
Rental Procedures

Facility Use & Rental Information

Spindletop Boomtown Museum offers our unique venue for rent to the public, Íæż½ã½ã faculty, staff, and student organizations. Our rental spaces include the Caroline Room/Lecture Hall, Log Cabin Saloon, Hamill Square, or the entire museum facility.

Please review and accept the following policies prior to making a reservation:

  • Fee Structure
  • Rental Procedures and Policies
  • Rental Agreement

For questions, please contact the program coordinator at reserveboomtown@lamar.edu

  • About the Rental Spaces

    Rental Spaces:

    • Caroline Room/Lecture Hall with access to full kitchen
    • Caroline Room + Hammill Square
    • Museum Package
    • Restrooms –Spindletop Boomtown provides one set of restrooms in the Visitor Center. For large events, you may be required to rent additional portable restrooms

    Planning Meeting  A planning meeting with the Spindletop Boomtown director should be scheduled at least 2-3 months in advance, or as soon as possible, of your event to discuss details, fees, etc. A set up plan for the desired space should be decided upon at this time.


    Quantity 13 - 6 ft x 1 ½’ rectangular tables, indoor use only

    Quantity 12 - 6 ft x 2 ½ ‘ rectangular tables, indoor use only

    56 indoor chairs

    Not Included in Your Rental Fees: 

    • Catering services, food or beverages
    • Additional portable restrooms (for events with 200 or more attendees)
    • Additional tables, chairs, linens, tents or canopies
    • Decorations
    • DJ or entertainment services

    Be aware that venues are not formally reserved until official confirmation is issued from the museum’s director.

  • Group Definitions

    These policies comply with those mandated by Íæż½ã½ã

    The Department of Event Management allows reservations from the following groups:

    Registered Student Organizations

    • No rental fee assessed for use of venue
    • Incidental fees for cleaning, extended operating hours, equipment rental, etc., apply
    • Facility Use Agreement must be executed by faculty advisor on record.

    University Departments

    • No rental fee assessed for use of venue
    • Incidental fees for cleaning, extended operating hours, equipment rental, etc., apply

    Sponsored Groups/Programs

    • Departmental sponsorship is indicated by a standard of active involvement. The activity must relate to the department's mission and/or fall within the department's regular or recurring sphere of activity.
    • Incidental fees and rental fees for miscellaneous items not including venue rental costs will apply, as outlined in rental policies, and the sponsoring department or student group agrees to submit payment prior to the event
    • Sponsored groups must complete a Facility Use Agreement, regardless of whether the venue rental fee is waived.
    • To qualify for a venue rental fee waiver, Sponsored Groups must meet the following criteria:
      • Intended audience for event is comprised of Íæż½ã½ã students, faculty, and/or staff
      • At least one member of Íæż½ã½ã's faculty or staff will be present for the duration of the event and serve as point of contact throughout the Event lifecycle
      • The sponsored group will not charge an admission fee or otherwise generate revenue from the event
    • Private and corporate events
      • Rental and incidental fees apply as outlined in the fee structure
      • Facility Use Agreement and contract required
      • Íæż½ã½ã alumni may receive a 10% discount on venue rental fees excluding miscellaneous equipment, cleaning, extended operating fees, etc.

    Facilities Use Agreement

    Please be aware that Íæż½ã½ã Events Management Department will require a signed Facilities Use Agreement before the Spindletop Boomtown venue can be rented. Questions about the Facility Use Agreement can be directed to the Spindletop Boomtown director or to Events Management.

  • Hours of Operation

    The museum is open Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

    Reservations beginning before 10:00 am or after 5:00 pm are subject to an extended operating hours fee of $50 per hour and will be approved on a case-by-case basis.

    All activities must conclude at least thirty minutes prior to the posted facility closing time (or the agreed-upon Extended Operating Hours) so that groups can remove belongings and vacate the premises in a timely fashion.

    Groups are allowed 1 hour of set up time prior to the event and 1 hour clean up time post event. A fee is imposed if event setup-breakdown extends beyond normal business hours.

  • Space Usage, Assignments, and Frequency

    Space Usage/Space Assignments

    Reservations are valid only for the spaces and times indicated on the official confirmation document. (Please make sure that you allow enough time to adequately prepare inside the space.)

    Reservations may not overflow into nearby spaces, lounges, or walkways, or into rooms not included on the reservation.

