

Article I - Name and Function

Section 1. Name

The name of this organization shall be Íæż½ã½ã Staff Council. 

Section 2. Function

Íæż½ã½ã Staff Council, under the authority of the University President, exists as a collective voice to foster a positive and collaborative organization of unity by encouraging the exchange of ideas among staff.  Staff Council shall advocate for and represent the interests and concerns of Íæż½ã½ã staff employees and shall convey information and recommendations to the University administration.  Staff Council shall inform staff of any issues and policies affecting them.  Staff Council shall always seek to promote a positive environment that is dedicated to evaluating, prioritizing, and communicating staff needs.

Article II - Staff Council Eligibility, Representation and Expectations

Section 1. Eligibility

  1. Permanent (benefits eligible) staff employees below the rank of Vice President shall be eligible for membership to the Staff Council if they have completed one year of full-time employment at Íæż½ã½ã prior to assuming membership.
  2. A staff employee that has not met the minimum requirement for membership, may be eligible to serve on Staff Council in a limited capacity and without voting privileges. Membership is subject to approval by the Nominations Committee.

Section 2. Staff Council Representation

  1. The Council will consist of representation for each division and/or department in the University.
  2. Representation shall be determined based on the most current staff employee listing provided by Human Resources for the month preceding the nomination call.
  3. Newly created divisions and/or departments, created after a term begins, will be incorporated into an existing represented group for the remainder of the term.

Section 3. Division Population Reviewed

  1. In May, the Nominations Committee will request a current staff employee listing from Human Resources. This list will consist of the staff employees’ name, division/department, hire date, and email. 
  2. This list shall guide the Nominations Committee in determining the number of representatives allowed for each division and/or departments. It is the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to complete this process prior to annual nominations.
  3. Eligibility for nominations shall be determined based on hire dates as of May 1st of the current year.

Section 4. Membership Term

  1. Members of Staff Council shall be elected for a three-year term.
  2. The terms shall be staggered (one-third being elected each year).
  3. The terms shall be effective the first day of September and end the last day of August of the third year.
  4. A Council member whose division and/ or department changes during their term will serve under the original area until the next nomination process.

Section 5. Staff Council Member Expectations and Responsibilities

  1. Members shall represent Staff Council and advocate for all staff.
  2. Members shall maintain a professional code of personal conduct, behavior, and demeanor when representing Staff Council.
  3. Members shall attend all Staff Council monthly meetings.
  4. Members shall serve on, a minimum, one standing committee.
  5. Members shall be available to the staff in their represented areas to hear concerns, receive suggestions and information concerning staff, and communicate Staff Council work and matters that the administration has shared to the Council.
  6. Staff Council members shall be responsible for distributing monthly meeting minutes to their represented area.
  7. Members shall be allowed an allotted time to devote to Staff Council meetings and committee work as part of their normal work duties, per University President.
  8. No staff council members may act for or on behalf of Staff Council without the prior written consent of the executive committee.

Section 6. Absences

  1. Any Staff Council member that has three (3) unexcused absences from regular and/or special called Staff Council meetings during the year shall be removed.
  2. An email shall be sent to the Council member from the Nominations Committee Chair, after two (2) absences, reminding them of the attendance policy.
  3. Upon the third absence, the Nominations Committee Chair will send an email advising them of their removal from Staff Council.
  4. Nominations may be called for the vacancy.
  5. Any Council member removed from Staff Council, due to absences, may appeal the ruling within one (1) month from date of removal by contacting the Nominations Committee Chair.
  6. If the action of removal stands, this member will not be eligible for re-nomination to Staff Council for one (1) year.

Section 7. Vacancies

  1. Vacancies shall be filled by special elections called by the Nominations Committee following the same procedures as outlined in Article III, Section 3. 

