
Frequently Asked Questions

Post Award FAQs

  • Do I Need Approval from The Sponsor To Rebudget Funds for Specific Items or Services?

    You should review your award terms and conditions to determine the appropriate process for requesting changes to your award budget. If the sponsor requires prior approval of changes to the budget, post award will process approved budget revisions and update the account in the university's Banner system. You should always plan to spend according to budget unless you are certain variations are allowed.

  • Does Post Award Need a Copy of My Technical Reports Required Under the Award?

    While post award does not require a copy of the technical report, it is good business practice for the PI’s department to either keep a copy of the report or documentation showing the report submission to the sponsor.

  • I Will Be Leaving Íæż½ã½ã. Can I Transfer My Award?

    If you know you are leaving Íæż½ã½ã, it is important that you consider how each award on which you are either a PI or co-PI will be impacted. In some cases, a new Íæż½ã½ã PI/Co-PI will need to be named, and in other cases, the award may be transferred with you to your new institution.

    You should discuss these options with pre/post award, your department head, and any other PIs/Co-PIs involved to determine the best approach for ensuring the success of the project outcomes.

  • My Award is Going to End, But I'm Not Finished With the Work. What Can I Do?

    If it appears you will not be able to complete the work by the end date of the project, please contact your post award administrator to see what options may be available to you. It is possible the sponsor may allow a no-cost extension (NCE) on the project, extending the end date by a certain period of time.

    In order to request the NCE, you will need to contact ORSPA and provide them with a justification of why the extension is necessary. Please note that requesting an extension only to spend the remaining funds is not a valid reason to extend the project. Some sponsors do require additional budgetary information, and post award can advise you of additional information that may be needed before making the request to the sponsor.

    ORSPA will be the one to actually submit the formal request to the sponsor and will update the end date of the project if the extension is approved. If the NCE is not approved, communication with your program manager is essential to making sure both Íæż½ã½ã and the sponsor are satisfied with the work that will actually be completed by the end date.

  • What is a No-Cost Extension (NCE)?

    A No-Cost Extension is an extended performance period with no additional funding committed to the project. Sponsors expect the sponsored project to be completed within the specified deadline, however, the sponsor may agree to an extended performance period, but commit no additional funding.

    A No-Cost Extension should NOT be requested because of unspent funds.

    Deadlines for requesting the NCE vary by sponsor, so you should check your award terms and conditions. Generally, requests are due to the sponsor thirty (30) days prior to the current end date of the project. Additional requests are often due to the sponsor sixty (60) days prior to the extended end date of the project.

    Please allow time for ORSPA to review and process your request.

  • How Long of an No-Cost Extension (NCE) Can I Request?

    Federal sponsors typically allow a request of a full twelve months, although this time period can vary in certain circumstances.

    For those in question, as well as all other sponsors, please consult ORSPA.

  • What Are Valid Reasons for Requesting a No-Cost Extension (NCE)?

    Examples of reasons a sponsor may accept:

    • Additional time is needed to ensure completion of the original approved project scope and objectives.
    • To repeat tests to obtain results lost due to _______.
    • Lack of success in locating a graduate student with suitable capabilities.
    • Extensive delay in production or shipment of key equipment or supplies.
    • Transfer of a key project participant, or time lost due to illness/injury of a key project participant.
  • Under What Conditions Are Sponsors Likely to Deny a Request for a No-Cost Extension (NCE)?
    • The request was received after the original end date or after the deadline for requesting the NCE.
    • The terms and conditions of the award prohibit the extension.
    • Justification provided by the PI is insufficient to warrant an extension.
  • May I Request Additional Funds in My No-Cost Extension (NCE) Request?

    A No-Cost Extension is one in which no additional funds will be borne by the sponsor.

    A request for additional funding would require a separate process. Typically, additional funds would only be allowed in the case where a new scope of work has been added to the project or the current scope of work has been edited.

  • Can I Submit a Request for a Second No-Cost Extension (NCE)?

    Yes, in some cases you may request an additional NCE. However, the process varies based on the sponsor. Consult with ORSPA for guidance.

  • Where and How Do I Spend My Indirect Cost Allocation?

    For Colleges, your portion of the IDC spread will be put into your designated IDC account. You will then be able to spend directly from this account. If you do not know your college IDC account Index/Fund number, please contact Ronald Johnson at extension 7015.

    For Department and PI IDC allocations, the split will be made to ORSPA's designated IDC account. You will need to contact ORSPA to spend your allocated IDC.

  • What Can I Spend My Indirect Costs On?

    Once your IDC has been posted and split, uses of your IDC money are less restrictive than those of the grant/contract. Uses of your IDC can be anything that the grant/contract did not allow, but must still abide by university purchasing policies, procedures and regulations.