
Selected Publications

Dr. Brian Craig, PE, CPE
Dean of Engineering
Charles and Eleanor Garrett Endowed Chair


For a full list of all publications, please see Dr. Craig's Curriculum Vitae

  • Abbasi, E., Li, Y., Wu, X., and Craig, B. Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) to Identify Factors Contributing to Vehicle Crash Severity in a Port City, International Journal of Transportation Systems, 6, 29-38, November 2021.
  • Cho, J., Craig, B., Hur, M., and Lim, J., A Novel Port Call Optimization Framework: A Case Study of Chemical Tanker Operations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, , October 2021.
  • Wu, X., Hamidi, M., Roy, U., and Craig, B. Estimated travel time of ships in narrow channel based on AIS data, Ocean Engineering, DOI: , March 2020.
  • Rahimi, B., Hamidi, M., Mohassel, A., and Craig, B. (2020) Imperfect condition-based maintenance strategy for a deteriorating rail track system with multiple competitive failure modes. Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(9), 04020088.
  • Bradley, R. K., Curry, J. C., Zaloom, V., Craig, B., Eren Tokgoz, B., Marquez, A., & Li, Y., Hamidi, M., Zhu, W., Liu, X., and Kaneria, A., Results of the First Six Years of a 2+2 Online B.S. Industrial Engineering Degree Pathway Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. , July 2021.
  • Lou, N., Wari, E., Curry, J., McSweeney, K., Curtis, R., Craig, B., Hussain, M. and Zhu, W., Identifying Key Safety Factors for the Offshore Safety Culture, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Offshore Symposium, April 2021.

Research, Publications and Presentations

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

  • Wu, X., Hamidi, M., Roy, U., and Craig, B. Estimated travel time of ships in narrow channel based on AIS data, Ocean Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106790, March 2020.
  • Kaneria, A., Hamidi, M., Zhu, W. and Craig, B. (2019) Traffic simulation of Houston Ship Channel for assessing the impact of waterway closures on vessel waiting time. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 145(4), p.04019014.
  • Papillion, R., Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Near Miss Reporting Programs in the Maritime Industry”. Journal of Safety Research, Submitted June 2016
  • Wu, X., Mehta, A., Zaloom, V. and Craig, B. Analysis of Waterway Transportation in Southeast Texas Waterways Based on AIS Data. Ocean Engineering, 121, pp. 196-209, May 2016
  • Turpin, L., Curry, J., Craig, B., Marquez, A., Underdown, R., and Rahman, M., An Optimization Approach for Content Determination in a Performance Attribution Report. Natural Language Engineering, Submitted July 2016
  • Craig, B., Congleton, J., Beier, E., Kerk, C., Amendola, A., and Gaines, W., Occupational Risk Factors and Back Injury. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 19(3), 2013
  • McSweeney, K., Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W. Are Mariner Near Misses Influencing Design? Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2326, Washington, DC, 2013

Peer Reviewed Conference Publications

  • Tomlinson, C., Craig, B., and McSweeney, K., The ABS Approach to Self-assessing Safety Culture in Maritime Organizations. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) International Conference on Human Factors in Ship Design and Operations, London, England, Accepted for September 2016
  • Li, Y., Ilori, A., Mahesh, V., and Craig, B., Effect of Position: An Ergonomics Evaluation of Police Wearable Equipment. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, Florida, July 2016
  • Safa, M. and Craig, B., Maritime and Port Activity Analysis Tool. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, Florida, July 2016
  • Zhu, W., Curry, J., and Craig, B., An Online 2+2 Bachelor’s Degree Program Track in Industrial Engineering at Íæż½ã½ã, Proceedings of the 2016 American Society of Engineering Education 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2016
  • Kulibaba, N., Xiang, Y., Curry, J., and Craig, B., Joint Condition-based Maintenance and Spare Parts Provisioning for a Two-echelon Network, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Anaheim, California, May 2016

