an undergraduate advisor in ASL, the graduate advisors in deaf studies and deaf education, and/or from the College of Education and Human Development section of the catalog.

A new student initiating study at Íæż½ã½ã must meet all admission requirements of the university. Transfer students or students who wish to enter the Department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (DSDE) programs by a change of major must meet admission requirements and have a minimum grade point average of 2.50 or better. Grades of “D” are not acceptable as course completion for required classes in departmental majors, nor are they acceptable as course completion for classes to be used as professional electives by student majors within the department.


Bachelor of Arts in American Sign Language

Mission Statement

The BA-ASL program seeks to build an academic community composed of members who represent diverse cultures, backgrounds and life experiences as students and scholars united in their commitment to the pursuit of knowledge regarding ASL teaching pedagogy, ASL-English interpreting and community advocacy

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Prepare confident candidates who can achieve state and/or national certification and enter the profession as a competent practitioner.
  2. Demonstrate competency in receptive and expressive skills through visual/gestural communication, register adaptation and linguistically competent communications.
  3. Demonstrate ASL discourse and pragmatic skills through authentic language experiences in a variety of forums and on a variety of topics.
  4. Foster an environment that encourages and supports students entering careers in the field or in graduate school.

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts in American Sign Language with a concentration in:

The bachelor’s degree program in American Sign Language (ASL) prepares students for teaching in schools offering ASL for “foreign language” credit in an EC-12 program. Each student must complete a REQUIRED departmental core of courses. In addition, each student will complete the pedagogy courses required for licensure.

All students must satisfy provisions of the Texas Success Initiative program, which are listed elsewhere in this catalog. College Readiness courses do not count in the GPA (except for determining full-time status and issues related to probation and suspension) and do not count toward graduation.

Students completing the teacher certification track are required to meet the requirements for entrance into the teacher preparation program. Requirements are listed on the Íæż½ã½ã Education website (/education/future-teachers/apply-to-education.html). Candidates for Clinical Teaching must pass the Íæż½ã½ã Professional Roles and Responsibilities (PPR) and the TExES 184  prior to beginning Clinical Teaching.

Students can choose to complete a non-teacher certification track consisting of 30 hours of courses from the interpreting core. See Other Requirements Section 2.

The degree of Bachelor of Arts in American Sign Language will be awarded upon completion of the following minimum degree requirements:

  1. General Education Core Curriculum: 42 hours
    1. Social Science Requirement – PSYC 2301 (3 hours)
    2. Communication Requirement – DSDE 2371 (3 hours)
    3. Math Requirements – MATH 1314 (3 hours) and PSYC 2471 (3 hours) or MATH 13242 (3 hours)
  2. Major Requirements: 48 Hours: DSDE 1372 (3 hours), 1374 (3 hours), 1375 (3 hours), 1376 (3 hours), 1377 (3 hours), 1378 (3 hours), 2371 (3 hours), 2372 (3 hours), 2377 (3 hours), 3301 (3 hours), 3302 (3 hours) 3307 (3 hours), 4308* (3 hours), 4309 (3 hours), 4310 (3 hours), 4311 (3 hours).
  3. Other Requirements (30 hours)
    1. Courses required for teacher certification (can be used for professional electives) are PEDG 2310 (3 hours), SPED 2371 (3 hours), PEDG 3300 (3 hours), READ 3326 (3 hours), PEDG 3380 (3 hours), and PEDG 4340 (3 hours), READ 3326 (3 hours), PEDG 3380 (3 hours), and PEDG 4340 (3 hours). Also required by this program is Clinical Teaching PEDG 4630 (6 hours). Students taking the teacher certification route need to add two additional courses from the list of DSDE interpreting courses (3000-4000 level) to meet minimum graduation hour requirements. Students are required to earn a B or higher in all education courses and a C or higher in all major courses.
    2. Courses (30 hours) required for the non-teaching track include a minimum of two courses of interpreting coursework (1000-2000 level) and Student Internship DSDE 4319 (3 hours). Students must choose eight of the upper-level classes (3000-4000 level) to meet graduation requirements. Students are required to earn a C or higher in major courses and a B or higher in DSDE 4309 and DSDE 4319.
  4. Minor - No minor required. 
TOTAL number of required hours: 120