Article III - Staff Council Nominations

Section 1. Nominations

  1. Staff Council nominations shall be held in June for each division and/or department under the supervision of the Nominations Committee.
  2. Permanent (benefits eligible) staff members below the rank of Vice President shall be eligible to vote for representatives if they have completed six month's service at Íæż½ã½ã. These eligible voters shall constitute the voting staff. 
  3. Each Division of the University is eligible to elect representatives based upon the total number of permanent (benefits eligible) staff (non-faculty) members. The number of staff representatives in each division shall be determined as follows: 
    • More than 1, but no more than 30 permanent (benefits eligible) employees=1 representative 
    • More than 30, but no more than 45 permanent (benefits eligible) employees=2 representatives 
    • More than 45, but no more than 60 permanent (benefits eligible) employees=3 representatives
    • Greater than 60 permanent (benefits eligible) employees=maximum of 4 representatives
  4. The Nominations Committee Chair shall issue a call for nominations of the Staff Council representatives at the June Council meeting.
  5. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a nomination form and distribute it to the Staff Council members for distribution to the entire eligible voting staff.
  6. Nomination forms should be returned to the Nominations Committee who will tally the nominations and announce the results at the July Council meeting.
  7. The Nominations Committee is responsible for confirming eligibility of nominees and for assuring that the minimum number of staff employees are nominated for each division and/or departments.

Section 2. Nomination Time Frame

  1. Nominations will be conducted according to the following general timeframe: nominations will be held for a two-week period, runoff voting will be held for a one-week period, and the results of the nominations and elections will be announced at the Staff Council July meeting.

 Section 3. Procedures for Nominations and Elections

  1. Nominations: Nomination forms will be solicited by division and/or departments by the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall confirm eligibility, willingness of nominees to run and to serve, in writing, and shall notify the nominees of meeting times, attendance requirements, and a reminder that this is a voluntary position with no additional compensation.  Nomination forms must be signed by the nominee, if not, the nomination will be declared void.  If the number of nominations does not exceed the number of vacancies, those eligible nominees shall be named Staff Council representatives.
  2. Runoff Ballots: The Nominations Committee shall prepare and distribute runoff ballots to those divisions and/or departments that have received more nominations than vacancies.
  3. Voting: The Nominations Committee has the authority to designate the method in which runoff ballots are dispersed to all staff employees within the voting division and/or department. Regardless of the voting process, each staff employee shall be allowed only one vote.
  4. Counting Runoff Ballots: The Nominations Committee shall count the ballots and announce the results to Staff Council at the July meeting.
  5. Tie Vote: In the event of a tie-vote, the Nominations Committee will prepare another runoff ballot, and repeat the election process.
  6. Announcement of Results: The Nominations Committee Chair shall notify new members and invite them to attend the Staff Council August meeting. The Nominations Committee Chair shall introduce the new Staff Council members at the August and September meeting.
  7. Nomination Form and Runoff Ballot Records: All nomination and runoff ballots shall be sealed and held for (3) three months after the nomination and election process has concluded.  If no disputes or errors are brought forward, the ballots shall be destroyed.  Lists of the vote tabulation shall be held and preserved by the Staff Council Secretary for three (3) years from date of nomination and election process.
  8. Disputes: The Nomination Committee Chair shall receive and examine all disputes and conclude what, if any, irregularities occurred during the nomination and election process.  The Chair shall take whatever action is needed to resolve the dispute.

Article IV - Officers, Eligibility and Representation

Section 1. Officers

  1. Staff Council Officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the most recent Past President.
  2. These officers shall be referred to as Staff Council Officers.
  3. The Past President shall serve as an ex-officio member provided they continue to serve as an elected Council member.

Section 2. Eligibility

  1. Candidates for officer nominations shall have, at least, one (1) year of Staff Council membership experience.
  2. This requirement may be waived by a quorum vote of the Council.
  3. A Council member with a Staff Council Disciplinary Action on record, shall not be eligible for a Council officer position.