    Exhibits, museum objects, or fixtures in any university building may not be arranged or moved without prior consent from the museum director.

    The museum reserves the right to reassign spaces to serve the greatest number of programs and services. The director will provide prompt notification regarding any changes. Again, no reservation request is considered a final reservation until an official confirmation is received via email from the museum’s director.


    Events are defined as single-day, multi-day (on consecutive days), and recurring.

    Registered student groups and Íæż½ã½ã Departments/Colleges may be allowed (1) reservation consisting of multiple consecutive days per semester in each venue. The maximum number of consecutive days per reservation is four. After four days, Registered Student Groups and Íæż½ã½ã Departments/College are subject to standard venue rental fees for use of the space at the rate defined in the fee schedule.

    Multi-day events are confirmed at the discretion of the museum director based on existing reservations and other miscellaneous factors.

    Registered Student Groups may not use museum facilities for recurring events such as Student Government meetings, club meetings, Panhellenic initiations, etc.

    Íæż½ã½ã Departments/Colleges may use museum facilities for recurring events at the discretion of the museum’s director and based on existing reservations/availability. Again, museum administration reserves the right to reassign venues to best serve the greatest number of programs and services, based on availability, emerging conflicts, and use of the space for revenue-generating events.

  • Reservation Requests and Processing


    All reservation requests must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the planned reservation date. Events with more than 100 people should be submitted as many as 21 days prior to the event. Be aware that venues are not formally reserved until official confirmation is issued from the museum’s director.


    Changes to the layout can be made up to 48 hours prior to the event with no penalty.


    Cancellations may be made at any time, but cancellations made within 48 hours of the event may result in a policy violation fee.  It is your responsibility to notify museum administration and other vendors that your event is canceled.  No-shows will receive an automatic policy violation. 

    Event Safety Checklist

    Some events require approval of an Events Safety Checklist Form by the Íæż½ã½ã Risk Management Department. Outside events including cooking, blacksmithing, or other high-risk activities fall under this category of event.

    Purchasing Additional Time

    Additional time may be purchased contingent upon availability. Additional fees apply.

  • Prohibited Activities and Items

    No activities in violation of federal, state, or local laws and ordinances are permitted. Likewise, all groups must follow rules and regulations adopted by Íæż½ã½ã, the Texas State University System, and the Spindletop Boomtown Museum.

    Íæż½ã½ã is a tobacco-free campus. Any cigarette butts found on the ground will result in a violation fee.

    Students must adhere, at all times, to the Code of Conduct.

    Each group agrees not to bring materials, substances, equipment, or objects which may cause damage to the facility or endanger the life of or cause bodily harm to any person in the facility.

    Groups shall not engage in activities considered to be disruptive or harassing in nature.

    Physical/verbal altercations, injuries, destruction of property, threats to public safety or other personnel, etc., shall result in immediate termination of the event. 

    At no time should anything be stuck to tables, walls, or any other permanent part of the venue.

    Climbing on derricks is prohibited

    Proper clothing and shoes must be worn at all times.

    Do not handle any equipment or museum artifacts found in the exhibits

    Prohibited items include but are not limited to:

    • Candles with live flame
    • On-site assembly of flower arrangements or centerpieces
    • Glitter
    • Confetti
    • Rice
    • Birdseed
    • Bubbles
    • Flower petals
    • Paint
    • Liquid dye
    • Fog juice from smoke machine inside exhibit buildings
  • Exceptions and Violations


    The Office of Event Management and museum administration reserves the right to make exemptions to any of these policies at the discretion of the Division of Campus Operations and the Office of the President, as is deemed appropriate and in-line with the missions of the venue and Íæż½ã½ã.


    Violation of Íæż½ã½ã policies may result in a violation fee per violation and/or a probation of up to nine months. Additionally, museum administration reserves the right to terminate any reservation at any time due to violation of policies or agreements. If this is done, rental fees and incidental fees may still be assessed based on costs incurred.


    Any appeals of policies or violations must be submitted in writing to museum administration via email at Boomtown@lamar.edu.The appeals will be reviewed by museum administration, Director of Events Management, and the Division of Campus Operations. All decisions are final. 

