
Íæż½ã½ãTV's Gordon Williams receives special congressional recognition

On Friday, June 16, Gordon S. Williams, station operations manager for Íæż½ã½ã Television News, received a congressional commendation and was honored with special congressional recognition from the office of U.S. Representative and Texas native .

The event took place in the University Theatre and was attended by members of the community, Íæż½ã½ã students and alumni family of Williams, faculty from the Department of Communication and Media, Mayor Roy West and more.

Several speakers, including Dr. Freddie Titus, Dr. Dann Brown, Dr. Golden Wright, Dr. Nicki Michalski, Josh Yawn, Alexis Miller, Tommy Byers and Candy Rodriguez, all spoke on Williams, his achievements and his importance to Íæż½ã½ã and the community.

Left to right: Tommy Byers, Lanie Brown, Gordon Williams
Lanie Brown, senior regional field director for Babin’s office, was on site to present Williams with two symbols of recognition. First, a flag that was flown over the Capitol building in Williams’ honor. Then, the official document placed in a leather folder that reads special recognition from Babin to Williams.

“Being in the audience as colleagues, alumni and students speak about your influence, your work and to receive a congressional commendation was a surreal and overwhelming experience,” said Williams. I am sincerely grateful to the College of Fine Arts & Communication, the Department of Communication and Media, all the individuals involved in making the event a reality, my family, and the audience that attended this milestone event in my life.”

The recognition for Williams started in the mind of Byers, a recent Íæż½ã½ã graduate and student of Williams. After researching the qualifications for someone to receive this recognition, Byers began drafting a letter advocating and electing Williams to this honor. Shortly after, Babin and his office agreed with Byers and began planning the event.

“Once I found out Gordon would receive the recognition, I was overflowing with happiness and excitement,” said Byers. “Gordon has won countless awards nationally and internationally, and now Congress is recognizing his talents. The moment Gordon found out he had won was priceless. In life, our paths cross many individuals. I will be forever grateful my path crossed with Gordon Williams and Íæż½ã½ãTV.”

Byers added that Williams has been a mentor, role model and life changer for all the individuals who have stepped through the Íæż½ã½ãTV studio.

Even with special congressional recognition, Williams remains humble. He continues to credit all the people who have poured into him, brings to light their mentorship on him and says that he is who he is because he stands on the shoulders of giants.

“I am honored to be a product of the contributions of all these individuals and entities, thank you for what you have poured into me throughout my career,” he concluded.

To learn more about Íæż½ã½ãTV or the Department of Communication and Media, please visit lamar.edu/communication