Section 3. Representation

  1. Staff Council officers are not required to represent their respective division and/or departments with the exception of the Staff Council Past President. At the end of a Council officer’s term of office, they shall resume representation status of their division and/or department for the remainder of their Council membership term.

Article V - Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 1. Nomination

  1. It will be the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to meet and prepare a slate of officer candidates for voting at the Staff Council August meeting.
  2. The Nominations Committee will distribute the ballots to each elected Council member at the August meeting.

Section 2. Election of Officers

  1. Officers shall be elected annually from the Staff Council membership prior to the first regularly scheduled meeting of September.
  2. The voting shall be conducted at the August meeting by secret ballot with the Nominations Committee presiding the vote.
  3. All ballots shall be returned to the Nominations Committee to tally the votes and announce the results of officer elections at the August meeting. 
  4. Officers will serve a two-year term. The President and Treasurer shall be elected during the same term in odd numbered years.  The Vice President and Secretary shall be elected during the same term in even numbered years.

Section 3. Procedures for Officer Nominations and Elections

  1. Nominations: Nomination forms will be solicited of the current Council members by the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall confirm eligibility and willingness of nominees to run and to serve as an officer. 
  2. Before voting begins, Officer Candidates shall give a brief speech, to the Council, introducing themselves.
  3. Voting: The Nominations Committee shall prepare and distribute ballots for the officer election at the August meeting. Newly elected Council members are not eligible to vote in the officer election.
  4. Counting Ballots: The Nominations Committee shall count the ballots and present the results of the officer election at the August meeting.
  5. In the event only one (1) candidate is seeking election of a Council officer position, the Nominations Committee Chair shall declare the position uncontested and announce the candidate as the new officer.
  6. If an elected officer’s Council membership expires before their officer term, their membership shall be extended to complete the officer term commitment.

Article VI - Officer Expectations and Vacancies

Section 1. Duties and Responsibilities

Staff Council officers shall be obligated to uphold and represent the interest of Staff Council and the welfare of the staff, faculty and students of Íæż½ã½ã.


A. The Staff Council President Shall:

  1. Provide general leadership over all business of Staff Council.
  2. Determine the agenda for monthly Staff Council meetings, in consultation with the Council officers and chairs of standing and/or special committee(s).
  3. Be present and preside over all Staff Council and Executive Board meetings.
  4. Keep Staff Council members fully informed on all matters concerning the Council.
  5. Appoint Ad hoc or special committees.
  6. Serve as the official representative and spokesperson of Staff Council where such representation is necessary or desirable. 
  7. Staff Council President may appoint a Council Officer or a current Council member to represent in their place. Refer all matters submitted for the Council’s attention to the appropriate committee(s) and/or to the University President. 
  8. Ensure that projects undertaken by Staff Council are developed, organized, and implemented in an orderly and timely manner.
  9. Act as Parliamentary Advisor, as needed, for all Staff Council committees.
  10. Serve, by appointment, on University committees.
  11. Prepare and present, to the Council, an overview of all University committee meetings attended.
  12. Serve as one of the signing officers for the Staff Council purchasing account.
  13. Serve as Webmaster for Staff Council website.
  14. Oversee the review and update of Staff Council shared electronic files.
  15. Not be an officer of any other University organization.
  16. Prepare a written annual report of the past year’s progress for distribution at the last Council monthly meeting in August. 
  17. Transfer all files to the incoming Staff Council President no later than September 30. 
  18. Perform such other duties as required.
  19. Serve as ex-officio member of the Staff Council Officers for the year immediately following their term as President provided they continue to serve as an elected Council member.