*DSDE 4308 – Taken senior year during the last full-time spring semester (prior to Clinical Teaching or Interpreter internship)

Master of Science in Deaf Education

Master of Science in Deaf Education

The Íæż½ã½ã deaf education program is certified by the national Council on Education of the Deaf (CED), and graduates are eligible for professional certification through that accrediting agency. In addition, a graduate may apply for state certification as a teacher of deaf students. The program welcomes deaf graduate students. The minimum number of 36 hours for the Master of Science degree is required; however, additional courses may be required for certification as per candidate specialization. Program graduates are expected to be skilled in American Sign Language and must complete a minimum of 450 hours of supervised practicum/internship in deaf education.

Mission Statement

The Deaf Studies/Deaf Education Master's Program emphasizes an ASL/English Bilingual Education approach to pedagogy. This philosophy is evident throughout the curriculum by the course content and practical applications. the philosophy is one that views Deafness as a cultural and linguistic entity and employs a comprehensive approach to educational services for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. American Sign Language (ASL) is utilized to promote the cognitive, linguistic and academic development of children through visual-gestural modalities, as well as the printed form of English.

Learning Outcomes

The Master of Science in Deaf Education program at Íæż½ã½ã is designed to provide the graduate student these competencies:

  1. To observe and work with Deaf children from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, etiologies, types of hearing loss, the extent of hearing loss, ages, ability levels and intellectual abilities.
  2. To develop further expressive and receptive skills in ASL.
  3. To develop further skill in planning and using teaching methods
  4. To develop skills in managing the classroom.
  5. To gain insight in the operation of self-contained classes and mainstream/inclusion classes in public schools.
  6. To develop the ability to work with teachers, parents and administrators.
  7. To develop an understanding of how the curriculum is implemented in the schools.
  8. To develop leadership skills.
  9. To develop nurturing relationships with children and youths.
  10. To understand how assessments are carried out across the subject area.
  11. To understand how Deaf children use language with peers and adults.
  12. To understand how Deaf culture can be infused in the public schools.

The program requirements for the major and the areas of specialization are listed below.

Required DSDE courses: (Minimum number of hours–39) 5310, 5311, 5313, 5318, 5319, 5320, 5321, 5322, 5326, 5328, and 5329. Also required is a minimum of two clinical practicum courses, 5309 for elementary student experience and 5309 for secondary student experience. Additional courses may be needed for certification as per candidate specialization.

Required Pedagogy (PEDG) courses: 5330, 5344, 5345, 5350, and 5375. Also required is Deaf Education Internship (student teaching in a classroom with deaf children) PEDG 5383/4630.

For an area of specialization required by NCLB legislation for being certified as “Highly Qualified,” the following steps have been developed to assist students in the process.

Step 1: Requested “area” should be addressed with the deaf education faculty (requires that the student present a transcript for a review of the total courses that have been taken under the requested “area.”

Step 2: After approval from faculty, the student may take the Content Area Proficiency (diagnostic) test at Lamar (currently a cost of $10).

Step 3: Pedagogy faculty will create a deficiency plan.

Step 4: Take specific courses, depending on your area of specialization.

As a note, some students request to transfer courses or have courses waived for various reasons. For all course transfers, waivers, or substitutions, university policy applies. A written request must be made to the graduate faculty committee (departmental) prior to the G-3 Degree Candidacy form. At no time can waivers or substitution of courses result in students accumulating less than a minimum of 36 credit hours for the degree. Waivers, substitutions, and transfer courses are not automatically accepted. These courses must be reviewed and approved by the graduate faculty (departmental), department chair, and graduate dean. For waivers, transfers, and substitutions of pedagogy courses, the student must make the request with the Pedagogy Department in the College of Education and Human Development.

