
Student Life


Social Activities

Texas Academy students enjoy access to the complete offerings of a major university — seminars, distinguished lecturers, forums in the fine arts and the humanities, research and lab facilities, professional societies and mentors. Students enjoy a full calendar of cultural and social events that include prom,  recitals, concerts, plays, cultural celebrations, homecoming, research conferences and sporting events. Texas Academy students may participate fully in Íæż½ã½ã campus activities (except Greek life and NCAA Sports), through campus-wide student organizations, university newspaper, band, cheer, choir, dance, theatre, orientation leadership, academy-exclusive clubs and other student leadership opportunities.

To support the development of its students, Texas Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities designed to fulfill current students’ interests and goals. All officers in Texas Academy organizations must be in good standing and earn and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Texas Academy students also have the opportunity to further their leadership skills by organizing and operating their own special interest clubs and organizations. 





Texas Academy Clubs

  • Club Overview

    Clubs provide both social interaction, service opportunities, and contribute to the overall student experience, therefore are expected to join a minimum of one Academy club, and one university organization. 

    The membership fee for each Academy club is $20 (your first club fee is covered in your Student Activity Fee), with the exception of Model UN which requires a $50 fee to cover competition registration. 

    Members will need to attend each club meeting, participate in various activites, and actively contribute to the club. 



  • Art Club

    In the Texas Academy Art Club, you can hone your art skills, learn new techniques, and meet people who share your interests!

    During the school year, we plan to:

    • Explore famous artworks from throughout history from prehistoric cave paintings to renaissance to modern surrealism-- and anywhere in between.
    • Experiment with different media and art techniques, such as painting, origami, drawing comics, or creating mosaics.
    • Dip into other categories of art, ranging from architecture, fashion, poetry, and more!
  • Crafty Confectioners Club
    The Crafty Confectioners Club (Home Ec) will explore different life skills and fundraise for the Texas Academy. In our club we will bake, crochet, and much more. We will also collaborate with other clubs on creative projects.
  • Med and Safety Club
    Medical (Med) Club is dedicated and focused on hosting medical related activities and hands-on experience. Club members will be given multiple opportunities to learn about various medical subjects and medical applications to the real world. 
  • Journalism Club
    The Journalism Club will capture and share meaningful memories through the Texas Academy newsletter, and yearbook. 
  • Social Club
    Social Club is responsible for planning events and social gatherings within the academy. The primary goal is to create activities where students have the opportunity to network and build relationships with one another. 
  • STEM Club
    STEM Club explores opportunities for students to explore careers, topics, and challenges through project-based learning opportunities that utilize a collaborative learning approach, experimentation, and problem-solving approaches. Activities include robotics, coding, environmental engineering, and so much more.

Texas Academy Competition Teams

  • Model United Nations

    Model United Nations (MUN) meets weekly to practice for the Houston Area Model United Nations (HAMUN) competition.

    By participating in MUN, student's develops key skills that are necessary to succeed in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. As a simulation of the United Nations, Model UN inherently nurtures a global mindset in its participants. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity for delegates to craft and practice research, writing, and public speaking skills simultaneously, in a practical context. The skills students develop at HAMUN translate into abilities that will help them in a myriad of future professional endeavors. HAMUN is a conference where critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, and diplomacy are a requirement, not a recommendation, for success. 

    For more information on HAMUN visit their ! 

  • VEX Robotics

    Texas Academy has two VEX Robotic Teams that compete in the Íæż½ã½ã VEX Competition. 

    VEX competitions are highly engaging and hands-on. Participants get to work with real-world technology, which sparks their interest in STEM fields. When students see the practical applications of science and technology, they are more likely to develop a passion for these subjects.

  • Mock Trial
    Mock trial is an internationally recognized competition that improves competitors' critical thinking, public speaking, writing, and legal analysis skills in a fun, engaging, and supportive environment. The Texas Academy Mock Trial team provides the opportunity for students with a passion for the legal field or debate to enhance their skills. 

Texas Academy Committees

  • Social Media Committee
    The Social Media Committee is overseen by the Student Council Historian and Texas Academy Coordinator. They are responsible for managing all Texas Academy social media accounts, taking photos at events alongside the Journalism Club, and creating engaging content. 

Texas Academy Student Organizations

  • Peer Mentor Program

    As a Texas Academy Peer Mentor, you are not only a leader amongst your peers, but a face for the Texas Academy Program. You are the are expected to encourage positive behaviors and serve as a positive role model for all students. When selecting Co-Leads and Peer Mentors, we look for students who are enthusiastic, active within the academy, and are always the first ones to jump in and lend a helping hand.  