B. The Staff Council Vice President Shall: 

  1. In the absence of the Staff Council President, be the presiding officer of all Staff Council or Executive Board meetings. 
  2. Assist the Staff Council President in planning the agenda for Staff Council meetings.
  3. Act as Parliamentary Advisor, as needed, for all Staff Council committees.
  4. Be authorized to sign all documents for the Council in the absence of the Staff Council President.
  5. Under the guidance of the Staff Council President, ensure that projects undertaken by Staff Council are developed, organized, and implemented in an orderly and timely manner.
  6. Serve as Webmaster for Staff Council website. Maintain and make updates for the Staff Council website, including posting minutes, meeting announcements, upcoming events, and other relevant information.
  7. Serve, by appointment, on University committees.
  8. Prepare and present, to the Council, an overview of all University committee meetings attended.
  9. Not be an officer of any other University organization.
  10. Assume the role of Staff Council Interim President in the event of a vacancy of the Staff Council President position.
  11. Transfer all files to the incoming Staff Council Vice President no later than September 30. 
  12. Perform such other duties as required.

C. The Staff Council Secretary Shall: 

  1. In the absence of the Staff Council President and Vice President, be the presiding officer of all Staff Council or Executive Board meetings.
  2. Prepare and distribute agendas for Council meetings.
  3. Be responsible for the minutes of all Staff Council and Executive Board meetings.
  4. Record minutes at Staff Council meetings and present to the Council for approval. 
  5. Grant excused absences from meetings for members of Staff Council, with justification.
  6. Maintain accurate records of attendance and advise the Chair of the Nominations Committee of any members who have forfeited membership due to absences.
  7. Be responsible for reserving and securing Staff Council meeting places.
  8. Execute general correspondence as directed.
  9. Be custodian of all Staff Council records, policies, and proceedings. 
  10. Serve as Webmaster for Staff Council website.
  11. Maintain and make updates to Staff Council website, including posting minutes, meeting announcements, upcoming events, and other relevant information.
  12. Serve, by appointment, on University committees.
  13. Prepare and present, to the Council, an overview of all University committee meetings attended.
  14. Not be an officer of any other University organization.
  15. Transfer all files to the incoming Staff Council Secretary no later than September 30. 
  16. Perform such other duties as required.

C. The Staff Council Treasurer Shall:

  1. In the absence of the Staff Council President, Vice President, and Secretary, be the presiding officer of all Staff Council or Executive Board meetings. 
  2. Be responsible for all financial aspects of Staff Council functions, including processing purchase requisitions according to University policy and regulations. 
  3. Maintain a record of receipts, disbursements, and other financial transactions made by or on behalf of Staff Council. 
  4. Present a financial report at the beginning of the Staff Council term in September and then again in February, May, and August. 
  5. Maintain a dual signature role for all Staff Council transactions with the Staff Council President.
  6. Serve, by appointment, on University committees.
  7. Prepare and present, to the Council, an overview of all University committee meetings attended.
  8. Not be an officer of any other University organization.
  9. Transfer all files to the incoming Staff Council Treasurer no later than September 30. 
  10. Perform such other duties as required.


C. The Staff Council Past President Shall:

  1. Assume this advisory position at the end of their term as Staff Council President.
  2. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Staff Council Officers for one (1) year.
  3. Act in an advisory capacity to Staff Council and Staff Council Officers providing advice, consultation, and support.
  4. Preside at meetings in the absence of the Staff Council President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  5. In the event the current Past President is no longer a member of Staff Council, the most recent Past President shall assume this role.

Section 2. Vacancies

  1. Officer vacancies shall be announced immediately. 
  2. In the event the Staff Council President resigns, the Vice President shall assume an Interim Council President position until filled. 
  3. In the event the Council Secretary or Treasurer resigns, the remaining position shall assume an Interim position until filled. 
  4. Vacancies may be filled by special elections called by the Nominations Committee following the same procedures as outlined in Article V, Section 3. 

