
Marching Band Frequently Asked Questions

2021 Showcase Trumpets

Rehearsal Schedule for 2022

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:30 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.
Fridays: 1:50 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.

Drumline and Color Guard Sectionals: Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


Questions and Answers

  • Why should I be in the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band?

    In addition to being an ambassador for the university and supporting Lamar Cardinal athletics, the reason to be in marching band is to be a part of something big! The goal of The Showcase of Southeast Texas marching band is to create a positive environment for students to be successful through music and physical fitness. The paradox of college marching band is that it can seem like it takes a lot of time, but because of how the time is spent, and whom it is spent with, the result is a chance to get better grades, have a broader base of support, and feel better about yourself. In the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band, you’ll be in better physical shape, have more friends, attend more events, and make a lifetime of memories with other Íæż½ã½ã students who have similar interests.

    • Receive Scholarship money! (see section below).
    • Receive "Special Population" designation, meaning you can register for classes early!
    • Marching Band students can live in Monroe Hall, the newest Dormitory!
    • Travel with the Band and perform at Away Games and UIL Exhibitions.
    • Move to campus a week early, avoiding the congested nature of the regular dorm move-in day.
    • Receive complimentary Íæż½ã½ã Band apparel!
    • No need to fundraiser or sell things!

    The bottom line is that the marching band students are some of the friendliest and most motivated on campus. Will you be among them?

  • Does being in marching band in college take up too much time?

    Absolutely not! 

    If you add it up, on a game/performance week, the full 2022 Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band rehearsed for a total of 6 hours and 40 minutes (Color Guard and Drumline rehearses 8 hours 40 minutes). On non-game weeks, the full band rehearsed either 3 hours 50 minutes or 5 hours 10 minutes, depending on if we utilize the Friday rehearsal or not (5 hours 50 minutes or 7 hours 10 minutes for DL and CG). Home games themselves generally took about 6 hours.

    If you suppose a student wakes up at 8:00 a.m. and goes to bed around 10:30 p.m. then our game week rehearsals (Monday through Sunday) are 6.5% of their awake time (8.5% for Drumline and Color Guard). Add in the 6 hours for the home game and you get 12.4% (14.4% for DL and CG) of their awake time for the week Monday through Sunday. But on non-game/performance weeks marching band will barely even be 5% of their awake time.

    As for the average season schedule, we generally perform at 5 home games, 1 full-band weekend trip (away game or exhibition), 1 full-band Region 10 Marching contest evening performance, and send a 1-bus pep band (~50 students) to an additional away game. That's 7 weekends of involvement out of the 16 week long semester. It's completely do-able!

    Band Camp in August is a long week, yes. And the Homecoming game week generally has an extra pep rally or two, but all-in-all, the amount of time required to be in The Showcase is very manageable.

    And lastly, research shows students not in marching band don't study or sleep more. They just have more time for leisure. If you'd like to peruse the study yourself, you can download it HERE.

  • How does being in the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band compare to being in high school marching band?

    In terms of similarities, most of the stuff that you probably love about band is all there: the music, marching, friends, travel, exercise, and being able to have that “home base” on campus. Plus, the directors are always here to help you in anyway possible. We care about our students and want to see them succeed!  

    The main difference is that we do not compete at contest and rehearse about 40% less per week. Instead, as with professional popular and classical music, our performances are purely for the enjoyment of the audience and members, which we believe is maximized by demonstrating excellence in music and marching. Each season we perform several shows, rather than working on just one, which gives us a chance to play a wide range of music and connect with music lovers of all kinds.

  • How much does it cost to be in the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band?

    The answer to this question depends on several factors pertaining to the student in question. However, the short answer is, "nothing." This is because even students who must pay for the credit hour get it back from their scholarship. Likewise, incidental expenses for personal things like black marching shoes or gloves are also technically paid back by the marching band scholarship.

    Non-music majors don't have to take the course for a credit, so they enroll in MULB1075 which is a zero-credit course and costs nothing. Then, they get their scholarship at the end of the semester. 

    Music majors and minors who must take the course for credit (as part of their degree), must enroll in MULB1175/3175 and pay for one credit hour. How much that credit hour costs depends on how many hours the student is taking, but let's just ball park it at ~$360. But the scholarship pays you back for this.

    In addition to any tuition/fee costs, students need to provide incidental items for their uniform:

    • Black marching band shoes
    • Tall, all black crew socks
    • Uniform gloves (for woodwinds/brass: white pair and black pair)
    • All black athletic shorts
    • Color Guard: dance shoes, incidental uniform jewelry, spin gloves, etc.
    • Reeds
  • Who can be in the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band?