Peer Reviewed Conference/Symposium Presentations/Posters

  • Tomlinson, C., Craig, B., and McSweeney, K., The ABS Approach to Selfassessing Safety Culture in Maritime Organisations Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) International Conference on Human Factors in Ship Design and Operations, London, England, Accepted for September 2016
  • Ilori, A., Li, Y., Mahesh, V., and Craig, B., Effect of Position: An Ergonomics Evaluation of Police Wearable Equipment. 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, Florida, Accepted for July 2016
  • Chodapaneedi, T., Illori, A., Sibbadi, B., Allam, V., Gandi, R., Li, Y., Craig, B., Order Input Interface for People with Speech and Hearing Impairment at a Drive Thru (Presentation), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society – Houston Chapter, Clear Lake, Texas, June 2016
  • Vanukura, R., Kandakatla, J., Konidhina, M., Satti, S., Penumatsa, S., Li, Y., Craig, B., Resume Search with Multiple Key-Words of Job Requirement (Poster), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society – Houston Chapter, Clear Lake, Texas, June 2016

Other Peer Reviewed Publications

  • ASTM Best Practice Guide for the Reporting of Fatalities, Injuries, and Illnesses for the Maritime Industry, in revision, March, 2016.
  • ASTM Best Practice Guide for the Reporting of Near Misses for the Maritime Industry, in revision, March, 2016.
  • American Bureau of Shipping, Guidance Notes for the Application of Ergonomics to Marine Systems, Co-contributor (Maintenance and Materials Handling Sections), Houston, Texas, August 2013
  • American Bureau of Shipping, Guidance Notes on Safety Culture and Leading Indicators of Safety, Co-contributor, American Bureau of Shipping, Houston, Texas, January 2012
  • Craig, B., Near Miss Reporting: Challenges and Obstacles to a Robust Near Miss Reporting System. Marine Technology, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Jersey City, New Jersey, April 2012

Other Pubications, Conferences, Workshops and Seminar Presentations/Participation

  • Marquez, A. and Craig, B. Port Logistics, Congreso de Innovacion, Ingenieria y Tecnologia 2016, Invited Presentation, Progreso, Mexico, May, 2016
  • Craig, B. and Stromberg, K., Port Community Outreach: A University’s Role, AAPA Seaports Magazine, Summer, 2016
  • STEM Outreach Workshop, Invited Panelist, Íæż½ã½ã, Beaumont, Texas, January 2015
  • Craig, B., Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety, Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), Íæż½ã½ã, Beaumont, Texas, November 2014
  • Ocean Energy Safety Research Roadmap for the 21st Century, Attendee, Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI), College Station, Texas, October 2014.

Industry Presentations

  • Craig, B., Overview of the ABS Maritime Safety Research Initiative. National Safety Council, Waterborne Transport Group, Jacksonville, FL, April 2016
  • Craig, B., Safety Data Performance Measurement for Continual Improvement, Invited Moderator/Panelist, Ship Operators Cooperative Program (SOCP) Spring Summit, Dania Beach, FL, April 2016
  • Craig, B., Center of Advances in Port Management Update, Plant Mangers Forum, Nederland, TX, February 2016
  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Combined Leading Indicators and Safety Culture Assessment Results to Date, ABS, Houston, Texas, February 2016
  • Craig, B., Port Management Initiative at Íæż½ã½ã, West Gulf Maritime Association, Sabine Area Meeting, Beaumont, Texas, October 2015

Technical Papers/Reports

  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Leading Indicators and Safety Culture Assessment for <Industry Partner>, ABS, Houston, Texas, December 2014
  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Safety Culture Assessment for <Industry Partner>, ABS, Houston, Texas, November 2013
  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Leading Indicators and Safety Culture Assessment for <Industry Partner>, ABS, Houston, Texas, November 2013
  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Safety Culture Assessment for <Industry Partner>, ABS, Houston, Texas, November 2013
  • Craig, B., Curry, J., and Zhu, W., Leading Indicators and Safety Culture Assessment for <Industry Partner>, ABS, Houston, Texas, April 2013

Reviews/Conference Session Chairs

  • Craig, B., Review of a proposed new textbook, Ergonomics and Human Factors in Safety Management, Eds. Arezes, P. and de Carvalho, P., CRC Press, September 2014
  • Craig, B., Review of a Ph.D. Thesis, Ergonomic Study of Manual Material Handling Tasks in Construction, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, June 2013
  • Craig, B., Review of a proposed peer-reviewed journal article, The Association of Aerobic Fitness with Injuries in the Fire Service, American Journal of Epidemiology, April, 2013
  • Craig, B., Studies in Safety Session Chair, 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2010
  • Craig, B., Review of a proposed peer-reviewed conference proceeding article, A Comprehensive Assessment of Workload Exposure Variables, Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, February 2010