  • Safety & Security


    Íæż½ã½ã Police assign Police/Safety personnel based on critical risk factors, listed below, at a ratio of one personnel member per 100 attendees. However, Íæż½ã½ãPD will make staffing decisions based on other risk factors as appropriate. Please be aware that Íæż½ã½ãPD may require additional officers dependent on the event.

    Critical Risk Factors

    Groups that plan to collect over $100 in cash during an event will be required to have a minimum of one (1) university police officer or campus safety officer. Additionally, any event with an estimated attendance over 100 persons, which meets at least one of the following risk factors will be reviewed:

    • A paid or unpaid guest speaker is engaged
    • A DJ is engaged
    • Event is a dance or concert
    • Event is open to the public
    • Event is located outside


    Minor first aid is available in the museum’s kitchen and gift shop. Please consult with museum staff before administering first aid. All incidents and accidents must be reported.


    In the event of emergency, the procedures outlined in Risk Management's Emergency Procedures document shall be followed. Museum staff are required to contact emergency personnel in the event of a major accident or health-related emergency.

    Access to fire suppression equipment, means of egress, emergency signage or lighting, and heating and air conditioning vents shall not be covered or obstructed at any time. 

    Groups are not permitted to run electrical, sound, video, or other cables through doorways or walking paths. All cables must be covered to prevent persons from tripping over them and to prevent damage to cables.

  • Personnel & Media Services

    Museum Staffing

    A staff member(s) is on site for the duration of events. They monitor noise levels, serve as the liaison between Íæż½ã½ãPD and the event organizers, and monitor clean up of spaces.

    Technical Event Support

    The museum may provide certain electronic equipment in its venues, but is not responsible for testing, troubleshooting, or providing technical support during events. Please make arrangements with our office to test media prior to your event.

    Please request support from Media Services if you plan to livestream your event or host a conference video/call.

    Media Services and AV Equipment

    The use of specialized university audio/visual equipment requires on-site technical staff to operate. Additionally, groups may request event support staff to be available for the duration of an event. To arrange these services, contact Media Services directly via the form on its web page located at: /it-services-and-support/media-services.html

     Additional fees for Media Services and equipment may apply.

    To contact Media Services email: servicedesk@lamar.edu or call, 409-880-2222.

    Spindletop Boomtown provides basic audio-visual equipment (LCD projector, sound system, television, VCR/DVD player), but cannot provide computer equipment, including laptops, printers, or scanners, or technical support for such equipment. All audio-visual and electronic equipment belonging to Spindletop Boomtown must be moved, set-up and reinstalled by museum staff only. Use of museum AV equipment is contingent upon availability and assessed a separate rental fee.

  • Equipment, Decorations, and Storage


    All areas of the building stay fully illuminated during regular operating hours and extended operating hours. All lighting is controlled by on site museum staff and may not be altered by the group without consent. If strobe or similar lighting is used during an event, signage must be posted at the entrance with a warning about the lighting effects.


    Spindletop Boomtown Museum is located adjacent to a residential neighborhood. Every effort should be made to maintain a respectful noise level throughout your event, especially in the evenings. The client is responsible for providing their own music, which must be free of profanity and sexual content. Loud music with excessive bass will not be tolerated.

    External Vendor Equipment

    Groups are solely responsible for arranging all production needs not met by the university such as sound/AV gear, tents, additional tables, chairs, and decorations, etc. Museum Administration must receive, in writing, any additional production equipment procured by the group at least fourteen (14) days prior to the event in order to ensure special accommodations are reviewed.

    Disc Jockeys and Bands

    DJ's, bands, and other vendors must provide their own equipment. The museum will not provide any equipment other than tables and chairs. Failure of a DJ, band, or vendor to provide their own equipment and extension cords will prohibit the vendor from conducting business with the University for eighteen (18) months. The group will be charged with a policy violation fee.

    Event Host-Provided Laptops

    Event hosts and speakers are welcome to provide their own laptops but Mac users should bring any necessary adapters.

    WiFi, Connectivity, Advanced Troubleshooting and Equipment Tests

    The museum and Íæż½ã½ã  are equipped with WiFi but event hosts should make every effort to test media during normal business hours the day prior to an event. A follow-up test is highly-recommended before 3 pm on the day of the event.

    Events that occur after-hours may not have the full benefit of IT support unless the event host  made arrangements for a representative from Media Services to be present.