Article VII - Meetings, Quorum, Agenda, Minutes and Attendance

Section 1. Types of Meetings

There will be four types of meetings:

  1. Staff Council Monthly Meetings: This meeting shall be inclusive of all Staff Council members and will be open to all Íæż½ã½ã staff employees, with the exception of closed sessions. Official minutes shall be taken by the Council Secretary. When conducting official Council business, all meetings shall be closed sessions. 
  2. Staff Council Committee Meetings: Committee meetings shall be called by the committee chair/co-chair and is open to committee members only.
  3. Executive Board Meetings: The University President and Vice President of Finance and Operations shall be referred to as the Executive Board. These meetings shall be called by the University President or Staff Council President and held in closed sessions with Staff Council Officers. Unofficial minutes shall be taken by the Council Secretary and a detailed report shall be given by the Council President at the next regularly scheduled Staff Council monthly meeting.
  4. Special/Emergency Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Staff Council President/Officers, committee chairs, or request of Staff Council members. Only the business specified shall be conducted at such meetings. Official minutes shall be taken by the Council Secretary.

Section 2. Schedule of Meetings

  1. Staff Council shall hold monthly meetings from September through August, with the exception of January.  
  2. Meeting time and location shall be established by the Staff Council Officers at the first monthly meeting. Meetings shall be held during normal working hours, Monday through Friday, regardless of the type of meeting.
  3. Meeting notice shall be posted at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Section 3. Quorum and Voting

  1. A quorum shall be formed by 10 Council members and at least one officer present at all meetings.
  2. In the absence of a quorum, official Council business shall not be conducted.
  3. Elected Staff Council members (only) may vote.
  4. Voting shall be during closed sessions only. Guests must be excused before conducting Council business or voting.
  5. A quorum (10 +1) must be present to conduct all Staff Council business and voting. 
  6. Voting shall be by voice or show of hands, unless a vote by secret ballot is requested or required. 
  7. Members must be present to vote. There shall be no substitutes or proxies.

Section 4. Agenda

The Staff Council Officers shall set the agenda for meetings. New items may be added at the monthly meeting. Staff Council meetings shall have an agenda which includes the time and location of the meetings and the order of business. 
The Staff Council Officers shall:
  1. Collect agenda information from monthly meetings with the chairs and Executive Board. A Council member may add agenda items.
  2. Set an agenda that allows for business to be addressed in a reasonable duration of time during the meetings.
  3. Post a monthly meeting agenda at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Section 5. Minutes

Staff Council monthly meeting minutes shall be made available to the Staff Council within seven (7)  working days after each meeting.  Minutes shall be approved at the next monthly meeting with or without corrections, and shall be maintained as permanent record.   Approved minutes shall be posted to the Council website within five (5) working days from the meeting date. 

 Minutes shall include:

  • Date, time, and location of meeting
  • List of those present
  • List of items discussed and reports presented
  • Motions presented and voting outcomes

Section 6. Attendance

A Council member may be dismissed for non-performance of duties, including but not limited to, absence from three (3) monthly meetings per year.  Determination shall be made by the Staff Council Officers and Nominations Chair in the case of extenuating circumstances.  The vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article III. Section 3.

In the event a Council member will be absent from a monthly meeting, they may appoint a proxy, as their substitute, to attend the Council monthly meeting.  Proxies shall not have voting privileges.

Article VIII - Budget and Finance

Section 1. Source of Funds

The University shall establish and fund an operating budget sufficient to meet reasonable operating expenses of the Staff Council.

Section 2. Account Management

The Staff Council Treasurer shall be established as the account head with alternate signature authority assigned to the Staff Council President. 

 Flow of funds are as follows:

  1. Staff Council Treasurer shall complete paper requisition requests for expenditure of funds.
  2. Staff Council President and Treasurer shall have dual signature roles for the expenditure of funds.
  3. Staff Council Liaison, in working with the University Vice President for Finance and Operations, shall be the final approver for expenditure of funds beyond the set budget or items not preapproved.

Article IX - Committees

Section 1. Membership

With the exception of Staff Council Officers, all Staff Council representatives shall serve on at least one, but no more than two, standing committee. 