    Our Texas Academy Peer Mentors and Co-Leads are expected to uphold to the following expectations: 

    1. Be Reliable 
    2. Be Trustworthy 
    3. Possess a positive attitude 
    4. Be a Leader 
    5. Be the Example 
    6. Adhere to the confidentiality pertaining to staff and students 
    7. Students who break confidentiality will be given an INCIDENT and will immediately be removed from their role. 

    Co-Leads and Peer Mentors will sign a non-disclosure agreement when selected for the role. This states that you will not discuss private matters with any other students.  

    If you have any issues meeting the above expectations, please discuss your concerns with your Peer Mentor Co-Lead and Advisor. Students that do not adhere to the above expectations will be removed from their role immediately. Additional disciplinary actions may follow.  

    In order to be eligible to apply to be a PM and/or Co-Lead, students must: 

    1. Not have any disciplinary record with the exception of occurences
    2. Be in good standing with the Texas Academy by maintaining a 3.0, and no D's or F's
      1. Students who will be off probation may apply, but if they are selected and are not off probation by the end of the spring term, they will be removed from their role. 
    3. Have completed all service hours as required by TA

    PM Academic Year Timeline and Semester Assignments 

    Peer Mentor Co-Leads will plan the PM Kick Off Mixer that will take place in August, and End of the Year Bash that will take place in April/May. All Peer Mentors are expected to be at each event and assist where needed.  

    Orientation: Peer Mentor Co-Leads will work with StuCo to plan student orientation. All PM’s, Co-Leads and StuCo will be present to execute the event.  


    In addition, Peer Mentors will need to complete the following: 

    1. Create a GroupMe for your PM Group and add your Co-Lead  
    2. 1 Semester activity in person with ALL Mentees during the months October – November 
    3. This needs to be planned well in advance so that all mentees can attend 
    4. 1 One-on-one Meeting with mentees during each semester  
    5. We will provide you with talking points/questions 
    6. Once meeting is completed you will turn in feedback to Co-Lead. Co-Leads will provide updates to Peer Mentor advisor at their next meeting.  

    Photo verification will need to be provided for all meetings whether it be virtual or in person to verify attendance.  

    In addition to the above, Peer Mentor groups will also “compete” on a point system. All students will receive 1 point per service hour, and additional outings with your entire group will gain you 50 points per outing.  


    PM Co-Lead Overview 

    The Texas Academy Peer Mentor Program will have two Co-Leads each academic year. Co-Leads along with all Peer Mentors are selected be Texas Academy staff.  

    Responsibilities of a Co-Lead: 

    1. Sit in on Student Executive Board Meetings as voting members 
    2. Meet monthly with the PM Advisor 
    3. Create a check-list for new students in TA (work with all PMs on this) 
    4. Oversee 5 mentor groups 
    5. Create questions and talking points for PM one-on-one meetings with their mentees 
    6. Review feedback from mentors and provide updates to PM advisor 
    7. Monitor PM GroupMe accounts to verify PMs are communicating with their mentees regularly 
    8. Hold Peer Mentors accountable when they are not meeting the expectations listed above 
    9. If there is an issue, communicate with PM to determine where and what any issues may be before requesting the advisor speak with them 
    10. Track and update the PM point system spreadsheet by documenting monthly activities, and any additional points given 
    11. Advisor will add points as service hours are submitted 
    12. Plan the PM Kick Off Event/Mixer and assign roles for PM’s 
    13. Coordinate with Student Council to plan Senior Mafia and the End-Of-Year Bash 
    14. Setup and go over the PM Pyramid at all Community Meetings that will showcase who is in the lead for points 
  • Student Council

    The Texas Academy Student Council will serve the students of the academy by: 


    President - will serve as the visionary leader and the primary manager of council initiatives, with responsibilities including, but not limited to: Collaborating with the council to create a vision plan for the academic year.