    The installation of decorations is prohibited on doors, windows, walls, and ceilings. All decoration plans must be submitted in writing fourteen (14) days prior for consideration. All design and construction must be done off site.


    The museum does not have storage space on site to accommodate long term storage for decorations. However, in some instances we can accommodate short term storage requests dependent upon other scheduled events or rentals. The removal period of decorations should immediately follow an event or take place on the next business day during regular business hours, dependent upon other scheduled events or rentals. Any items remaining without approval will be discarded. Neither trash containers nor dumpsters on campus shall be used by the group to discard large decoration items.

  • Catering

    Cardinal Catering (Chartwells) is located on campus and serves as the primary caterer at Íæż½ã½ã. Chartwells has access to all campus locations and the infrastructure in place to provide efficient and cost-effective service.

    NOTE. Chartwells is the exclusive caterer for events in the Log Cabin Saloon.

    If using an outside caterer- including restaurants which provide sandwich/fruit/deli trays- the following criteria must be met:

    • Caterer has access to full catering kitchen off site; they will not be allowed to use any kitchen on campus where Chartwells stores equipment
    • Napkins, plating, utensils, cups, and other equipment are provided by the caterer or at the expense of the hosting group
    • Caterer provides warming/cooling equipment
    • Caterer provides chafing dishes/serving utensils, etc.
    • Garbage and food waste is removed completely and quickly from premises and is disposed of outside of the building
      • If trash is left behind in waste baskets, a violation fee and an additional cleaning fee will be assessed

    "Potluck" dining or food prepared at home is strictly prohibited in all Event Management venues.

    Guest Count

    The museum will provide seating for up to 5% over your final guest count, not to exceed the capacity limits. No additional seating will be provided. It is the host's responsibility to advise museum administration and the caterer of any changes to your guest count as soon as possible. Maximum occupancy guidelines are followed in all rental spaces at Íæż½ã½ã.

  • Serving Alcoholic Beverages

    Serving Alcoholic Beverages

    Social events with alcohol are subject to both Íæż½ã½ã policies and the codes established by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission:

    • Serving alcohol at an event is a critical risk factor that requires the presence of at least one uniformed officer from Íæż½ã½ãPD. Íæż½ã½ãPD will provide security for your event for a fee. It is your responsibility to obtain a cost estimate and place your event on their schedule. Call (409)-880-8306 for more information.
    • Alcoholic beverages may not be served before 5 PM on weekdays without explicit authorization from the President, Chief Operations Officer, or Chief Financial Officer
    • All private social events at which alcohol is served must be approved by the President or COO via the Alcohol Use Application
    • Íæż½ã½ã events with alcohol require the use of the Request to Purchase Alcohol Form
    • Beverage and bartender service will be discontinued thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled conclusion of the event
    • Alcoholic beverages are restricted to approved areas and specific areas designated on the reservation form
    • No wine bottles or other serving containers are allowed on tables
    • Bartenders and servers must ask to see the identification of individuals ordering alcoholic beverages
    • Chartwells (or other TABC-licensed vendors) reserve the right to refuse service
    • Only a bartender or TABC-licensed server can serve all alcoholic beverages
    • Outside alcohol is strictly prohibited
  • Clean Up

    Event organizers are expected to:

    • Throw away all trash in receptacles located on the museum’s grounds.
    • Trash bags are provided for extra trash. Filled bags may be left in the breezeway next to the kitchen door.
    • Clean out the refrigerator.
    • Take all food and decorations at the conclusion of the event.
    • Report large spills or damage to museum personnel on site.
    • Make a reasonable effort to leave the space in the condition in which it was rented.
  • Hosting Accessible Events
    Hosting Accessible Events

    Be sure to consider accessibility for all of your guests right from the start...

    • Use language that encourages guests to include any special accommodation requests with their RSVP- if the event does not require pre-registration, include an accessibility statement and contact information for where to direct accommodation requests
    • Include parking maps that point out the closest handicap parking spaces, wheelchair ramps, etc.
    • Be aware of tools such as the Communication Access Request Form from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) which allow guests to request the services of an interpreter and speech-to-text technologies such as CART/C-PRINT

    Íæż½ã½ã's Accessibility Resource Center is the authority on accessibility and inclusivity, and should be contacted for all of your questions regarding proactive accommodations for your guests. Their contact info (409) 880-8347.