  1. Each committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) members, with the exception of the Ad Hoc, Special, and Ethics and Governance Committees which shall be comprised of five (5) Council members.
  2. Returning Staff Council members shall serve on a minimum of one (1) committee of their choosing. New Staff Council members shall serve on a minimum of one (1) committee. New Staff Council members shall submit their top three (3) committees and will then be assigned a committee by the Executive Committee based on Council needs.
  3. Staff Council members shall volunteer to chair/co-chair a committee or the committee may elect a chair and co-chair. All committee chairs must have served one year in the committee prior to being chair of same committee, Chair cannot be Chair on more than committee, except when Executives ask a Chair to mentor another chair.
  4. The Past President’s position serves as ex-officio, therefore that position is eligible to serve and/or chair committees.
  5. The Nominations Committee shall distribute committee sign-up forms to Council members and provide a listing of committee chair/co-chairs and members by the September Staff Council monthly meeting.
  6. A Committee Chair may be removed by ¾ majority of the Executive Committee.

The term of a committee member shall be for one (1) year. A committee member may choose to serve on the same committee(s) the following year.

Section 2. Meetings

Each committee shall meet once a month. Additional meetings may be called by the Staff Council President, or upon request of the chair/co-chair or a committee member.  If a committee does not have business, they shall be waived from meeting monthly.

Section 3. Expectations

The Staff Council standing committees shall accept business items recommended or assigned to the committee by the Staff Council Officers and/or Staff Council members.

Committees shall address the item(s) in a responsible and timely manner and may create subcommittees to study specific issues, make recommendations, and refer items as necessary.

Standing committees have the authority to request, of the Staff Council Officers, the appointment of an ad hoc committee for special business under their jurisdiction.

Committee chairs shall report current committee business to Staff Council at each monthly meeting. Chairs shall prepare and submit a complete written annual report, regarding the work of the committee, to the Council President and Secretary by the September Council monthly meeting.

No Committee members may act for or on behalf of Staff Council without the prior written consent of the executive committee.


Section 4. Standing Committees

Staff Council standing committees shall be the Activities and Events, Communication and Outreach, Nominations, and Operational Support Committees.  All committee activities and recommendations are subject to approval by Staff Council.


Activities and Events Committee

Community Service

To encourage volunteerism among Staff Council and organize charitable events for Council involvement.  Community Service Committee shall work to engage the Council and University staff in community-service efforts.

 Expectations and Procedures

  1. To plan, organize, and implement Council participation in various university and Council events such as Cancer Awareness fundraisers and events, March of Dimes and Meals on Wheels fundraisers, Homecoming, Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Christmas projects, and other activities Staff Council participates.

 Staff Awards Ceremony

To organize the annual Staff Awards Ceremony.

 Expectations and Procedures

  1. Plan and organize the annual Staff Awards Ceremony each year.
  2. Create committee timeline for duties and assignments.
  3. Determine a location, date, and time for the event and confirm University Executives will be attending.
  4. Request a list of service years for staff employees from Human Resources and Chartwells.
  5. Send campus email, to staff, requesting verification of service award and preferred name for the award.
  6. Send Punchbowl ceremony invite campus-wide and request Punchbowl RSVP to create and print award recipient nametags.
  7. Request quotes for the following: lapel pins, certificates and programs, frames, Distinguished Staff Awards and certificates, and food.
  8. Secure photographer, Íæż½ã½ã Mascot, and Íæż½ã½ã backdrop.
  9. Distribute Distinguished Staff Award Nominations and collect and score nominations to determine award recipients.
  10. Schedule rehearsals and walk through before the ceremony.
  11. Schedule volunteers to frame certificates.
  12. Secure committee volunteers to help with duties the day of the ceremony.
  13. Posthumous Service Award, Lamar or Staff Council Service, shall be awarded to the honoree’s family at the Staff Awards Ceremony. By request, Human Resources can provide the honoree’s next of kin’s contact information for the invitation. In the event the honoree’s family is not available to receive the award, a designee may accept the award on their behalf.