    • Leading Community Meetings
    • Utilizing parliamentary procedures to ensure inclusive decision-making 
    • Addressing suggestions and managing student morale
    • Coordinating with the council for annual Constitution updates 
    • Overseeing the production of the graduation video


    Vice President – will focus on the social aspects of student life, with duties involving:

    • Assuming the Presidency in the event of the President's resignation or removal 
    • Conducting meetings in the President's absence 
    • Ensuring clubs are integrated into the council's social initiatives 
    • Building partnerships with external organizations to support council objectives and benefit the student body 
    • Organizing networking events, speaker, and seminars for educational and professional development


    Secretary – will manage communications and records, with responsibilities including:
    • Take attendance for Community Meetings 
    • Creating agendas for Student Council meetings and Community Meetings 
    • Recording and maintaining meeting minutes 
    • Managing room reservations 
    • Creating an annual calendar of events 

    Treasurer - is responsible for financial management, with duties including:

    • Developing the annual/semesterly budget with the council 
    • Managing fundraisers and financial transactions 
    • Maintaining detailed financial records for transparency 
    • Securing external funding, sponsorships, and donations 

    Junior Representative – will ensure proper representation of the junior class, with responsibilities including:

    • Serving as a voting member and voice for the junior class 
    • Gathering junior class opinions to inform council during meetings 
    • Leading fundraising activities in collaboration with the Treasurer 
    • Collaborate with the vice president to obtaining external funding/partnerships 

    Historian - will preserve the council's legacy and fosters community memory through documenting council activities, events, and milestones through: 

    • Maintaining an archive of photographs, videos, and documents 
    • Manage and oversee social media committee 
    • Assume the role of the secretary, until the secretary is elected in the fall 

    Note: All positions are not confined to the responsibilities listed herein and may encompass additional duties and initiatives as needed to advance the council's mission and respond to the dynamic needs of the student body. 

    Election Rules: 

    Candidates must have a clean disciplinary record, with no actions taken against them for misconduct, with the exception of occurences. Candidates may run if they are currently on probation, but if they are not removed from probation prior to the start of the term they serve they will immediately be removed from the role, and the opponent with the highest amount of votes will take their place. 

    Candidates must meet the following specific requirements for each role:

    President: The election for this position will be held in spring semester for juniors only. 

    • Should provide relevant insight into why they are qualified and a vision to the student body of things they plan to work on during their presidency.
    Vice President:The election for this position will be held in spring semester for juniors only. 
    • Should provide relevant insight into why they are qualified for this role. 
    Treasurer: The election for this position will be held in spring semester for juniors only. 
    • Should provide relevant insight into why they are qualified for this role. 
    Historian: The election for this position will be held in spring semester for juniors only. 
    • Should provide relevant insight into why they are qualified for this role. 
    • Must provide a present a portfolio during the election. * 
    Secretary: Elections will be held during the week of welcome. 
    • This position is open to ANY student at the academy. 
    • Should provide relevant insight into why they are qualified for this role. 

    Junior Representative: Elections will be held during the week of welcome ONLY for incoming juniors.

    • Must be a junior at the Texas Academy.
    • Should provide insight into why they are qualified for this role. 
  • Texas Academy Honor Society

    The goal of the Texas Academy Honor Society chapter is to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community. Our chapter will strive to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The Texas Academy Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all these areas.


    Qualifications: To qualify, TA junior level students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and have completed at least 18 service hours in the fall semester, and 18 completed for spring before selections are made in March.   

    *Eligible seniors that wish to apply must meet all requirements by the end of the Fall term. They will be inducted early so that they can participate in the spring service project to earn their stole.  

    Officers Roles:

    President: Responsible for setting up regular group meetings and communicating with the advisor on meeting overviews and upcoming volunteer work.

    Vice President: Assist President with holding group meetings and finding additional service opportunities for both TAHS members, and TA student body.

    Secretary: Responsible for keeping role at meetings, taking notes, sending out reminders and notifying TAHS members and TA student body of volunteer opportunities. The secretary will coordinate with TA coordinator and success coach to add volunteer opportunities in Íæż½ã½ã Hub.



    TAHS members are required to maintain a minimum of 18 service hours per semester, and in addition to the 18 hours serve at one Texas Academy and/or Honors event per semester. The selected events will be exclusive to TAHS members only for volunteering. These include Honors Scholars Day, Paneling at Preview Days, Spindletop Events with Welcome Center, working the booth at Cardinal View, Texas Academy Graduate Luncheon, and Graduation.

    TAHS members will also need to organize and execute one collaborative service project that involves a local National Junior Honor Society chapter. Selection of the local NJHS chapter will be dependent on which school districts current TAHS members were a part of, and what schools are willing to participate.

    TAHS members are expected to participate at the TAHS induction ceremony where they may be asked to speak to one of the pillars, open and/or close, hand off certificates to new members, and serve as greeters.

    TAHS members will receive a certificate when inducted and a stole as a senior for graduation.