Admission to the Master's Degree Program

Applicants for admission to the master’s degree program in the Department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (DSDE), except for students who are deaf (see below), are ranked for admission based on the following criteria:

  1. A formula established by the Graduate Council. The formula is calculated based on (GPA* x 50) + Verbal GRE + Quantitative GRE score. The formula score must be greater than or equal to 428.
  2. Evidence of American Sign Language competency as shown by the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) scores of a minimum of 2.5
  3. The relevance of the undergraduate training
  4. Three letters of support
  5. An essay including the applicant’s philosophy of education and professional goals.
  6. Admission interview with DSDE faculty

Doctor of Education in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Doctor of Education in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Mission Statement

Íæż½ã½ã is one of only a few universities in the United States offering a doctoral degree in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. In offering this program, Íæż½ã½ã is addressing a critical national and international shortage of doctoral-trained educators of the deaf. Graduates of the doctoral program go on to assume leadership roles in schools for the deaf or become teacher trainers in university settings.

Learning Outcomes

Doctoral students' progress through the doctoral program will include accomplishing four Program Learning Outcomes. they include:

  • Apply the basic principles of inquiry and research design to educational research
  • Demonstrate "T" learning; the top of the T demonstrates the breadth of knowledge about Deaf Studies and Deaf Education while the stem of the T demonstrates the depth of knowledge in the cognate/dissertation area.
  • Demonstrate the ability of ASL/English bilingual fluency in academic content.
  • Publish peer-reviewed and translated articles.

The Íæż½ã½ã Doctor of Education in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education is a minimum of 60 hours of coursework and six hours of dissertation. The program courses are categorized as follows:

Core Courses - 36 Hours

6301, 6302, 6303, 6304, 6305, 6307, 6308, 6310, 6311*, 6312*, 6313*, 6314

*prerequisite DSDE 6310
*prerequisite DSDE 6310, 6311
*prerequisite all coursework, including research methods/statistics

Statistics/Research Courses - 9 Hours

DSDE 6315 Statistics
DSDE 6350 Quantitative I
DSDE 6351 Quantitative II
DSDE 6350 Qualitative I
DSDE 6318 Qualitative II

Cognate Courses - 15 Hours

Can be transfer Credits

DSDE Special topics

EDUD classes in leadership/multiculturalism)

Research Classes

D = Dissertation

DSDE 6390 Doctoral Dissertation

DSDE 6391 Doctoral Dissertation

Total Hours Required

60 plus 6 hours of dissertation = 66 credit hours.

*Students must take Prelims (Preliminary exams) after 18 to 21 credit hours in DSDE with a minimum of 4 courses in DSDE.

*Students must take Comps (Comprehensive exams) at the end of coursework (60 credit hours of coursework).

Admission to the Doctoral Degree Program

Applicants for admission to the doctoral program in deaf studies and deaf education, except for students who are deaf (see below), are ranked for admission based on the following criteria:

  1. Take the GRE. Applicants must meet the admission standards according to the formula (GPA x 50) + (GRE Verbal+Quantitative) is equal to or greater than 428. The GRE is offered through the Íæż½ã½ã Career and Professional Development Office. All applicants must have the Educational Testing Service submit GRE scores directly to Íæż½ã½ã.
  2. Provide evidence of American Sign Language competency based on the ASL-PI.
  3. Provide three letters of support.
  4. Complete an interview with DSDE faculty.
  5. Must have a master's degree in deaf education or related field.
  6. An essay including the applicant's philosophy of education and professional goals. The essay will be used to identify the writing ability required for the successful completion of the DSDE doctoral program.
  7. Submit a detailed resume or Curriculum Vitae explaining your work with the deaf community

Minor in American Sign Language

Students who aspire to minor in American Sign Language must complete 21 hours beyond the Communication core requirement (DSDE 1371). A grade of C or better is required for each course.

DSDE 1372 - American Sign Language II

DSDE 1374 - Introduction to Deaf Studies

DSDE 2371 - American Sign Language III

DSDE 2372 - American Sign Language IV

9 Hours of advanced (3000-4000 level) ASL electives are also required. Options do not include courses for which DSDE 2378 (Interpreting) is a prerequisite.


Total Hours - 24