 Staff Social Events

Plan and coordinate special events incorporating business and/or social activities to foster staff networking and promote unity among Staff Council and University staff.

Expectations and Procedures

  1. Organize campus events that will allow Staff Council to show their support of staff.
  2. Organize network opportunities among staff and Staff Council.

 Student Success

Organize and/or volunteer to help with student-related activities to show support of students from Staff Council.  And focus on improving shared concerns that directly contribute to student success and engagement.

 Expectations and Procedures

  1. Fall Welcome
  2. Homecoming
  3. Spring Event

B. Communication and Outreach Committee


In working with all Staff Council committees, communicate activities, events, and projects related to or sponsored by Staff Council.

 Expectations and Procedures

  1. Newsletter
  2. Announcements
  3. Website
  4. Marketing
  5. Publications

 Staff Relations

Promote a safe and healthy working environment and foster communication among staff and Staff Council.  Identify and investigate concerns, issues, and improvements affecting University staff. 

 Expectations and Procedures

  1. Safety
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Environmental
  4. Mentorship
  5. Town Hall Meetings
  6. Research staff issues affecting overall work environment.
  7. Make recommendations to Staff Council for action and resolution.

C. Nominations Committee


To solicit candidates for membership vacancies on Staff Council, Staff Council Officers; and to carry out elections in accordance with Council Bylaws. Establish operating procedures for the nomination and election of members to the Council.

Expectations and Procedures

  1. Request staff employee listing from Human Resources including hiring dates and update University
  2. division and/or department representation.
  3. Prepare and distribute nomination forms to each division and/or department.
  4. Tally nomination results and prepare any run-off election forms.
  5. Announce Staff Council membership results at the July Council monthly meeting.
  6. Prepare and distribute officer nominations in July.
  7. Create a ballot of officer candidates to distribute, vote, tally, and announce results at the August Council monthly meeting.
  8. Tally votes and announce results at the August meeting.
  9. Procedures are subject to approval by a quorum vote of the Council.
  10. The chair/co-chair and members shall not be a candidate for officer elections.
  11. Results of the nominations and elections shall be given to the Staff Council Secretary.

Nominations Drive

In working with the Communications and Outreach Committee, create Staff Council recruitment materials.

Expectations and Procedures

  1. Create Staff Council marketing and promotional materials to disseminate during the annual nominations drive.
  2. Generate announcements and publications for use in promoting Staff Council during the nominations process.

D. Operational Support Committe


To review, make recommendations and facilitate discussion regarding Bylaw revisions and policy statements. Act as parliamentary advisory in order to maintain productive Staff Council meetings.

Expectations and Procedures 

  1. Review Bylaws and recommend amendments that are appropriate and consistent with current Bylaws, with support from Staff Council.
  2. Monitor the adherence to the Bylaws and conduct amendment procedures.
  3. Upon ratification of an amendment to the Bylaws, a link to the revised version shall be distributed to all Staff Council members within one month.

Section 5. Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Staff Council Ad Hoc and Special Committees shall be appointed by the Staff Council Officers at the request of a Council officer, committee chair, or Council members.  Such committees shall be created as needs arise or for special business within a standing committee’s jurisdiction, to review and address specific issues.

  1. Each ad hoc and special committee shall have at least five (5) members.
  2. Ad hoc and special committees shall elect a chair/co-chair; accept the issue(s) assigned to the committee; address the issue(s) in a responsible and timely manner; present updates of committee activities and give a final report of recommendations.
  3. The life of the committee will be determined by the matter under consideration and the committee shall be dissolved once the charge has been completed.

Section 6. Ethics and Governance Committee

Ethics and Governance Committee shall be created in the event a Council member, or officer’s actions are in question.   A confidential committee shall be formed to review the grievance(s) and determine a plan of action, referred to as Staff Council Disciplinary Action, to resolve the issue(s).  The committee’s recommendation stands and shall be recorded.  Any Council member or officer with a Staff Council Disciplinary Action on record shall not be eligible to serve as an officer or committee chair.