    You do not have to be a full-time student to be in the Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band. Part-time, non-degree seeking, or L.I.T./LSCPA students can be in the marching band. The important thing is that you are at least enrolled in the marching band class, MULB 1075 Section 01. E-mail Dr. Shannon if you have questions regarding your eligibility to be in the band!

  • Do you have to audition to be in the marching band?

    Anyone with previous marching band experience is welcome to be part of The Showcase of Southeast Texas, however, the Drumline and Color Guard do require an audition for placement.  

  • How do I join the Showcase of Southeast Texas marching band?

    This may sound like an obvious answer, but to join marching band the first thing you need to do is become a Lamar Cardinal!

    For Non-Music Majors:

    Step 1: Begin the path to becoming a Lamar Student! For more information on how, visit /admissions

    Step 2Complete the online Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band Commitment Form (found here). This information will let us know of your intentions to be in band and provide us with important information such as contact info, what instrument you play, etc.

    Step 2A: For those who wish to be in Color Guard E-mail our instructor: Alicia Stewart (astewart29@lamar.edu).

    Step 3: Once accepted to the University, enroll in MULB 1075 Section 01.


    For Music Majors:

    Step 1: Begin the path to becoming a Lamar Student! For more information on how, visit /admissions

    Step 2: Visit the Admissions page and complete the necessary steps to become a music major.

    Step 3: Complete the online Íæż½ã½ã Marching Band Commitment Form (found here). This information will let us know of your intentions to be in band and provide us with important information such as contact info, what instrument you play, etc.

    Step 3A: For those who wish to be in Color Guard E-mail our instructor: Alicia Stewart (astewart29@lamar.edu).

    Step 4: Once accepted to the University, enroll in MULB 1175 Section 001.

  • How does one join the Íæż½ã½ã Color Guard?

    To join the Íæż½ã½ã Color Guard a person must audition. This gives interested students the opportunity to get meet our team and be given instruction prior to the start of the football season. Complete a Commitment Form and select "Color Guard" as your role. Then e-mail to introduce yourself and get information about the 2024 Audition process.

    Color Guard Director: Alicia Stewart (astewart29@lamar.edu)

  • How does one become a Cardinalette Twirler?
    The Showcase now features a highly exclusive role of "Feature Twirler." At this time, our Cardinalette is Kristin Hebert. Auditions for Feature Twirler will not open again until the current Cardinalette graduates or steps down. Inquiries about Twirling at Íæż½ã½ã can be made to lcole5@lamar.edu.
  • When does the marching band rehearse?

    In 2024, we project that the marching band will rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30pm until 3:25pm, and on Fridays from 1:50pm until 3:10pm.

    Guard and Drumline sectionals will be Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 

    The band also rehearses on football game days. Game Day dress rehearsals usually take place from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. in the stadium, but Game Day schedules are subject to change.

  • What style of marching technique do you use?

    The band’s default marching technique is a drum corps style, 8 to 5, straight-leg technique. We use "dots" to make our drill formations and utilize the UDB app to help us learn them. However, each season around 25 of our freshmen students are from military-style NAMMB or traditional-style HBCU marching bands. We teach them what they need to know at the Military to Corps-style Marching Clinic and during the Fall Band Camp. They always catch on quickly, and most say they enjoy learning a new style!

  • Are scholarships available for students who wish to be in the Íæż½ã½ã marching band?

    Yes. All students who complete a full season of marching band will receive a scholarship at the completion of the season. For 2024, the amount for new marching members is $550, then $650 for second years, $750 for third years. Fourth year and up is $1350. Color Guard and Drumline members in years 1-3 will earn a $1000 scholarship, but must attend one additional rehearsal per week (Tuesday Evenings).

    If a student earns a leadership position, the award amount is $1250 if they are a second or third year, and $1550 if they are a fourth year member or higher. To earn one’s full award, the student’s attendance record must meet the standards set forth in the course syllabus. The scholarship is applied AFTER the marching season ends at the end of November. 

  • When does the marching band begin rehearsing?

    Marching Band Camp begins one week before classes start. For 2024, the Percussion Section, Guard, and Electronics move-in August 9 for mini-camp. Full marching band camp begins on Sunday, August 13. This week is a combination of social activities, music rehearsals, marching fundamental practice, and show learning. 

  • Will the Íæż½ã½ã marching band travel to perform at football games?

    We perform at all home football games and generally between one or two away games. We also give exhibition performances at UIL Region, Area, State, and BOA competitions! 

    Additionally, beyond a very small number of incidental expenses, there is no cost to the students whenever we travel. All costs are paid for by the University.