 A standing committee shall consist of Executive Board and 2 or 3 members from Bylaws including Bylaws Chair. Committee will consist of 7 Members total. Records shall remain confidential and held by the Staff Council Secretary, Nominations Chair, and Staff Council Liaison.

 Provision of Removal from Staff Council Membership or Officer Position

  1. Staff Council members and officers are required to abide to the Íæż½ã½ã Staff Council Bylaws, Staff Council Officer Duties and Responsibilities, and Íæż½ã½ã University Policies and Procedures.
  2. The violation of any or all of the requirements, but not limited to those listed previously, are considered grounds for removal.
  3. A finding of violation made requires that:
    1. There be a significant departure from established practices.
    2. The violation be committed deliberately, knowingly, or irresponsibly.
    3. The allegations be proven by a preponderance of the evidence.


Procedure for Removal from Staff Council Membership or Officer Position


  1. A report of a perceived violation, by a Staff Council member or officer, may be made by any member of Staff Council, Íæż½ã½ã staff, faculty, or student body.
  2. The Complainant must file a written, signed statement with the Staff Council Officers within thirty (30) calendar days of the knowledge of the event or decision on which the grievance is based.
  3. The written complaint must contain specific, detailed information concerning the alleged violation of the Bylaws, policies and procedures, or examples of failure to fulfill officer duties and responsibilities.
  4. The Ethics and Governance Committee shall provide a written copy of the allegation to the Council member or officer.


  1. The Ethics and Governance Committee shall convene to review the written complaint.
  2. If the committee reaches a decision that the allegation warrants a more through inquiry, they shall begin an investigation within ten (10) working days of receipt of the allegation.
  3. Investigation shall include full review of the complaint. Interviews with all parties involved, including witnesses may be conducted as deemed appropriate.
  4. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Ethics and Governance Committee shall provide a full investigative report to the Staff Council Officers. If the allegation involves an officer, they shall be excluded from receiving the report.
Formal Inquiry
  1. An Ethics and Governance Committee meeting shall be called immediately following the conclusion of the initial investigation to discuss the removal of a Council member or officer.
  2. The Ethics and Governance Committee Chair shall notify the Council member or officer that a meeting has been scheduled to discuss removal from his/her position on the Council.
  3. The Ethics and Governance Committee may interview anyone who could contribute information helpful to the inquiry.
  4. The Council member or officer shall have the opportunity to be heard and defend him/herself against the allegation, including providing additional pertinent evidence and witnesses.
  5. A subsequent Ethics and Governance Committee meeting may be called for further discussion.

 Conclusion of Formal Inquiry

  1. The Ethics and Governance Committee shall recommend action to the Staff Council Officers.
  2. A final decision shall be made in a timely manner once the investigation is concluded.
  1. The Council member or officer shall not vote on his/her own action or removal.
  2. The Ethics and Governance Committee and Council Officers must receive a majority vote for the removal of a Council member or officer.
  3. Removal from a Council member or officer position shall include removal from all the duties and responsibilities of Council membership for the remainder of the current term.
  4. A Council member or officer that has been removed from Staff Council, due to Disciplinary Action, shall not be eligible for Staff Council membership. This action shall remain in effect indefinitely.
  5. A Council member or officer that receives a Staff Council Disciplinary Action, but remains a Staff Council member, shall not be eligible to serve as an officer or committee chair. This action shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Article X - Amendments

Section 1. Bylaws Amendments

These Bylaws shall be amended by a quorum vote of Staff Council members. Amendments may be proposed and voted on at the same meeting.



Bylaws adopted: September 29, 1993
Revisions: September 2017, July 2011, May 2008
Partial Revisions: August 2016, September 2014, September 2013, 
 September 2023,  August 2024